Taoist chanting

Chapter 585 Surprise is closely linked

Chapter 585 Surprise is closely linked

His spiritual sense could not detect the scene inside the alchemy cauldron, and the dense glow had the magical effect of protecting the cauldron. Standing under the alchemy platform, Zhang Wenfeng did not step forward curiously. He wanted to see what Zhou Fushi would do in the face of such a rare realm-breaking pill. distribute?
He has frequently read the travel notes of ancient classics, a breakthrough pill that can break through to the fifth level, such a big chance, in the wild, it is enough for friends to fight each other, brothers and sisters to plot, kill and seize treasures, people make money and birds die for food, ancient and modern. .

He has already obtained a ray of spiritual flame, and he is satisfied enough, even if Zhou Fushi finds an excuse not to distribute his elixir, he will not have any complaints, and he can face it with a smile without hurting his face.

He, a foreign elder who hadn't realized anything, was just a guest, and he said that the guest could do whatever he wanted.

As for how to get along with each other in the future, only he himself knows.

Zhou Fushi stroked his short beard with his left hand, and said with a smile: "Lingbao Temple is not growing well, its foundation is insufficient, and when it is difficult, with the generous gift of True Monarch Merlin, we will be relieved of many troubles and burdens on our shoulders." Much lighter."

The host Su Xianyuan laughed at himself: "We still need to work harder to break through the barrier of freedom as soon as possible. Otherwise, looking at the high-level potion of breaking the mirror will be powerless, and the taste will be uncomfortable."

Wan Boqi sighed: "There are thousands of roads to get out of the world, and none of them are easy to walk. When this matter is over, I will go out and choose a beggar in a remote village and town. It’s hard to break free.”

"Are you a beggar Hanako? Let's get rid of you. The year before last, you went to some remote place to buy a hundred acres of fertile land, a few hills, and a few beautiful little girls. I think you are living a comfortable life in the country. Well, why don't you go back and continue to enjoy the blessings of being your local rich man?"

"Brother host, don't slander good people. All I accept are poor women who can't survive by selling their bodies. People in the surrounding area call me 'Wanshanren'. I build roads and bridges, and cook porridge to help the people in heavy snow. But a good thing, if it wasn't for the evil overseas thief Xiu who invaded and interrupted my escape, maybe I would be looking down on you, brother, from a high place now."

The few people below chatted off topic.

Zhang Wenfeng felt familiar, and Lingbao Temple didn't seem to have the strict rules of the big sect.

Li Chenglong, the supervisor on the alchemy platform, carefully put nine translucent and halo-emitting pills into the jade bottle one by one, and carried the jade bottle down the alchemy platform with his magic power, and sent it to Zhou Fushi. The lid of the cauldron floating in the air slowly fell, and the rays of light converged into the cauldron.

Zhou Fushi stretched out his fingers and separated two jade bottles, which floated in front of Guanzhu Zhang, and said: "Those who see it have a share, and they have merit in opening the cave. Brother Zhang, you have a little advantage, and you will share two pills. Please accept them, and the 'fire cauldron' will stay." In Zongmen, if you need alchemy in the future, just use it."

The ownership of the fire cauldron is clearly assigned without delay.

Zhang Wenfeng cupped his hands and said a polite word, and put the two jade bottles into the storage space.

Zhou Fushi distributed a elixir bottle to each of the three people watching, and he put away all the remaining jade bottles. He will store the three extra elixirs in the Zongmen's treasury, and the seven top-quality five-element breaking realm Dan, will create the prosperity of the five hundred years of Lingbao Temple, and will continue to pass on to the future generations of the sect, leaving more details.

He asked Li Chenglong to go back and take some time to stamp the fire cauldron on the alchemy platform, and move it to the important place of the alchemy room of the sect.

"Five treasures, one for each person, each depends on chance, who will come first?"

After distributing the elixir, Zhou Fushi led a few people to the front of the five shadows floating on the right, and stretched out his hand with a smile.

"I'll go first, I'll go first, I'm at the bottom, so I'll be the first."

Wan Bo jumped up and shouted.

