Chapter 689 Chapter 688

I went back to my natal home in the second day of junior high school, but unfortunately, no one in the princess’ mansion could participate in this activity, and ended up playing leaf cards with the old man and the old lady in rotation.

On the third day of junior high school, many people in Beijing began to visit relatives and imitate friends, and the shops, restaurants and teahouses on the street also reopened.

The old man Qi disappeared after breakfast, and only after asking Bao'er did he find out that a group of little old men had sent servants to invite him yesterday.

Butler Qi said with a smile: "The old man left a message saying that we will have dinner at Deyuan Restaurant in the afternoon and Jinwang Mansion in the evening, so that you and the old lady don't have to wait for him."

Qi Baoer, who was writing the memorial, also had a smile in his eyes when he heard this, and wrote the word "read" in the lower right corner of the memorial, and moved the memorial, and the butler, who was used to it as a deputy, stepped forward and closed the memorial. Put it aside on top of the pile of memorabilia that has been stacked more than ten centimeters thick.

He took out a gift list from his sleeve and presented it, "My lord, Mrs. Shang's birthday is tomorrow, please see if you need to change this gift."

Qi Bao'er took a glance at it, pointed at one of them and said, "This is changed to a set of the four treasures of the study on the second floor of the pen and ink rack in my warehouse. Mrs. Shang is a clean person and doesn't like those impractical gold and jade." Jewelry, if you take the set of jade ornaments you prepared to send over, according to the relationship between me and Mrs. Shang, she will be in a dilemma, and it is not right to accept it or not.

Give a set of the Four Treasures of the Study of average value, and she can take it for her only grandson. "

Qi Baoer pronounced the word "unique" very emphatically.

Praying for the steward: "..."

Understood, after receiving the gift slip, I immediately took a pen and changed the set of jade ornaments on it into a set of the four treasures of the study.

"Will your lord take someone with you tomorrow?"

Qi Baoer has attended quite a few banquets since she came back, but she does not attend those banquets held in the name of appreciating flowers, they are all the birthdays of this official or the birthday of that official's elders, etc.

She has always gone by herself, and usually returns after sitting.

This time, it was because Shang Chengfeng was Qi Baoer's upper peak, and the relationship between the two of them was also good on weekdays, so the butler Qi asked more questions.

Qi Bao'er was silent for a while, and said: "Go and inform the eldest brother and the fourth brother, let them go with me tomorrow."

Mrs. Shang's birthday banquet was not held in Shang Shangshu's Shangshu Mansion, but in Shang's old house.

The Shang family's old house is not in the inner city, but in the alley on the East Street of the outer city near the city gate.

From the location of this old house, one can see the original status of the Shang family in Beijing. Although they are still among the rich and powerful, they have already been ranked among the sharp tails.

Mr. Shang and Mrs. Shang had three sons and one daughter in their lifetime. Mr. Shang had three concubines, but the three concubines didn't even give birth to a daughter for him. His cubs all came from Mrs. Shang's belly.

Shang Chengfeng is the second son of Mr. Shang.

There is an old saying that a father loves the eldest son and the mother loves the young. This is true for Shang Chengfeng. He is the miserable person in the middle of the card who has been loved by no one since he was a child.

Otherwise, how could Shang Chengfeng, who was a doctor's father, go to Pingyuanguan to join the army?

Where is Pingyuanguan?
To put it bluntly, it is not much different from Chun going to die.

What this pair of parents went too far was that after Shang Chengfeng sent back the news of his serious injury, none of them wanted to go to Pingyuan Pass to see how their son was doing. Instead, they set up a mourning hall in Beijing and gave Shang Chengfeng Clothes mound.

What's even more exaggerated is that when Mrs. Shang sent the seriously injured Shang Chengfeng back to Beijing, she had just entered the old house of the Shang family. The first sentence the couple heard was that Mrs. Shang told Mrs. Shang that her son , is the only grandson of the Shang family.

Mrs. Shang had two sons and a daughter. The eldest son was married at the time, and the eldest daughter-in-law came back with her belly full.

You talk about this matter being fixed, how does Shang Chengfeng and Mrs. Shang feel in their hearts?

Inside the carriage, Si Lang asked curiously, "Then what happened next?"

Qi Bao'er took a sip of tea indifferently, and continued: "Sir Shang got angry this time, and didn't save face for Mr. Shang and Mrs. Shang, so he left the mansion and went to a friend's house.

No one from the Shang family went to look for them, probably thinking that Mr. Shang had to go back to save them, and he couldn’t stay in a friend’s house all the time. Besides, Mr. Shang’s condition was not good at the time, and the treatment was not just a matter of spending huge amounts of money. , the key is that many of the medicinal materials that need to be used are treasured things.

Mr. Shang’s friends can’t get those medicinal materials, but the Shang family can think of some ways; no matter how bad the Shang family is, at least the ancestors can be regarded as one of the families with some background. If you take off your face and beg for help, someone will give it . "

Da Lang continued without a word, "I also know about this. The friend's house Mr. Shang went to at that time was my husband's fourth uncle. In the early years, Fourth Uncle Lu and Lu's family broke up because of Fourth Aunt Lu, and Mrs. Lu gave him privately. With a few hundred taels of silver, he opened a grocery store and lived at the end of South Street.

In order to force Master Shang to go back, the Shang family even smashed Uncle Lu's house and shop. At that time, Fourth Aunt Lu was pregnant and almost suffered a miscarriage. "

Fourth Uncle Lu and the Lu family have already broken up. Although Mrs. Lu said that she loves her youngest son and occasionally subsidizes in private, if Fourth Uncle Lu is in trouble or something, Mrs. Lu would not dare to help unless Mr. Lu let go.

Therefore, being a fashionista really almost cornered the two families, Mr. Lu Sishu and Mr. Monk.

"Later, for some reason, the emperor suddenly appointed Mr. Shang as Minister of the Ministry of War, and also granted Mr. Shang a mansion to live in. The Shang family did not dare to go too far."

This matter was not a secret at all in Beijing, and it was so lively at the beginning, so the three of them took it out in the carriage to chat.

It's not to tease boredom by digging people's suffering when they are full, but Qi Bao'er and Da Lang want to remind the unknowing Si Lang what position they should place in relation to the other members of the Shang family.

This is also the reason why Qi Baoer is reluctant to give a set of jade ornaments to Mrs. Shang.

She has a lot of jade, but she doesn't just give it to everyone.

A set of the Four Treasures of the Study, worth tens of taels of silver, is enough to save face.

If Master Shang, who puts filial piety first, had to go today, brother, these subordinates would have to give Lord Shang some face anyway, and she wasn't even going.

The old house of the Shang family is not big, a courtyard with two entrances; there are ten houses on the left and right in an alley, and the area occupied by the Shang family is only in the middle.

But today, this alley is rarely lively. When Qi Baoer's carriage arrived, the carriages in front had already blocked the entrance of the alley.

No choice but to stop, the three brothers and sisters got off the carriage and walked in.

Coincidentally, behind them were the carriages of Yi'anbo Mansion and Yong'an Hou Mansion.

The young lady Xiao Xianqiao got out of the carriage of the Yi'anbo mansion, and the eldest son Gu Yu, his wife, Gu Linghua and her husband got out of the carriage of the Yong'an Hou mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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