Yu Guang

Chapter 27 Deleted Posts

Chapter 27 Deleted Posts
Zhang Li's death was a bit miserable.

His body was sunken in the soft sofa, and he was wearing a silver-gray sensory helmet on his head. His mouth was wide open, and the lower half of his face was smudged with horror. His whole body seemed to be half-swallowed by the helmet.

When Wang Ze arrived here, dozens of police officers had sealed off the scene, but they still couldn't stop those "enthusiastic" citizens and their respective cameras.

Two forensic doctors are examining the deceased, and the preliminary autopsy report has been given out.

"The deceased died at 21:[-] p.m.."

He Qiu handed a form to Wang Ze and said in a low voice:

"At that time, the deceased suddenly yelled from the seat, and the waiter at the bar and several onlookers who did not log in to the game were all witnesses.

"According to the instrumentation, brain death and cardiac arrest occurred simultaneously.

"There was no one around the deceased. After yelling, he began to have difficulty breathing, twitched unconsciously, and foamed at the mouth, but there was no movement in more than ten seconds.

"The bartender was the first to come over to check on the status of the deceased, and they were all over there."

Following He Qiu's fingers, Wang Ze saw several young people sitting in a corner, with a female police officer beside them comforting their emotions and recording their words.

Wang Ze asked: "What did the medical staff who came to rescue them first say?"

"When they came, the instruments they brought showed that the deceased was brain dead.

"Because Zhang Li was attacked by a ghost on Liming Street in the game world, after the medical staff determined that the deceased was brain dead, they didn't dare to destroy the scene, so they kept it as it was."

He Qiu turned his head to look at the helmet on Zhang Li's head, and lowered his voice:

"Our initial suspicion is that the helmet was the cause of death."

Wang Ze nodded slightly.

"I'm going to check the surveillance here," He Qiu said. "The forensic doctor will dispose of the scene after finishing the records, and then he can check the helmet... The network here has been cut off, and the augmented reality system has also been turned off."

"Go get busy, it's fine when I'm not here."

Wang Ze said something in a low voice.

He Qiu arranged for two police officers to follow behind Wang Ze, while he hurried to the control room of the entertainment city.

He was in a hurry when he came here, but He Qiu couldn't help frowning as soon as he left this place.

There was a crowd of people in front of me, people gathered in the aisle and the stairs, looking forward to this side, and some people called out the name of 'Black Bear Police Officer'.

He Qiu didn't think much of it, and walked away quickly along the cordon drawn up by the police.

Not only the inside of the entertainment city, but also the streets outside have been completely blocked.

At the scene of the crime, Wang Ze slowly turned around the periphery of the deceased, looking for possible details and loopholes.

This helmet naturally attracted Wang Ze's attention.

The helmet has no external pipes, and its own energy comes from the built-in constant battery-this kind of battery is small in size and stable in output power, and it needs to be replaced every six months or so.

Wang Ze has reviewed many cases in which the deceased wore a sensory helmet, and also assisted in handling several homicide cases disguised as "helmet killings".

But the truth of these cases has nothing to do with helmets, and most of them have to do with toxins.

These network access devices are the foundation of the entire virtual industry. If its security cannot be guaranteed, the virtual industry will suffer a huge blow.

'Autumn love and picturesque. '

Wang Ze read these four words in his heart, and he had already watched the video of the ghost attacking on the way here.

He didn't want to remind himself of the Wen Quan case, so as not to fall into a possible logical trap, but the murderer's direction was already so obvious.

Another middle-aged deceased.

Another ID from the "Genesis Titan" period.

Gentle and moist as jade, seeking drunkenness alone, autumnal and picturesque... Who else is next?
Wang Ze just wanted to take out his mobile phone to see the current popularity and spread of the live broadcast of the press conference, but soon remembered that there was no internet here.

As the second homicide broke out and public opinion fermented, this information should spread more widely.

Wang Ze stuffed the 'glass cube' back into his coat pocket, walked towards the witnesses in the corner, and stood in front of the saddest crying girl.

The girl had a pair of socks on her feet and a pair of roller skates beside her, and she was wiping away her tears.

"Hello," Wang Ze made his voice as gentle as possible, "My name is Wang Ze, and I am assisting the police with a case. Can you talk to me?"

The girl was slightly startled when she raised her head, then nodded quickly, and subconsciously moved aside, leaving a place for Wang Ze to sit.

Wang Ze thanked him and began to ask about the relationship between the girl and the deceased.

"He played games with me a few times before. We have known each other for more than half a year. I have known him since I came here to work half a year ago... How could he be targeted by that monster on the Internet..."

The roller skating girl whispered:

"We usually call him Brother Zhang and Brother Li. Every time we come here, it's after get off work or on vacation, and he's very well dressed. I don't know anything else."

Wang Ze suddenly asked: "How is his game skill?"

"Technology? Operation?" The girl thought for a while, "It's pretty good, isn't it? He prefers that kind of immersive black box game, and I prefer competitive games. I occasionally play this kind of immersive game."

