Taoist chanting

Chapter 358 Chapter 358 Chapter 359

Chapter 358 Chapter 358 Chapter 359
Fragrance mist curls up from the exquisite brass small incense burner, dancing with the warm sun coming in from the window.

The second senior brother drank a pot of tea alone in the tea room, silently thought for a long time, sighed, got up and went out, and walked west along the corridor.

Three days ago, he roughly calculated that the temple master and Yue Anyan were trapped in some kind of powerful restraint, and they would not be able to get out for a while. He was limited in his skills and could not figure out the exact location. He had already invited Mr. Tu to go to Xihe to investigate and help.

I heard from the master of the temple that Mr. Tu can be trusted during the fairy temple.

Walking into the rule hall, coughing, looking at the thin young man who put down his brush in a panic and got up to salute.

The second senior brother stared at the young man with fair complexion and much taller figure after two years of cultivation.

He was originally very optimistic about the hard-working and progressive cultivation seedlings, but his disposition was so bad. At this moment, his heart was full of cursing and resentment, and he didn't really recognize his mistakes and reflect on himself.

He found that being able to listen to the voices of others is not a good thing.

It is a test of his state of mind and will, and he secretly warns himself not to do too much, so as not to fall into obstacles.

"Cui Zhongyu, go to the dormitory to pack your belongings. I will give you a quarter of an hour. I will wait for you at the gate of Qingzheng Courtyard and send you down the mountain. I sent someone to notify your family yesterday, and they will take you back. From now on, you and There is no longer anything to do with the fairy view."

"Shan Zhang, Zhongyu knows his mistakes, can you give him another chance to correct..."

The thin young man looked rather haggard, and bowed and begged.

"You have too many distracting thoughts in your heart, too much selfishness and hostility, and you are still resenting the head of the mountain for making a fuss, without the slightest remorse. You are not suitable to stay on the mountain to practice. You have no chance to practice Taoism in your life, so let's go!"

The second senior brother was no longer polite, and mercilessly exposed the young man's inner thoughts with words.

Killing people is nothing but punishing the heart, he used mental techniques to completely break through the youth's unformed heart, cutting off the path of future cultivation.

Such people, like Lu Jinzhong, the former Fifth Junior Brother, should not practice Taoism at all.

Even if you are lucky enough to learn all the skills in cultivating Taoism, and all you do is to go down the mountain and walk in the world, what else can you do other than flaunt your strength and bully others?
Fortunately, he discovered it early and did not let his achievements turn into qi.

Of course, even if he advances to Huaqi, he will use his ruthless hands to abolish the opponent's cultivation base. If the fairy temple can give it, it can take it back. The county Daolu branch will not interfere, but will only agree.

Hearing the words, the thin young man felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his face was pale, cold sweat rolled down his forehead, he ran out of the door in a hurry, almost tripped over the threshold, and staggered towards the bedroom in the north courtyard, not daring to talk to the head of the mountain as if he could see through people's hearts deep eye contact.

It's terrible, is this the real fairy on the mountain?

The young man's defenses collapsed and he was in a daze.

The second senior brother took all the jade tokens with a blank face, expelled the apprentice who made a big mistake from the mountain gate, and let him go home with his elders in a state of despair. The old farmer didn't dare to plead for mercy and play tricks, so he left with a sigh.

The second senior brother looked up at the sky, shook his head and walked towards Qingzheng other courtyard.

He originally wanted to wait for the master to return to the mountain before dealing with the matter, but it dragged on for three days, and he didn't know when the master would be able to get out of trouble.

The apprentices were discussing in secret, procrastination and indecision would not be good, so they decided to deal with it in this way.

Return to the training hall of the other academy and gather all the apprentices to receive instructions.

"Announce one thing: Cui Zhongyu was bewitched by his family and took advantage of the opportunity to go to the top of the mountain to dry the corn to steal 22 corn kernels. Being caught with all the stolen goods, he still does not know how to repent, his character is corrupt, and his morals are low. According to the Taoist precepts, Cui Zhongyu was expelled from the temple, and reported to the Daolu Branch of the county for registration and filing, cutting off his chance to worship other Taoist sects. .”

All the apprentices were terrified and sat upright, not daring to look directly at the mountain chief who was very different from usual.

In the past few days, I feel that the atmosphere in Qingzheng Bieyuan is not right.

The second senior brother glanced slowly, his eyes pointed straight at people's hearts like a knife, and continued to say:

"The Lord has told you many stories about conduct, such as 'stealing gold at a young age', 'covering one's ears and stealing a bell', etc. I won't go into details. Today I just use this as a warning to everyone. For this reason, one wrong step on the road of practice will delay your whole life.

Everyone has two heart strings, one good and one evil, they hang in our hearts. What kind of Tao do people who practice Tao practice?

