Chapter 449
[Blue Star Film and Television Culture Company released news that Destiny Guardian Night is expected to make the three lines of the game into TV dramas in the next three years. 】

[According to industry sources, the Destiny series is not limited to Destiny Zero and Destiny Guardian Night, and the story of the Holy Grail War is far from over. 】

【Gilgamesh and Artoria may appear in other stories in the series. 】

[Fate Guardian Night's game sales soared to the second place throughout the year, which has expanded new ideas for game industry companies. In the future, there may be more possibilities for TV series adaptation games. 】

[It can be foreseen that in the new year, Jing Yu's Blue Star Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd. will make many big moves, not only in the TV station industry, video website industry, game industry and music industry, Jing Yu's influence is everywhere , Many people in the industry believe that the impact of Jing Yu's rise in recent years will have a profound impact on Da Zhou and even the world's entertainment industry. 】

[Genius Jingyu’s new work Evangelion has less than a month left to broadcast, and it is still broadcast on all platforms like Destiny Zero. I wonder if this work can surpass the record passed down by Destiny Zero.】

[Looking back at last year's grand broadcast of Destiny Zero, even though the four major platforms of Yunteng, Qingyun, Jixun, and Eggplant were broadcast together, the average ratings still exceeded 10%, and the cumulative average paid episodes of the four major video sites exceeded 900 million Comprehensive evaluation of Destiny Zero's achievements and contract influence has surpassed any TV series in the past 20 years, and this year, whether Jing Yu can surpass himself in the past and make his influence a step further. 】

[The six major TV stations collectively performed poorly in the spring of next year, and fans of film and television dramas on various forums complained that the six majors do not want to make progress.]

Just after the first ten days of December, the media in the film and television industry of Dazhou once again directed the topic to Jing Yu's new drama.

This can't be helped, the traffic password in the film and television drama industry is now Jing Yu, if you write an article and post it to the privacy forum, if you don't include the word Jing Yu, no one will read it.

It would be fine if some geniuses rise up in the industry, and it can also create a duel competition between the new generation of geniuses and established talents, and the expectations will be filled.

But it is a pity that in the past three years, there have been quite a few talented young creators who have emerged under the influence of Jing Yu in Dazhou, but they can be compared with Jing Yu. However, even if it feels that the potential is limitless, there is a slight possibility of growing into Jing Yu in the future. People with high status have not seen it yet.

The film and television forums routinely praised Jing Yu and insulted the Sixth National Congress as usual. This was already an entertainment item for film and television fans in the industry.

And finally on December [-]th.
Evangelion officially released the news that the first trailer of Evangelion will be broadcast simultaneously on Yunteng TV, Qingyun Video, Eggplant Video, Jixun Video, which have cooperated with Jingyu at [-]:[-] tonight.
And on Yunteng TV, not only is the trailer broadcast, Jing Yu and the Yunteng production department have decided in advance, and the interviews with the three leading actors of Evangelion after the trailer will also be broadcast live
So it stands to reason that it was just a mediocre Tuesday
But after Yunteng TV rebroadcasted the tenth episode of Initial D on Tuesday, the ratings of Yunteng TV rose from 4.89% to 54% at 7.23:[-]
It directly made Yunteng TV station the third-ranked TV station in the same time period and jumped to the first place.

This situation directly made the staff of the six major TV stations feel sad.

"Jing Yu is too perverted, he is simply a national screenwriter!"

"Let's not talk about it, my 69-year-old dad loves to watch his dramas. He keeps telling me not to do Orange Sea TV, but to join Jing Yu's company and make some meaningful TV dramas. I don't know what to do. How to say?"

"It's okay with you. My son is only nine years old. I like his Destiny Zero. I like this work so much. Didn't the game of Destiny Zero come out recently? He asked me to buy the Destiny Zero game for him to play, so I said he It would be nice to be able to get his grades from the top [-] in the class to the top [-] or [-] in the class and buy him a game to play. I won’t be able to get tenth in this month’s exam.”

"Come on, not only does my wife not watch the TV dramas I wrote, but she is also the group leader of Jing Yu's Imperial Fan Club. Every day when I go home, she tells me that they make TV dramas, and I also shoot TV dramas. She is talented and handsome. I'm just a greasy uncle. Alas, it's a good thing he doesn't live in the imperial capital, otherwise my wife's crazy energy will definitely be squatting at the shooting base to guard him every day."

"Do you know what is the biggest failure in the film and television drama industry? I told others that I was engaged in the film and television industry in Shanghai, and nine out of ten people would ask me, "Do you know Jing Yu?"Can I have an autographed photo? ", I'll be honest, I'm really hooked. Are these people polite? Shouldn't the question be what movies and TV dramas I've produced?"

"Come on, the boss of our screenwriting department is a veteran screenwriter. A few years ago, he saw Jing Yu's works bloodbath the film and television drama industry, and he was clamoring about when to educate young people, but now he doesn't mention it at all. On the contrary, if there is nothing to do, I will use the drama filmed by that guy as if trying to figure out the plot, probably stealing a lesson."

"So everyone is like this! I thought it was just that my life was surrounded by the name Jing Yu."

"Oh, it's all the same. When you watch Yunteng TV, the ratings have risen so high just because Jing Yu has an interview meeting. I don't feel it anymore. After all, I have something to do with that guy. Everything seems to be normal."

"I hope the perverts will take it easy in the next season, and don't come up with another perverted drama. At least give others a little hope of surpassing. Otherwise, this industry where everyone is desperately competing for the second place in the ratings is really quite boring."

Practitioners in the film and television drama industry in Dazhou were flocking together, and soon, ten o'clock arrived.

They don't flock anymore.

Who in Dazhou now doesn't know that Jing Yu's TV dramas represent the top productions in Dazhou's industry.

Whether it is capital investment or production strength
It's not that Liuda is not capable of investing hundreds of millions in a drama like Jing Yu's. In terms of money, Jingyu is still far behind Liuda.But the Big Six itself has no confidence, and feels that investing in such a large-scale film and television drama will not be able to recover the cost, which has created such a strange phenomenon now.
On time at ten o'clock, the screen of Yunteng TV station froze, and the next second.
A deafening roar came from the TV.

In the clouds in the distance, a small group of fighter jets swooped down at a fast speed, passed through the clouds, and swooped down to the city below
But in the next second, a huge palm slapped it down, not to say it was like a fly swatter, but the proportion was more like slapping a cockroach
boom! ! !
A burst of fireworks ignited in the sky, and then the camera zoomed out, and the air defense siren sounded in the whole city, which represented the coming crisis, and in the center of the city, there was a towering and huge muscular monster
Countless gunpowder and bullets poured on the monster, but they were all blocked by an energy mask on its surface. Soon, human weapons were completely destroyed by the monster.
The camera cuts to the front face of the monster, looking up from its feet to its expression
Ruthless, indifferent, and terrifying
This is the first 15 seconds of the Evangelion trailer that the practitioners of Da Zhou film and television dramas and fans saw.
Scalp tingling, goosebumps
After all, it was the first time for them to see this kind of robot and monster fighting masterpiece film and television drama, and the inner shock was really strong.

(End of this chapter)

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