Ghost eye peasant girl group pet daily

Chapter 899 Chapter 990 Chaos in the border city

Chapter 899 Chapter 990
But to him, it doesn't matter whether he encourages those who eat the flesh and blood of the people, the important thing is not to wrong those soldiers under him; on the contrary, he still hopes that someone can punish them properly.

It is said that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, not to mention that the people in the border town are not weak at all.

General Wei and him naturally had their own personal guards, but Mao didn't even count the idea of ​​guarding a huge military camp.

The order you give is called an order if someone obeys it, otherwise it is a fart.

Qi Baoer's orders were carried out one by one very quickly, and he did not encounter the embarrassment of General Wei and Deputy General Lin, but the other Dongdong moved faster than them.

— Acid rain.

Qi Bao'er didn't experience any natural disasters in her previous life, and she is boring and doesn't surf the Internet very much. Many things were learned, but unfortunately she didn't know them.

For example, after a volcanic eruption, the place near the volcano is filled with volcanic ash. Once it rains, it will definitely rain corrosive and strong acid rain.

And the people here don't even know about it.

Biancheng is a city that is covered under snow almost all year round. People in Biancheng are already used to snow.

Just like after the eruption of Baihe Guoyan [Fire] Spring [Mountain], the border town nearly a thousand kilometers away was also affected. There is no snowfall in the sky, and the climate is still getting warmer, at least a few degrees.

To put it bluntly, for the people in the border towns, if it wasn't for the disaster victims from the Baihe Kingdom running here, which had a great impact on their lives, otherwise their lives would be much better now than in previous years.

Pull away, come back.

Rain is a rare thing for people in border towns. It can even be said that people in border towns can see rain once or twice in their lifetime because their ancestors have accumulated virtue.

But today, Liancheng, which hasn't had a single grain of snow since the Baihe Kingdom was hit by the disaster, turned out to be. . .

"It's raining?" Deputy General Lin, who was running towards the station, felt his forehead burn, and when he looked up, he saw raindrops the size of rice grains that were not dense enough for now.

He didn't feel lucky and excited when it rained like other Liancheng people, but a sense of crisis suddenly surged in his heart.

Lieutenant General Lin has an instinct like a woman's intuition. Whenever he encounters danger, he will feel an inexplicable panic in his sensitive heart. This instinct has saved his life countless times on the battlefield.

But now, he felt a sense of panic that he had never experienced in his life.

Another two drops of rain fell on his face. He thought it was an illusion just now, but these two drops of rain really told him that there was something wrong with the rain.

It burns.

"Hurry up, let the people hide, and don't get caught in the rain."

Although the guards on the side didn't understand, they immediately accepted the order and carried it out.

Deputy General Lin no longer continued to run to the station, but rushed towards the city gate.

However, the painstaking efforts of Vice General Lin and the others did not realize to the common people that the border town is cold, and because the handles have been scraped on the common people for so many years, as General Wei and Vice General Lin said, their family is so poor that they only have one set Cotton jackets abound.

The cold weather, poor family and lack of thick clothes, hunger, and other reasons caused these people to react slower than normal people. In addition, the acid rain that just fell was hot but not enough to hurt people. The soldiers yelled at them to get out of the rain, and they didn't understand.

Fortunately, the whole family wore cotton jackets, and they could not let the rain wet the jackets if they did not listen to the soldiers. The people quickly hid in places where they could avoid the rain in front of the shops on the street.

However, some people were still one step slower. The rain that just fell was like God reminding everyone that there was danger coming. In less than a few breaths, the heavy rain suddenly became heavier, drifting as fine as a waterfall.

And the rainwater also became hot as the rain became stronger at the beginning, and now it is strongly corrosive.

The cotton-padded jackets of the people who ran slower were burned with holes by the rain, and some even corroded the whole piece of meat inside the cotton-padded jackets and stuck together as if they had been splashed with sulfuric acid.

Immediately, the streets were filled with screams, howls, and screams.

Armors are only qualified to be worn by generals. Ordinary soldiers wear leather armor, which is a bit of a hindrance to knives, wooden warehouses and sticks, but it is even worse for them to face the acid rain in front of them.

After the leather products are corroded, they will stick to the human skin tightly like a strong high-temperature liquid, making them suffer more deeply than the corroded cotton clothes.

Deputy General Lin has an iron armor on his body, and he reacts quickly, but the armor on his body was still sizzling and corroded by the acid rain. He took off the helmet on his head and the armor on his body.

Then start to disassemble the table, first break off the four legs of one table, leaving only a table top, and then stack the table top on another table.

Picking up the temporarily protected table, he turned around and rushed out of the store into the acid rain. He was going to rescue the fallen guards who hadn't had time to run in.

The owner of the noodle shop didn't care about his own table at this time, and hurriedly followed to remove the legs of the table, but he didn't have the ability to break the table legs like Deputy General Lin, and he couldn't break the legs of the table even if he kicked .

"Come and help, save people."

Xiao Er, who was stunned by the sudden disaster, was called back to his senses, this idiot, picked up a table and ran outside.

The boss was so anxious that he stopped kicking the legs of the table, and hurriedly chased him with red eyes, trying to grab him before rushing out the door.

"You're stupid. You didn't look at the rain outside and Lieutenant Lin's armor had melted, so you just moved a table and went out, looking for death, right?"

During the struggle between the two, several guards on the street had been rescued by Vice General Lin and others into a nearby shop.


There was a terrified gasp beside him.

The owner of the noodle shop shook off Xiao Er, turned around and rushed into the counter, took out the scissors and white cloth of ointment from underneath, rushed out of the shop and ran to the next shop along the corridor with a canopy.


This, this, is this still a human?
The personal guards were not slow to react, it was only because they had to take care of the people that they ran slower than others, but the personal guards had internal strength, even if they were slower, they could still dodge into the shop at critical moments.

But the acid rain came down too suddenly and too hard, and one of the bodyguards still didn't run in. The acid rain melted the snow on the ground. He slipped and fell while rushing into the shop, and after falling down, he couldn't get up again.

Deputy General Lin rushed out to save people so quickly, but he only got back the half-melted corpse.

Those who were exposed to the rain were more or less burnt, and the personal guards all had burnt blisters on their faces and hands, and the soles of Vice General Lin's military boots, which were only qualified to be worn by generals, almost melted through. .

"It's not good, it's not good, the roof, the roof is going to break."

The shopkeeper rushed upstairs and rolled down.

The chubby body moved quickly, looking like a ball rolling down the stairs.

But that's not important, the important thing is...


"It's over, if the roof breaks, we are not dead."

(End of this chapter)

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