What one cultivates is one’s self, one’s purity, one’s innocence of mind. If a cultivator is influenced by the mundane world, and covets the monastery’s plantings to exchange for high amounts of money, how can he be pure?Only after you have tasted the sweetness, you will have evil thoughts in your heart, which is out of control. Therefore, the Lord emphasized that you should reflect on your body, words, and deeds every day, so that you have the opportunity to wipe off the dust and dirt in your heart.

All of you, maybe when you are on duty at the Shanmen Archway, some family members come to visit and talk about the great wealth news that the rice and corn produced in our Taoist temple can be exchanged for at least 30 taels of silver.I am not afraid to tell everyone that you can drink a small bowl of porridge every three days, and you can exchange a bowl of porridge for ten taels of silver outside, and there is no market for it.

Some of you may have had crooked thoughts, thinking about the poverty of your family, and it doesn’t matter if you take a few grains and corns for your family to exchange for silver. The special rice and corn in Taoist temples are piled up into mountains. The family has no worries about food and clothing for a lifetime, so they should be filial, is that true?

The merchants and traffickers who deceive your parents outside have nothing to do with it. As long as they get the benefit once, they have this trick in their hands, and they often force your parents to ask you to steal more supplies from the Taoist temple?Do you still need me to teach such a simple and obvious truth?If you want to be unaware unless you do nothing, it will only be a matter of time before you get caught by mistake..."

It is rare for the head of the mountain to give a long speech, giving a deafening lecture to the apprentices under his seat.

After talking for half an hour, he ordered all the apprentices to write an article about what happened today, and hand it to him three days later.

Several apprentices were overjoyed after listening to the admonition of the head of the mountain.

They also got all kinds of arguments from the family members who came to visit, and they were still hesitating and vacillating, and they were horrified and refreshed by the head of the mountain.

This is the ubiquitous test on the road of practice? !
Before Shan Chang left, he scanned all the apprentices in the training hall again, including those who had already advanced to Hua Qi. He used the talent of listening to the voice of the respondent, and he did not hesitate to use it when it was time. Even if there are any personal hindrances, I can't take care of them, just recite scriptures and practice more afterward.

Fortunately, only a very few children had other thoughts in their hearts, and the other apprentices were introspecting themselves.

He remembered the three apprentices and walked out of the training hall solemnly.

What's the harm in testing people's hearts with materials once in a while?
Life is full of different things, and all of them are different. In the future, formal disciples selected by the Taoist temple must pass the heart-knocking test.

No matter how good the talent is, what's the use of those who don't have a pure character and don't listen to the teaching?

Adding to the chaos?

Zhang Wenfeng flew a few feet in front of the gate, at the same height as the statue of ghosts and beasts on the gate.

He exhausted his tongue and talked in a hypnotic manner, the eyes of the ghost beast on the door flickered slightly, but he was still as indifferent as mocking.

He even took out the earth god's divine clay and black wood, proving that he had an inseparable relationship with the former water god Weiyan, and the ghosts and beasts still did not respond, and the dead things were ignored.

"It shouldn't be. The ghost statue on the door is the same as the secular door god, and it is also similar to the 'living pile' of the evil method. They all mean protection. Why can't they ask for anything? What's wrong? "

Zhang Wenfeng couldn't figure it out. He promised to help the "ghost" on the door to be released after the door was opened, so that he wouldn't have to suffer here forever.

Several days had passed, and he guessed that the earthen should be searching the bottom of the nearby river.

Since the elm lump on the door refused to communicate with him, he had to take the risk of breaking the secret mansion of the water prison. It would not be good if it took too long. On the roof of the hall he smashed last time, there were only five leaks left.

Next, Zhang Wenfeng and Yue Anyan discussed and deduced carefully, and after several calculations, the certainty of escape was about five or five.

"There is no perfect thing in this world, just treat it as if we have this catastrophe, life and death are destiny, wealth and honor are in the sky, senior sister, you let Jintao call all the ghosts in, let's do it today."

Yue Anyan didn't say much, just said "yes", and after a while, ghost energy poured into the secret room.

Zhang Wenfeng had already dismantled the altar and the Vajra wall, and put the stone warrior talismans in the vase into his cuffs. Holding the vase, he stretched out his hand to make a gesture, and all the ghosts quickly got into the vase.

Ghosts talk about strength and fists, and Zhang Wenfeng has no intention of reasoning with many ghosts.

Put away the bottle, walked out the door, and gave Yue Anyan a look.

The two walked towards the gate unhurriedly, and stood still five feet away.

This distance is the best attack position calculated based on the last time the viewer made a sword move, and it is also convenient for them to escape.

Yue Anyan suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the temple master's left hand, and smiled and said, "I won't let go later."

"Let's hurry up and don't separate."

Zhang Wenfeng smiled back, and tightly clasped his slender hands.

