Ghost eye peasant girl group pet daily

Chapter 901 Chapter 993 Chaos in the border city

Chapter 901 Chapter 993 Chaos in the Border City ([-])
It is true that some people came to the gate of the government to ask if they could bury their family members by themselves, so that we don't bother the officials to be tired, we have strength ourselves.

But when he heard that it was the order from Prince Xian, oh, it's all right.

Even if they were asked to abandon their homes and hide in caves, they were so obedient that they immediately set off with the soldiers.

There is a very strange mountain outside the border city. The people in the border city didn't give it any special name, they just kept calling it the strange mountain because of its weirdness.

Although it is impossible to be densely covered with forests in severe cold places, at least there will be some cold-resistant moss and the like; but there is no grass on Qishan Mountain, let alone moss, there is nothing related to vegetation.

And in the forest behind the strange mountain, under the same climate, there are trees and forests in the forest.

There is another strange thing on the strange mountain, that is, there are hundreds of large and small natural caves on the mountain, and the temperature inside the cave is much higher than outside the cave.

If someone wants to ask, the cave on Qishan has such an advantage, why don't the people in Liancheng live in caves that are warmer than the houses they live in?
Don't you dare, such a weird mountain, who knows if there is something strange in the mountain?
But now it is different. People in Liancheng have seen the horror of acid rain with their own eyes. Many people have been burned by the acid rain. The houses they live in have been corroded by the acid rain. can no longer live.

What's more, no one can guarantee whether the acid rain will come again. If it happens again, if Prince Xian doesn't make a move or makes a move a little slower, they will not be able to finish the job? !
Compared with fate, the fear of Qishan is nothing.

The home is gone, and although all the people in the border town are very sad, the speed of going up the mountain is not slower than that of the other.

The snow that originally covered the strange mountain has been melted by the acid rain, and the strange mountain has revealed its true appearance covered by heavy snow for many years. At this time, everyone knows why it does not grow anything. It turns out that there is no soil on the mountain. They are all pitch-black rocks, and the entire Qishan Mountain is a whole huge black rock.

Perhaps this mountain is a ray of life left by the heavens for the people of Liancheng. The acid rain really has no impact on Qishan except for the snow melting. Even the water from the snow melting has already flowed in with the natural advantages of the terrain after the rain stopped. into the great river outside the city.

Except that the road was difficult for everyone to go up the mountain, no harm was caused by the accumulation of acid rain on the mountain.

At this moment, Qi Baoer has brought Twelve to the big rock cave on the top of the strange mountain. There are only two adjacent caves on the top of the mountain. She is standing at the entrance of the big cave.

Reaching out and touching the cave wall lightly, Qi Baoer raised her hand and gave a big white eye towards the sky.

This strange mountain is really strange.

This is not Yushi.

No wonder the acid rain didn't affect it at all. Ah, it's a strange stone standing here after going through untold hardships and suffering tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature. It's caused by the acid rain affected by volcanic ash. In front of it, even my younger brother Calculate.

Twelve didn't notice the indecent look of his master's eyes, and dutifully reported: "Master, there are caves all around the Qishan Mountain. After discussing with General Yuchi and General Wei, I decided to separate Qishan Mountain from the middle and connect the city The common people live on the left, and the disaster victims of Baihe Kingdom are temporarily resettled on the right side."

Although there are caves everywhere on the entire strange mountain, there are still some differences between the left and right sides. The caves on the left are more, larger and deeper; while the caves on the right are fewer and shallower.

Of course, their own people are more inclined to their own people. Now they are on the mountain to avoid acid rain. Naturally, larger and deeper caves are safer.

Qi Baoer didn't object to this, but looked at the distant sky and said: "The next rain will come soon, but it is probably not as serious as the last one."

Twelve didn't understand why his master said that, but it didn't matter, just believe it.

Hurry up and leave to inform Yuchi, General Wei and others.

No matter how fierce the fight was in the past, or whether the face was at odds with the heart in the past, these are not a problem in the face of a catastrophe.

Before the acid rain came down again, both the residents of Liancheng and the victims of Baihe Kingdom were all put into the cave.

It's just that this rain didn't stop in less than an hour like the previous one, but it rained for two full days.

Everyone escaped in a hurry, and both the Liancheng people and the disaster victims had nothing to eat. It can be said that after going up the mountain, whether it was the Liancheng people or the Baihe country disaster victims, they all had to wait for the government to distribute some food to them.

Then came the problem. Vice-General Lin took all the food up the mountain and hid it in the cave, but the rain kept on, and people couldn’t leave the cave. Even if there was food, they couldn’t make a fire to cook it. There is no way to send food to the various caves.

There is another bigger problem, people can't starve to death even if they don't eat for two days, but they can't drink water for two days...

Standing at the entrance of the cave and looking out like a rainy curtain, General Wei looked even worse than when Qi Baoer saw him for the first time. He was also one of the ones who couldn't eat, and he was still injured.

"Has Prince Xian come back yet?"

A personal guard shook his head for the N+1 time, "Go back to the general, not yet."

General Wei looked at Yu anxiously, "Prince Xian, where have you been?"

Where is Qi Baoer at this time?

Look, that little dot standing above the crater that almost destroyed half of the Baihe Kingdom is not her.

Although the White Crane Kingdom is only a small country, once it becomes its own country, it will be protected by its own dragon veins.

Judging from the disaster in Baihe Kingdom this time, first, the volcano that died for an unknown period of time suddenly erupted, killing less than half of the people in Baihe Kingdom; There was a big earthquake everywhere, and less than half of the Baihe people died.

Except for those disaster victims outside the border town, Qi Baoer has not seen a single living person on the way, and the other side of the volcano is even colder. There are few Baihe people living on that side, and it is impossible for them to escape there. while running.

In other words, the number of surviving people in the White Crane Kingdom is almost as long as they live outside the border city.

To put it more cruelly, the Baihe Kingdom has already been destroyed after this disaster.

A country protected by dragon veins/family destroys the country, and Qi Baoer immediately thought of the dragon veins that had been used badly in their Qilin country.

It's just helpless, Qi Baoer's trip was in vain.

The dragon veins of the White Crane Kingdom were completely destroyed. The head of the dragon veins of the White Crane Kingdom was not far from the crater, and it seemed that the dragon was suppressing the volcano.

This eruption, the dragon head has been completely covered by magma.

The winding dragon body was also torn apart by the earthquake.

Maybe she guessed wrong, there is no trace of dragon aura on the dragon veins, just from the broken walls that are just ordinary rocks and soil, even she can't tell whether the natural disasters caused by the death of the dragon veins in the White Crane Kingdom, or the natural disasters will destroy the dragon veins. It's gone.

Similarly, I didn't see other people's handwriting on the dragon's veins. I don't know if the dragon's veins really came to an end, but because natural disasters have buried everything.

Looking at the crater that seemed to have solidified below, Qi Baoer felt a faint uneasiness in his heart.

It seems that Zhou Chang and his party must do it.

(End of this chapter)

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