Chapter 673 Chapter 672 The Palace Banquet ([-])

Not only the three servants looked at Miss Fang with pity, but many people present who had heard about Lei Fang's family also looked at her strangely, with pity, contempt, and disgust.

However, Miss Fang didn't know what everyone was thinking, and she smiled coyly in the direction of the prince from time to time while dancing.

Don't make it too obvious that the daughter's family's heart has been moved.

The waiter Qi Qian and Hao San looked at the waiter Lei who was opposite and behind him, and sure enough, that girl had a smile on her face when she quarreled with others, and she was so black that she could write directly with a dip in the brush.

The three looked at each other, all excited to have a big melon to eat again.

It's just that there is no camaraderie.

The three looked at Prime Minister Zuo at the same time, and at the same time found that many people had the same small eyes as them, either hidden or directly floating back and forth between where Zuo Xiang's house was and where Lei Shilang was.

There was a faint smile on Zuo Xiang's face, but that smile was unnatural no matter how you looked at it; it was also luck, when the three of them looked over, they happened to see Zuo Xiang turned his head unintentionally, and Zuo Xiang sitting behind Madam's whole body froze.

Three understand.

Hao Zhengqun said earnestly: "It seems that Prime Minister Zuo himself is not aware of this matter."

Qi Qian and his servants blinked at the same time to express their agreement with his words.

Presumably, a person who can sit on the left side will not and cannot be so short-sighted.

Even if the emperor really intends to choose a concubine for His Highness the Crown Prince next year, anyone with a brain now knows that it is not suitable to hurry up, and it is serious to send the sisters in the family to the draft according to the rules.

Since ancient times, women hired as wives and concubines are generally not loved by the elders of the man's side. They will be considered frivolous and not quite the head of the house; even in families with stricter rules, such women will not even You can't even enter the house, so you can only be pitifully as an outer room.

In this world, filial piety is the first priority. If the elders disagree with the children's marriage, then there is no need to discuss it at all.

As for elopement, hehe, there is a marriage certificate recorded by the yamen when a couple gets married in this world, and a man and a woman who have a marriage certificate are husband and wife.

Even if she ran away, not to mention the suffering, she was still a concubine who was not on the stage.

Pull away, come back.

Even the marriage of His Royal Highness the crown prince, without the approval of the emperor, is useless; even if it is disrespectful to say that the emperor is already married and the crown prince has become the king, the selection of his wife is not a random thing.

And Miss Fang's move today is really a stupid move.

——First of all, her performance let everyone see that she is interested in the prince, and the goal of today's dance is to go to the prince.

Every New Year's Eve, at the palace banquet where the emperor celebrates with all his ministers, it is not actors who perform, but the prostitutes of the officials' houses.

However, no matter what the real purpose is, the titles of their performances are all very glorious. They are to celebrate the people's harvest, or where the people have suffered disasters this year. They pray for the people who have survived the suffering. and many more.

And when one by one came up to perform, whether it was dancing or music, they all had clear eyes.

It's not that Miss Fang's eyes are almost exposed, it's not that it hasn't happened before, it's just that it won't happen to a lady from a family with a lot of background.

Therefore, at the palace banquet, when the big guys watch the performance, there is a comparison in their hearts.

It is purely for people to admire her dancing posture and skills. This is at least a woman from a big family, and everyone will give it a high look; while a woman with other meanings in the performance may feel very unique when you look at it, or you may look at it. This is a lively setting to set off the atmosphere, but in the bottom of my heart, I will despise them a lot, and even despise their family members.

Putting aside the fact that Miss Fang's behavior today will not offend the Lei family, just because of the act of "seducing" under such public eyes, even if it is really possible to enter the East Palace, the position of the Crown Princess It has nothing to do with her either.

If she won't be able to enter the East Palace because of her fame, in the future, unless she marries at a very low price in Beijing, she will have nothing to do with the position of the main wife.

——Secondly, the emperor just wanted to choose a concubine for the crown prince, and your daughter-in-law from Zuo Xiangfu immediately showed up. What do you mean?
I don't understand that there are people from Zuo Xiangfu beside the emperor.

Qian Wentong sighed without any sympathy on his face, "This is really a filial daughter."

While everyone was thinking about it for a while, Miss Fang in the middle finished dancing.

It's a pity that she didn't get the reward from the emperor and the prince, and even the eyes of the emperor and the prince never fell on her.

that's it
Miss Fang looked disappointed and retreated from the side along with the dancers.

Looking at Xiang Zuo again, the smile has basically froze on his face.

Then the two palace men came up, one carrying a qinto and the other holding a qin, followed by a handsome man in Tsing Yi.

Qian Wentong turned slightly and introduced to Qi Baoer, "This is the son of King Ning, the son of Hongyi, who has always been known as the harp sage."

Prince Hongyi sat down to play the qin after meeting the emperor, and as his slightly pale and slender fingers danced between the qin, a tune that Qi Baoer had never heard flowed out from the strings.

As expected of a person who is known as a qin sage, the melody makes people feel like they are in a dream.

Slow time makes people feel like the peach garden in the spring, the breeze brings bursts of flower fragrance, which makes people relax whole body and mind;

But suddenly, the sound of the zither became urgent, and a group of enemies seemed to appear in front of everyone rushing into the peach garden, and they seemed to hear the shrill cries of women and the helpless cries of children;
The sound of the zither was pulled up again in a hurry, causing the blood of the people to boil, and they seemed to see a group of soldiers coming on horseback, and they seemed to hear the sound of fighting from the battlefield;
The sound of the piano gradually subsided, but this time, everyone couldn't hear the beauty of Taoyuan anymore, but a sense of sadness welled up in their hearts, as if they saw that even if they were defeated, the soldiers could be seen everywhere on the battlefield. Qi's body.

The sound of the piano stopped, and the hall was silent for a long time.

Everyone was shocked by this piece of music and the piano skills of Hongyi Shizi. Many emotional people had tears on their faces.

Qi Baoer noticed that this song had a greater impact on the platoon of generals. Almost every general had nostalgia and sadness on his face.

Qi Baoer also noticed that the forehead of Prince Hongyi after a piece of music was already covered with fine sweat; took a black pill.

The emperor patted the armrest of the dragon chair, and commanded to Eunuch Fu, "Reward."

At this time, there was a sudden loud applause from the hall, which startled the emperor for a moment.

It's not just the Qilin Kingdom, it's an act that hasn't been applauded since ancient times, not to mention it's still at a palace banquet, especially when the emperor is offering rewards.

Which idiot is so courageous?

(End of this chapter)

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