Never give up, live and die together.

He drew his sword recklessly, and slashed at the door blocking the front with one sword. The scriptures in his sea of ​​knowledge were radiant, and a ray of inconspicuous natal sword energy mixed with the flying sword energy.

Several shots, each time the weather is different, this time the most aggressive attack.

One sword consumed [-]% of his Yuan Qi, Zhang Wenfeng did all he could without any reservations, he put his etiquette first before fighting, and when he didn't want to reason anymore, he used all means and left no room for it.

The figure stood like a pine, and the robe was bulging and rattling.

The second attack of the supernatural power "Bell Ringing Curse" came first, almost simultaneously with the sword energy, attacking the immobile ghost beast's head.

The blue light of the sword energy was dazzling, and there were circles of pale golden simple runes hidden in it. Regardless of whether it was useful or not, he felt that he could use the means to deal with ghosts in a short time, and then a blue thunder exploded, less than three breaths apart.

The ghost beast was shrouded in successive attacks and looked more and more ferocious. It seemed to be struggling and twisted. The black air was surging. There was a booming sound from the top of the hall, the ground shook and cracked, and black cold water shot out for several feet, splashing everywhere.

The main hall was overwhelmed by the attack and made a frightening sound of crumbling.

With a wave of Yue Anyan's left hand, a series of fist-sized white light balls slammed into the huge gaping mouth of the ghost beast at the right time, arriving almost at the same time as the thunder.

Attacking up and down, the metal gate rippled with black ripples, and the energy spread wave after wave.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, and huge rocks fell down like collapsing.

Yue Anyan used delicate water techniques to defeat the stones that hit the two of them, so as not to distract the audience.

Zhang Wenfeng yelled, "Open!"

The natal sword energy took advantage of the stalemate of many spells and supernatural powers hitting the ghost beast, and with a "chi" sound, it broke the ghost beast from the top and fell to the bottom.

The layer of black mist on the green and black gate rippled, making an unpleasant sound like tearing.

The cracks on the door spread everywhere, and the ghost beast made a strange howl, like a night owl, and also like crying in sorrow.

Countless ghost figures emerged layer upon layer above the gate, writhing in pain and falling apart along with the cracks.


Zhang Wenfeng decisively tightened Senior Sister Yue's right hand, stepped on the cracked ground, and Yue Anyan flew into the air, like two meteors united into one, they both slammed into the door fiercely. .

"Bang bang bang bang", the rocks above the head fell like a torrential rain, black water splashed on the ground, water leaked everywhere on the stone wall of the hall, from a small trickle to a rapid flood, in the blink of an eye, there was a sudden "boom" with a loud bang, The flood swept away like a bursting embankment.

The two people's bodies shone with light, together with the sword light "bang", the door was opened with a hole as thick as three feet.

The ghost howled terribly, unwilling to accompany the broken pieces of the gate to collapse.

The main hall behind him collapsed due to the impact of the flood and the loss of the gate. The huge suction dragged the two people who rushed out of the gate and entered the river into the newly formed vortex black hole.

The two retreated step by step, unable to stabilize their figures no matter what.

A white streamer flew out of the cuff of Yue Anyan's left hand, entwining the dark rock in front of him, his right hand tightly grasped the priest, against the suction force from behind and the huge pressure of the river, his body was shining brightly, she gritted her teeth tightly, helping the temple master share some of the pressure .

The heads of the two were facing forward, their feet were sucked to float behind, and they moved out with difficulty.

A khaki-yellow light cable suddenly floated from the torrent, split into two strands and entangled the arms of the two people who were fighting against the force of nature, and the earth spirit's subtle sound transmission came: "Everyone hold on tight."

The two were overjoyed, and the earth spirit was indeed searching around the bottom of the Shuifu River as they deduced, and came to help when they noticed the huge movement here.

Like a tug-of-war, the earth spirit who didn't know where he was, pulled the two of them out of the edge of the whirlpool little by little.

Like a mouse swimming nimbly in the water, the earth spirit kicked out circles of earthy yellow light waves, dispelling the huge suction force generated by the vortex, and using the yellow rope to pull the two people who were almost out of support, they swam to the remnant hall of Dongtou Water Mansion.

Entering the waterless space, Zhang Wenfeng let go of his senior sister's hand, put his sword back into its sheath, thanked Tu Ling, and said with a smile: "I finally escaped, it's too thrilling."

Tu Kun glanced at the subdued water-colored light waves on the body of the temple master, and was a little surprised. This seemed to be the water-proof brilliance of the Moon Pearl?
"Play slowly, I'll go first."

He left as he said, without waiting for the water outside to calm down, Tu Kun went out of the door and disappeared in the water.


(This chapter is a bit too much to finish, it’s okay to ask for a monthly pass, smiling face)
(End of this chapter)

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