Chapter 394 Background
Destiny Zero is in this work.

Jing Yu mainly added to the version of the video website, and the content was still about the plot of Artoria.

For example, in the fsn game plot, about the past of the King of Knights.

Of course, for the expansion of this plot, Jing Yu can use its historical version and work version.

What is the image of King Arthur in history, Jing Yu just used pictures to express it, there is too much content, and the additional content of these works is too long, which will affect the audience's experience of watching the drama.

But the image of King Arthur in this play.
In the version broadcast by the three major video sites last week, Jing Yu shot a segment that lasted about 5 minutes at the end of the filming.

These clips are basically taken from the content of the original fsn game
Of course, these are far from enough, and a lot of text introductions are needed.

These are naturally the benefits of website payers.

For the audience, this expansion of the plot about Artoria will undoubtedly make Arturia played by Tang Rui the focus of this drama during this week.

And they were also shocked by the worldview in this drama.

In the fifth century A.D. in Blue Star World, the Roman Empire was invaded by foreign enemies, and the British Isles under the territory of the Roman Empire also fell into battle. Uther Pendragon, one of the princes of the British Isles, was a magician with one of his subordinates. Merlin, plans to create a new king.
This is the premise of the birth of Artoria.As a woman, she cannot directly inherit the throne, but she only sleeps for three hours a day, and receives a lot of martial arts, and instills knowledge about being a king.

After the death of the old king Uther, his subordinates proposed to choose a new king by pulling out the sword in the stone.

But no matter who it is, it cannot draw the sword in the stone.Whether it is a strong soldier or a brave knight, no one can pull out the sword in the stone.

Until this moment. Although she concealed her identity as the descendant of Old King Uther, Artoria, who has been receiving knowledge training from the crown prince, stood in front of everyone.
"Once you draw this sword, you will no longer be the little girl you used to be."

This was what the magician Merlin said to Arturia before she drew the sword.

Without any hesitation, she pulled out the sword symbolizing the king as a matter of course!
From this moment on, time is stuck for her. The power of the sword in the stone and the scabbard makes her body and age stay in this moment forever. She is 15 years old. The most beautiful moment

After becoming a queen, in order to hide her true gender, she also married a queen, Guinevere, as a king.

Lancelot, the chief knight of the Knights of the Round Table, fell in love with Guinevere.

Arturia Pendragon, the girl who was chosen to be king because she pulled out the sword in the stone.

Because he is too heroic and takes the lead when charging on the battlefield, he is almost regarded by the soldiers as an invincible god of war.

But a king who is not old, who takes the lead in every war, but never dies for a long time, is destined to be feared by the people around him.

Because she accidentally violated the spirit of chivalry in the battle, the sword in the stone was broken, and Merlin brought her a new sword from the holy lake, "Sword of Promised Victory!"

Victory in war must be obtained at a corresponding price, and a village's supplies must be squeezed to reorganize its armaments.

Before the alien race invades, first destroy the alien race. If a small number of people can be sacrificed in advance before a war starts in exchange for the survival of more people, then she will do it without hesitation.

But not understood by the people around.

The benevolent king is not a qualified king, so she never reveals her feelings, rewards and punishments are clearly defined, and there is no partiality.

But the soldiers were dissatisfied with such a king.

"King Arthur doesn't understand people's hearts."

How can a selfish person accept the leadership of a selfless king?
The affair between Lancelot and Guinevere was exposed. Although Artoria didn't mind the affair between her princess and the knights under her command, she was the king and couldn't do favoritism, so she personally burned Guinevere to the stake. .

Although Lancelot and Guinevere had an affair, they were true love. Lancelot interfered with the execution and took Guinevere away.

On the other side, a character similar to Artoria suddenly appeared. Moredre claimed to be her descendant, and in fact it was
Moredre is Artoria's older sister, the Demon Queen Morgan, an artificial human created from Artoria's blood.

But in a war, Arturia led an expedition to Rome, and during this period, Mordred rebelled under the instigation of Morgan.

Those subordinates who were dissatisfied with Artoria's selflessness also joined Mordred's rebel army.