"Thank you," Wang Zewen said, "I hope you are not frightened by this situation."

Then he turned to the bartender with eager eyes and 'Ask me I know more' written on his face.

Sure enough, as soon as Wang Ze said "you", the other party began to introduce:
"I worked here three years ago, and I have known Brother Zhang for three years. We had dinner together...it was the takeaway that Brother Zhang ordered, and asked me to eat together..."

In the corner, Wang Ze kept talking with several witnesses, trying to extract valuable clues.

And his figure soon appeared on the homepages of various websites, successfully attracting less than half of the discussions.


Police building, witness quarters.

Qi Ming sat on the chair, curled up his legs, and hugged himself into a ball, surrounded by projection screens.

She was quickly browsing the current hot posts on the forum, so she naturally knew about the case that just happened.

It must be false to say that I am not afraid.

Qi Ming has been busy with extramarital affairs and missing persons cases for half a year after joining the firm. This is the first time he has come into contact with homicide cases, and he has to face a murderer who made himself into a ghost.

Afraid to return to fear, Qi Ming firmly believes in one truth - suspected supernatural beings are just pretending to be ghosts, and the boss will definitely solve these problems.

But after watching the video content of the 'Murder of Zhang Li', Qi Ming always felt that there was something wrong with it.

The portal she was following had already posted multi-angle video collection posts, summarizing the perspective records of nine players present, and restoring the crime scene in the game "Ai Er" from multiple perspectives.

Qi Ming watched the video carefully for a while, and then fixed the video on Zhang Li's game character 'Xiao En', who was picked up by the ghost and slowly suspended, and then watched the 20 seconds before and after repeatedly.

"Something's wrong."

Qi Ming pinched his chin and muttered.

【How do you know what happened back then!It is obviously impossible for anyone to know! 】

This is what Zhang Li said before he died, and it is also the most discussed word by the general public today.

But if you think about it carefully, this sentence is a bit illogical.

Every employee who enters the firm can get a booklet, which contains nine investigative tips written by Boss Wang.

Qi Ming stretched his thinking slightly.

The ghost just said two words from beginning to end, shouting out Qiuqinghuayi, and then said that he was the second.

The ghost didn't even say what it was, how could Zhang Li shout out 'how did you know what happened back then'?
Assuming that after Wen Quan's death, Zhang Li suspects that an enemy came to collect debts, then after seeing the ghost, it is possible to shout out "how do you know what happened back then?"

In this hypothetical situation, Zhang Li had psychological expectations, thinking that the ghost might find him.

Since there is a psychological expectation, shouldn't this Zhang Li have some countermeasures?Or go to work and play games as usual?Why not take the initiative to contact the police?

After careful analysis for a while, Qi Ming discovered more unreasonable things.

She hesitated for a while, but gave up the idea of ​​telling her boss about her findings.

Can the boss not see these small problems?

Taking the initiative to remind him is somewhat of an invitation for credit, which is not conducive to future promotion and salary increase.

"Doing the task assigned by the boss is the big deal, keep staring at the reply post."

Qi Ming turned off the projection screen in front of her, slid her fingers, and the projection screens on both sides slid over by itself, showing the page she had locked before.

"Where is my post?"

Qi Ming stared, and quickly opened the background of several websites, his forehead gradually covered with black lines.

Two of the four hot posts that were originally pinned to the top were locked, and one was directly deleted. That’s fine, but what does the phrase “Your account is temporarily unable to log in due to violation of regulations” mean?
Can the police’s channels for collecting clues be blocked?
Qi Ming just felt a little unbelievable, so he quickly picked up his watch to make a call, but all he got was a reminder that the other party's terminal was not connected to the Internet, and he could only send two messages to his boss.

at the same time.

At the scene of the crime, the deceased had been put into a freezer bag and removed. Several police officers took the helmet of the deceased and sent it back to the technical department for disassembly.

He Qiu and Wang Ze got together and made a simple summary of the existing clues.

He Qiudao: "A preliminary screening was done at the scene, and no deadly toxin was detected in the body of the deceased. All organs of the deceased were intact, and the brain did not have any structural damage, but the helmet... had signs of being disassembled before."

"Take all the helmets at the scene back for inspection," Wang Ze said, "I have a guess now."

"What guess?"

Wang Ze said with a smile: "Shouldn't Officer He collect evidence to find clues? It's not okay to speculate."

"It's good to listen to once in a while," He Qiu frowned. "Hurry up, I'm dying of anxiety now! This case is the same as the direct killing of ghosts, and it's different from Wen Quan's case. The social impact is too bad."

Wang Ze said calmly: "The guess is very simple, only that one helmet has been disassembled here."


"I suggest that all the helmets here be brought back for inspection, and these staff members are also brought back to assist in the investigation."

Looking at the empty sofa, Wang Ze muttered in a voice that only He Qiu could hear.

"Poor acting."

(End of this chapter)

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