Chapter 491 The Senses
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Space can be said to be one of the sci-fi romance works that have been adapted the most times in Jingyu's previous life in Japan.
The original work is a novel, the TV series has been adapted three to four times, and the movie has also been adapted three to four times. What Jing Yu restores in this world is the animation version produced by the former island country director Mamoru Hosoda.

In fact, this version of the heroine Konno Makoto is set to be the niece of the heroine Kazuko Yoshiyama in the original novel. It is an animated film based on the worldview of the original novel and a second adaptation.

Its relationship with the original novel is similar to the relationship between Fate Zero and Fate Guardian Night.

Of course, the original novels of Girls Who Leapt Through Time and Space and the adapted film and television dramas are also excellent, but for Jing Yu, a native of Hua in his previous life, the first thing he came into contact with was the animated film version of this work and the animated film version of Time Traveling. Girls, can be regarded as one of the rare works based on the world view of the original work that does not lose the original work.

Da Zhou's movie fans naturally don't know about these complicated relationships. After Fang Qing sat in the theater for a few minutes, the theater went dark.
The ones who appeared on the field were ordinary high school boys and girls playing on the court.
The breath of youth is rushing towards the face, and the beautiful and lively heroine Makoto Konno will soon appear on the stage.
The plot of this movie is very plain at the beginning, the heroine Konno Makoto's daily life as a poor student, an excellent and self-disciplined younger sister, a plain and happy family, as a girl, but likes to be with the two boys in the class, Kosuke and Chiaki mixed together.
In the opening ten minutes, it basically introduces the interpersonal relationship around the heroine.
And the camera will show the long ramp that the heroine often shuttles to and from school
At the end of the steep and long ramp is the train track that shuttles through the center of the city.

This scene is very similar to the train killing scene in [-] Centimeters Per Second. Fang Qing immediately thought of the work Second Five when he saw this place.
Isn't that the girl who traveled through time and space?

It's been 10 minutes since I watched it, it's just the daily life of an ordinary salted fish girl!
At this moment when Fang Qing was still complaining, the turning point of the plot came.

The heroine Konno Makoto accidentally broke into a school science laboratory that seemed to be occupied one day, and was accidentally attracted by a marble-like metal object that fell on the ground, and was accidentally caught by someone in the room. The male black shadow was frightened and fell on the metal sphere.
The world has changed.

The background music of the Goldberg Variations sounded, and the world seemed to be reconstructed. She seemed to fall into the lake, her body sank into turbidity, but the next second...
He fell heavily to the ground.

A series of lengthy numbers flickered on the movie screen, and finally froze.
This picture suggests
"The Gate of Steins?"

In the movie theater, someone quickly blurted out the familiarity of similar scenes.

This scene really makes many people feel that it is similar to the scene where the world line changes in Steins;Gate.

In fact, there are quite a lot of works with similar settings in Jingyu’s previous life in Japan. The closer one is Stone Gate, the 0 in re486, and the farther one is the Crimson King in JOJ. I really want to talk about the setting relationship between them. Learn from it.

The heroine's sudden strange feeling just now, she felt that she just fell, and then seemed to enter a strange time and space, and then fell to the ground.

But for Jing Yu's fans, it is immediately connected to the world line transformation.
Fang Qing sat upright.
For this type of work, you can't be too casual. If you don't read it carefully, you will definitely not understand it later.

Fang Qing still remembers when he saw the collapse of Steins;Gate
And after this encounter, soon, the heroine Konno Makoto noticed something was wrong.

It’s still the long downhill road before, because the downhill is long, so the bicycle is not easy to brake. It just so happened that the heroine’s bicycle broke down today, and it happened that the train was coming at this moment
The bicycle earned on the railing, the hostess flew upside down in mid-air, and was directly hit by the train
The bloody scene did not appear, the next second.
She went back to the moment she was riding her bicycle downhill. But this time, she did nothing.
Standing on the ramp, looking at the passing trains down the ramp, she fell into confusion.

She told her aunt about the strange things that happened, who is actually the heroine Fang Shanhezi in the original novel.
Although Fang Shanhezi has experienced similar things before, but because his memory has been erased, he can't remember the time and space travel, but he heard his niece tell about this incident.
He also said it half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"This is time travel!"

When you die, you can go back in time!
This is an uncertain conjecture, but the heroine Konno Makoto.
A bold and reckless heroine in a setting, in order to verify her conjecture
She didn't dare to jump off a building, but she did it by jumping into a river.

With a loud roar, she jumped into the river, the next second.
She actually fell back to her home in the morning timeline, and then
She hurriedly opened the refrigerator, and quickly ate her favorite pudding in the morning, which she was sure would be stolen by her sister in the afternoon.

Hey, as long as I eat the pudding in the morning, you stinky sister still wants to steal my pudding?Want to fart.

Seeing this, Fang Qing laughed out loud.
The whole theater is full of joy at the moment.

"Just to save your pudding, you jumped into the river and traveled through time and space?"

"What kind of random setting is this!"

"It's too funny, this heroine."

"Amused me, isn't it a depressing movie?"

"Killing me."

However, unlike Steins;Gate, its timeline is not so complicated, it simply travels back to the past, and even the ability will be unstable. two days
All in all, the movie opened for half an hour, and the plot can be regarded as introducing the ability of the heroine to the audience.

How to get the ability is a foreshadowing.
But this ability is very clear. In times of crisis, the heroine can use this ability to travel back to the past.
She even traveled to the previous two days, relying on her memory and preparation in advance, she gave full marks to the test papers of the temporary test that had a huge difference in her previous test scores.
The housekeeper in the class had a small accident because of her position, but this time she directly changed places with someone else, so the person who had the small accident was no longer her.
Everything in the plot is going in the direction of joy
But when Fang Qing saw this, he sensed something was wrong
First of all, the whole trajectory of school life has not changed in any way, good things will not be mentioned for now, but bad things, such as a small accident on the housekeeper.
That was obviously caused by the heroine Konno Makoto's misoperation before. Why did the boy make the same mistake as her after she switched positions with that boy?

Zhang San made the mistake of one plus one equals three when answering the question. He went back to the past and asked Li Si to answer first. Li Si also made this mistake. Is it possible?
And the consequences of making mistakes are the same.
Is Jing Yu's old thief doing this on purpose, just by chance?Or
The end of the world line?

With the background of Steins;Gate, many people's thinking is easy to diverge when watching this movie
In Steins;Gate, the convergence of the world line only exists on the heroine, but in the girl who travels through time and space
It feels less like the closure of a person's fate than of an event.
For example, if someone slips on a banana peel at two o'clock in the afternoon, that person can be Zhang San or Li Si, but there must be someone who slips and falls.
The closing event is in the matter of slipping..
Am I thinking too much?

Fang Qing shook his head and continued to read.
(End of this chapter)

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