In this case, both Artoria and Mordred were injured. Mordred was killed by Artoria, but she herself was also seriously injured.

Lancelot, the former subordinate, brought troops to assist Artoria at this moment.

On the hill of Kamran, Artoria looked at the mess. After she and Mordred died in battle, Britain was about to face the crisis of extinction.
On the hill of dead British soldiers, she watched with sadness in her eyes.

Abandoned her identity as a woman and became a king
She gave up her emotions just to become a king who is beneficial to the people
She killed countless enemies for the sake of the kingdom.
I fight for this country, for the people, for the soldiers
However, in the end this is how the country ended up.

Artoria can't accept this ending
While ordering her subordinates to return the sword of vowed victory to the holy lake, at the last stage of her life, she was reflecting on her mistakes as a king.

She regretted becoming a king.

If she hadn't been king the country, her soldiers, would not have faced the imminent end.

On the hill of Kamran, Alaya signed a heroic spirit contract with her regarding the consciousness of the world.

[She will definitely "obtain and use the Holy Grail while she is alive!" And after getting the Holy Grail to fulfill her wish, she will become a real heroic spirit after death. 】

This is the content of the contract.

So actually, why did Artoria retain the memory of the Fourth Holy Grail War in the Fifth Holy Grail War in Jingyu's previous life?

Because when she was alive, her consciousness traveled through the two Holy Grail Wars, instead of being manifested by the Holy Grail after death like other heroic spirits.

Other heroic spirits who died in the Holy Grail War will not return to their original bodies in history, and will not have any impact on the prototype characters in history, but she is different. When she is called to participate in the fourth Holy Grail War, her body can return She didn't die. If it wasn't for the fifth Holy Grail War, because she got to know Emiya Shirou and realized her wish, then she might still appear in the future Holy Grail War.

Because the contract she signed is that if she does not obtain the Holy Grail to fulfill her wish, at the last moment of her life, she will participate in the Holy Grail War countless times, and will not die until she wins.

For this plot, Jing Yu removed the part of the fifth Holy Grail War in the last week, and presented it to the audience through some short videos and text descriptions.

Of course, Jing Yu also considered whether doing so would be a kind of spoiler to the audience.

But after thinking about it a little bit, he figured it out.

Although fz is the prequel of fsn, in fact, fz came out later than fsn.

In other words, watching fsn does not affect the experience of watching fz.

In other words, only viewers who have fully understood the plot of the fate stay night game can experience the highlights of the plot of fate zero to the greatest extent.

Therefore, there is absolutely no pressure on Jing Yu to spoil these stories about Artoria's background.

Otherwise, if these things are not revealed, the audience will definitely not be able to understand the plot of the final battle between Lancelot and Artoria of the Berserker class in the fourth Holy Grail War.

It can only be said that Artoria's character image is indeed very attractive.

Especially for these audiences of the big week.
A young girl who aspired to become a king and lead Britain into a powerful country, but was betrayed by the people of her own country in the end.
It's just because she is too powerful that she is feared by the people.

It was only because she was too selfless that she was evaluated as "King Arthur, who doesn't understand people's hearts."

Even until the end, he regretted becoming the king, thinking that if he hadn't become the king himself, the fate of Britain would have been rewritten.

Seeking the power of the Holy Grail is nothing more than wishing to return to the day when I drew the sword in the stone, choosing not to draw the sword and becoming a king.

Such a role. Who doesn't like it?

The audience doesn't care whether this setting is magical or not, anyway, the history of the different world can be set whatever Jingyu wants.

Anyway, the role of Arturia.
Tonight, before the broadcast of the second episode of Destiny Zero, there were overwhelming discussions in the major film and television drama forums.

Many viewers of TV dramas are stunned when they watch the audiences on those video sites and forums discuss King Arthur, Artoria, The Sword in the Stone, Merlin, the Kingdom of Britain, and the Holy Grail.
Are we watching the same show?
The plot of the expanded version of Teacher Jing Yu's video website.
How much did you expand?
It's only one piece of May [-] episode, do you want to work so hard!

Isn't this forcing our TV station users to go to video sites for secondary consumption?

(End of this chapter)

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