Chapter 966 Chapter 967
"Director Yuan, no, no, this king should call you Jun Zehao."

Qi Baoer's first words after coming in made Director Yuan's face change color, but it was only a subtle change of color, which could not be seen at all.

Seeing that she was still smiling, it seemed that what Qi Baoer said just now had nothing to do with him at all.

"King Duan had six sons and seven daughters in his life. This is known to the world; however, what the world doesn't know is that King Duan also had three illicit lives, one son, and two illicit lives, one daughter."

The smile on Director Yuan's face froze slightly.

"Yuan Luyuan, formerly known as Jun Zehao, was born in a concubine of King Duan, your biological mother Liu Shi is the concubine sister of Liu Shilang from the Ministry of Industry.

Mrs. Liu died of illness shortly after giving birth to you, and Prince Duan sent you to be raised by the Yuan family. "

Yuan, it should be called Jun Zehao, Jun Zehao's smile has disappeared, and he looked at Qi Bao'er with a gloomy face.

"Your Majesty Xian's investigation is really detailed." Even her biological mother was found out.

It's ridiculous to say that his biological father no longer remembers his biological mother's surname, yet an outsider, Prince Xian, knows his biological mother's nature in just a short time.

Jun Zehao's eyes darkened, and his pupils shrank.

Qi Baoer stood with a faint smile on his face.

After a while, Jun Zehao smiled again, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, "Sure enough, Prince Xian is not afraid of my miraculous skills."

Divine skill? ?
Uh ~
It's really hard for Qi Baoer to accept that people here call some special abilities supernatural powers, especially Jun Zehao's self-proclaimed supernatural powers.

There is quite a sense of sight in a cult.

Ignoring his meaningless words, Qi Baoer asked: "I don't bother to ask the extra questions, I only ask you, who is your real master?"

With ghost eyes, she naturally knows who his real master is, but she knows it's useless, Jun Zehao's own confession is the proof.

Jun Zehao was quite cooperative in a strange way, and said with a smile: "Prince Xian already knows who my biological father is, how can he not guess who I am working for?"

"You mean King Duan?"

"Prince Duan has maintained nearly 20 private soldiers in more than ten years. 20 people need to eat, drink and wear clothes. The Duan Palace only lives on such a small monthly salary, how can they afford it?!"

"Prince Duan has had countless concubines in his life, and he has had quite a few concubines outside. Most of them are the daughters of merchants, or people with a lot of money in their families."

"Prince Duan is smart. Concubine Duan's family background is not high, she is not feared by others, and she can't control Prince Duan and his backyard."

Although the expressions of the few observers remained unchanged, their eyes were full of contempt; King Duan, there is a man in the city, but he is too disgusting.

"Prince Duan has benefited from his concubine's room and his concubine's house, and his son has followed suit. But relying on those alone is still not enough to feed an army of 20."

Jun Zehao smiled wryly, "It just so happened that I became the chief of the Zhongcheng Treasurer's office, so Prince Duan remembered my son."

Jun Zehao didn't say why he wanted to help Duan Wang, maybe it was the relationship between father and son, maybe it was other reasons, but it's not important anymore.

"The virtuous prince doesn't need to bother to interrogate the criminals. Everything the criminals have done for King Duan is recorded in the book, and the book is hidden under the floor tiles under the bed of the criminals in the treasury's house."

Qi Bao'er gave General Yuan a look, and General Yuan was ordered to go get the brochure Jun Zehao said.

About half an hour later, General Yuan came back in a hurry with sweat on his face, and he really brought back a booklet that was as thick as a finger.

"My lord, and this." General Yuan presented another smaller and thinner booklet.

Qi Baoer took both of the booklets, and instead of flipping through the thick one immediately, she opened the thinner one first.

After just a few glances, her face turned cold.
The northwest is not peaceful, and the capital far away from the northwest is also not peaceful at this time.

I don't know when, there are rumors everywhere in Beijing that the virtuous prince abused his position and power to seek personal gain for his father, and withheld all the military pay and supplies originally issued by the Ministry of War to the Northwest Third Army for various reasons. The Prayer Army.

There are also rumors that are even more exaggerated to the extent that the Zhenxi Army and the Pang Family Army have starved to death and frozen to death so many soldiers, it is almost rumored that there will be a violent corpse in the wilderness.

Not only did Prince Xian not clarify, he hadn't even shown up in Beijing for half a month, and a majestic minister was neither in court nor in office.

Immediately afterwards, the censors of the imperial court began to impeach Prince Xian one after another.

The palace, the imperial study.

Eunuch Fu hurried in with small steps, "Your Majesty, Feng Yushi has fainted."

The words seem to be very anxious, but if you listen carefully, it is not difficult to hear the gloating in Fu Gonggong's language.

——It has already been said that Xian Wang is seriously ill and rests in bed, but he is still like this endlessly. What is dizzy, according to him, it is really damn.

Jun Chenyuan raised his head from the memorial, but what he asked was: "Is there any news from the virtuous king?"

"Go back to the emperor, Lord Xian hasn't received any letter today."

——Your Majesty, didn’t you just receive a letter from the sage king last night? The sage king didn’t go to the Northwest for fun, so how can you write a letter every day when you have time?

A slight unease flashed across Jun Chenyuan's face, "Those censors are still kneeling outside?"


——Just take advantage of those who want to bully Qi's family when Prince Xian is not in Beijing, and wait. Once Prince Xian returns, see if these censors can escape unscathed.

In the Kylin Kingdom, the censor cannot impeach other officials at will. If the content of the impeachment is true, it is okay. If it is false, then the censor who impeached the person will have to be punished, and in serious cases, he may even lose his life.

In Beijing, there are many rumors that the virtuous king is using his power for personal gain, but the rumors are just rumors, which will affect the people's hearts of the virtuous king, but as far as Yu Shi is concerned, they dare not impeach the virtuous king because of the rumors .

However, just yesterday, Sanying had a fight with Feng Deyin, the son of Feng Yushi, and Feng Deyin was seriously injured. The emperor sent an imperial doctor to see him. He broke two ribs and injured a Whether the head can wake up is unknown.

Although Feng Yushi has one wife and three concubines in his family, he is only such a son, born in his early forties, he is considered an old man, and he usually hurts like an eyeball.

It's worth it! !
Feng Yushi immediately went to Jingzhao Mansion to sue Sanying for killing one person and killing one life, and then recruited a bunch of Yushi to impeach the virtuous prince for his lax family management.

Eunuch Fu was still muttering in his heart: The emperor has already put the third son in prison, and he also said everything according to his tone, and he came here to remonstrate, he deserved it for fainting.

Jun Chenyuan rubbed his temples: "Did Mr. An find out anything?"

"Returning to the emperor, Mr. An has already found out that it was Feng Deyin who first slandered the virtuous prince. The third son was angry when he heard it. The two argued and fought. At that time, there were many sons fighting, and it was extremely chaotic. He fainted when he heard Feng Deyin's sudden scream, at that time the third young master was already a few meters away from Feng Deyin."

According to the testimonies of the young masters, Feng Deyin's injury was related to San Lang, but the person who caused his current ending is obviously not San Lang.

But the problem is, he doesn't believe these testimonies of Feng Yushi.

(End of this chapter)

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