Take the space supermarket to farm

Chapter 42 The Furoshiki

Chapter 42 The Furoshiki

Jiang Shi's complexion suddenly changed.

Xia Youtian hurriedly held Jiang's hand and said, "I said this, not because I don't want to split up. It's really..."

He told Jiang Shi's experience from beginning to end, and he didn't even mention the beard.I just told Jiang Shi not to spread the word, especially not to mention it to the younger sister Xia Yujiao.

The most important of these was the notice he saw at the city gate.

Beiguan Town has to recruit and issue civilian husbands, and the number is double the number in previous years.

The government did not explain why it was suddenly necessary to recruit more people.But if there is no separation, although the Xia family has a lot of houses, there are not many people who need to leave.

However, now they are separated.Xia Youtian could not escape from this room after the expropriation of the people's husband.Goro hasn't become a child yet, so Xia Youtian can only go there in person.If you don't want to go, you have to spend money.

Xia Arita was hit hard by this.

I always felt that when the family split up, it would be fine if I persisted and tried my best to convince the old couple.

But Zhou's management of money is too tight on weekdays, and everyone feels uncomfortable.

When they first saw the opportunity to establish their own business, the big guys couldn't help but be excited. How could they still think of the issue of expropriating civilians?
Xia Youtian and Jiang Shi were relatively speechless, and they were depressed for a long time before they fell asleep physically and mentally exhausted.

Early the next morning, the couple simply had breakfast, discussed it for a while, and quickly passed the news to the old couple, as well as several other house heads.

After that, I went to Lizheng's house and Xia Pingkang's house again to spread the news.

If you meet familiar folks, you will also mention it.

The news that the Beiguan County Yamen wanted to recruit the people's husbands quickly spread as if they had grown wings.Every family is depressed.

Father Xia and Mrs Zhou were still in disbelief.

At this time, it is spring!
Even if the expropriation of civilians is to be made, it should be chosen in winter, after all, the farming time should not be missed.

But soon, the news that Xia Youtian brought back was confirmed.

The officers who came to Beiguancun to collect and distribute the people's husband appeared together with Li Zheng, and brought a few of his subordinates, beating gongs and drums, picking people from house to house.

The principle of picking people is simple.

The family with many sons is selected first, and the family without sons can be exempted from the election, but they have to pay one tael of money for the service.If you can't get the money, you have to find someone to serve you.

For a single family of independent households, a civilian husband is required.

Therefore, those families who are not separated are very fortunate at this time.

The people who are recruited must bring their own salutes, bring their own dry food and silver money, and follow the selected servants.

The reason why they were not given two days to carefully pack their salutes was mainly because they were afraid that someone would escape from service.

After all, being a husband is very hard work, and is often beaten, scolded and bullied.

Moreover, in case of any accident on the road, there are not many cases where no one is alive or dead.

Even if you are lucky enough to have no arms or legs, you can come back with all your tails, and when you get home, you will be seriously ill, and there will be precedents for hollowing out your body and your family.

Li Zheng and the officer soon came to Xia's house.

The officer was already followed by a group of civilians with simple luggage.

The faces of the Xia family became ugly.

Li Zheng smiled very kindly, even slightly flattering.It's very different from the usual look on the shelf.

The guard had a straight face from beginning to end, his head raised high, and he looked at people through his nostrils.The vigor that used chicken feathers as arrows was irritating to look at.

But everyone just gritted their teeth secretly, but no one dared to be that early rafter.

Even the stinky and tough-tempered Zhou Shi firmly suppressed his temperament and did not want to be serious with the officials.

Since the Xia family has split up, this time it can't be counted as a family.

The old couple brought a daughter, Xia Yujiao. The old man Xia is over age. Xia Yujiao is not a male and can be exempted.

But you have to pay [-] yuan of consignment money.

Xia has a wealthy family, and Xia Dalang is a scholar and can be exempted from the tax.

But Xia Dalang hadn't entered school at this time, so he could only be exempted from his share, but he could not be exempted from labor for the whole family.

If Xia Youcai didn't want to be a civilian husband, he could only pay the money honestly.

He can also find someone to intercede.

But if you use this method, it will only look good on the surface, but in fact, you will make more money.

Xia Yougui's family has already negotiated that Erlang should serve.

Xia Erlang is 19 years old, and will be 20 years old after the new year. He is a young and strong guy, and the officials are very satisfied.

But the faces of Old Master Xia and Mrs Zhou turned dark.

The second child is too incompetent!
This kind of drudgery, the second child, as a father, is not willing to endure the hardship by himself.

Not only did he not protect his son, but he let Erlang stand in the front!

It's just that Xia Yougui's family has a large population and many males. Xia Yougui and Xia Saburo, who has just become a child, have to pay a full one tael of money for service.

Sanfang Xia Youxi has only two daughters, so they can be exempted, but they have to pay one tael of silver.

Sifang Xia Arita was reluctant to give up the money and wanted to serve in person.He was stopped by Jiang's life.Jiang Shi cried and wiped away tears, and almost knelt down to the official messenger.

Although the official's attitude is arrogant, but looking at Xia Youtian's family, except for Wulang, they are all female dependents, and only Xia Youtian is an old man who can stand up and establish a family. .

The premise is that the fourth room has to pay [-] taels of money for the service.

Originally, Xia Youtian was so distressed that he wanted to pay a tael of silver, and even felt regretful about the separation.This time, he was asked to pay two taels of silver, and he couldn't bear it any longer:
"Oh, why is it so expensive for me?"

The official rolled his eyes impatiently, and raised his head a little bit again:

"What are you talking about? The county magistrate has set the money for this generation of servants!

You are not a scholar, and you have a son who is about to become a child at home, so you could not be exempted from the tax.

If you are not willing to pay the money, just come with me! "

Xia Youtian wanted to go with the officer, but he was hugged by the big family and stopped him.Jiang Shi hurriedly went to pick up the broken silver and handed over the money.The official sneered at Xia Youtian and walked away.

Mrs. Cheng of the fifth room was very neat and tidy, and before the fifth one was confused, he had already handed over the money for the consignment service.

When the official and Li Zheng left the Xia family, they only took Xia Erlang with them.

Xia Erlang remained silent and said nothing.

Seeing the group of people walking away, Xia Daohua couldn't help it. She quickly ran into her house, and quickly rushed out with a furoshiki. After chasing it far away, she shoved the bulging furoshiki. Xia Erlang.

Xia Erlang's somewhat vicissitudes of expression cracked a crack, smiled at Xia Daohua, took the furoshiki, touched her head, and followed the official.

Xia Daohua watched Xia Erlang's back, secretly looking forward to his safe return.

(End of this chapter)

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