Li Chenglong scolded with a smile: "You are at the bottom of cultivation, so you should obediently keep silent, stay behind and be the last one to drink soup, and scream more fiercely than anyone else. Those who don't know think you are the Great Elder?"

"In front of Senior Brother Zhou, Chi Guoguo's instigation, you have bad intentions in the supervisor."

Wan Bo started to retort, smiled and walked forward to turn around, reaching out to grab the precious light in the middle.

The cave was opened, and the barrier to keep the treasure suspended was very weak. He broke the barrier and took the treasure into his hands. It was a Panlong Ruyi full of aura, and he liked it as soon as he started it. He laughed and said, "Good luck! A protective treasure .”

In the practice world, protective treasures are rarer than attacking treasures.

Modestly allowed Li Chenglong and Su Xianyuan to step forward one after another, and collected the Lilong Bagua Mirror and Kanhu Bagua Plate.

What Zhang Wenfeng got was a three-inch-high bronze figurine, which was of a rare format, with a simple and rough shape, with shallow gossip patterns on the back. It was a strange treasure.

Zhou Fushi received an ancient copper coin, which was Wanjingtujie money, which matched his aptitude and made him so happy from ear to ear.

Compared with the rare realm-breaking pills, a few treasures are the icing on the cake for them.

Of course, there are treasures, and no one will have too many.

Walking to the closed stone door of the quiet room on the opposite side, Zhou Fushi cupped his hands and apologized, and then gently pushed open the door that had been sealed for thousands of years. Wan Boqi suspended several luminous stones on the top of the hall, illuminating It is bright everywhere.

The quiet room is about ten feet in size, except for a dark yellow straw futon placed in the middle, there is nothing left.

There was an inexplicable sense of tranquility in the empty quiet room.

A few people stood outside the door, feeling the silence, and no one stepped forward to break the weird fluctuations in the room.

Wan Boqi stared at the unremarkable futon with no aura, suddenly became very excited, and called out in a low voice: "The ancestor left behind the 'Jing Shen Fu Tuan', Senior Brother Zhou, it is an impulse to get rid of the demons of the heart, concentrate the mind and clean the dust. Guan Treasure! We are blessed!"

He is more familiar with the classics and treasures of Kaiyuan Peak than others.

Every time you break through the broken mirror, it is a major test for the monks, which is related to the future and even the wealth and life. Many people fall into the test of the demons, resulting in a failure, and the Jing Shen futon in front of them is made of the long-extinct "Quiet Spirit Grass" Weaving, master monks use Taoism to refine, and pass it on from generation to generation. Sitting cross-legged on it, it can help monks to calm down and get rid of the interference of demons.

Of course, there are gains and losses in everything. If you break through the broken mirror too smoothly, it will slightly hinder your future practice.

You will encounter more bottlenecks and need more tempering than others.

Compared with passing the level, of course, I would rather choose to go smoothly, pass the level first and then plan for the future.

The three of Zhou Fushi had heard of the name of the inheritance treasure of Lingbao Temple, no matter how calm a person is, they couldn't keep calm, and all of them were happy. atmosphere.

After listening to Wan Boqi's brief talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using the Jingshen futon to break through the barrier, Zhang Wenfeng pretended to be very excited, but in fact there was no fluctuation in his heart. He's not scary.

He doesn't need the net heavy futon, he can get it for Tu Kun, Second Senior Brother, Yue Anyan, Zhao Zhu'er and others.

Doesn't everyone have the means to deal with demons?
It is a blessing to be able to rely on such a treasure other than relying on the state of mind to resist.

When the group walked out of the ancient cave, Zhou Fushi specially set up a formation flag outside for protection. The treasures inside were too rare to be guarded. Wan Boqi said that he would open the rear mountain formation at all times and send disciples to take turns guarding the outside of the ancient cave.

Arrange Guanzhu Zhang to live in Yunyong Peak, thirty miles west of Lingbao Main Peak, and send two male and female disciples to serve on the mountain peak, do some daily cleaning and care, and fly away in a hurry every week. He has many things to do Busy.

Zhang Wenfeng will stay for a few days, and he will not be able to return to the Fairy Spirit Temple until the Elder Ceremony is held.


(End of this chapter)

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