Taoist chanting

Chapter 734 Capture a Pair Alive

Walking around a few rooms, Zhang Wenfeng was extremely satisfied with the environment of the wooden practice here. When he walked out of the room, he saw Youmeng Changjiao measuring the size of the courtyard step by step, calculating the position with formulas, and holding the crystal bright jade array in his hand. Buried everywhere, compared with the random arrangement of protective formations in the usual hospital, it is a bit more careful and meticulous.

The courtyards provided by Tianying Temple have conventional low-level isolation formations, and all guests staying in will be rearranged for protection.

When you're out and about, you can't take your own safety too seriously.You Mengchang gave Taoist Zhang a mysterious look, without saying a word to clear up his doubts, he continued to busy with the formation.

Zhang Wenfeng understood. You Lao discovered that there was an evil thing spying on this place. Maybe the evil thing was powerful. They couldn't say anything to startle the snake, and they couldn't even transmit the sound. It's like using a squirrel cage in the countryside to catch mice at home. You can't say it in advance. The same reason.

In fact, he hehe in his heart, You Lao, who was running around with him, is the biggest evil in the eyes of the world.

Glancing at the rune bone puppet watering the green plants and small flower gardens in the courtyard, Zhang Wenfeng sighed in his heart, the puppet wearing the changing ghost clothes is more and more like a silent servant with life in his eyes.

After watching You Lao's formation for a while, Zhang Wenfeng went back to the main room and sat down to read a book. He was not in a hurry to go back to the room and try to communicate with Yan Lianshu, or sit cross-legged on the tree cushion to meditate. It means that this place is safe and sound.

Such an ancient Yanlian tree, the possibility of giving birth to an ancient tree spirit is very high.

Maybe it's still a sprite with extremely high morals?

He guessed like this, flipping through a book of landscape travel on the vast continent in his hand.

After pouring water, the rune bone puppet walked into the main room, took out tea sets, tea leaves and other things from the storage space, filled water to make tea, and served Guanzhu Zhang.

It took more than an hour for You Mengchang to set up formations in the entire courtyard and rooms. After turning off the formations that came with the guest courtyard and activating the new formations he arranged, the courtyard was filled with a thin layer of khaki color. He patted the dirt on his hands with satisfaction, took out a water polo to wash his hands, went into the main room and drank a few cups of tea, chatted with Guanzhu Zhang for a while, and then went back to the room to meditate.

What exactly was that arrangement aimed at, he didn't mention a word from the beginning to the end.

Like other monks who rented the hospital, he spent some time arranging a new protective formation, that's all.

Zhang Wenfeng read the book for another half an hour. When it was almost dusk, he got up and told the rune bone puppet to go back to his room to rest. He walked to the courtyard and walked with his sword in his hand until the moon was in the sky. Then he walked into the main room in the east. , sit cross-legged on a tree cushion, close your eyes, adjust your breath and exercise your skills.

All night.

On the second day, the dark boy seemed dissatisfied with the formation that he had set up yesterday, like a foot formation master who discovered a problem afterwards, calculated and jumped up and down to make adjustments, worked for a long time, and then followed Taoist Zhang out to walk around the foot of the mountain.

The monks who come here to practice spend a lot of spiritual energy stones, and most of them practice behind closed doors. How can they have time to hang out?
The tree mountain was very elegant and quiet, and few monks could be seen walking around.If you want to be prosperous and lively, you have to go to Water Shadow City and Fangshi a hundred miles away.After staying here for more than ten days, the dark-skinned boy adjusted the formation five times before and after, and never moved again.

Zhang Wenfeng got a hint from You Lao, and when he went back to his room to meditate, he began to try to communicate with the ancient trees whose roots are connected to the tree mat. He has communicated with many trees and has rich experience. He held the edge of the tree mat with the palms of both hands , Concentrate on feeling the very subtle fluctuations of the roots.

Slowly, the breath on his body became indifferent, like a heartless tree, filled with a faint green mist.

He noticed the weird violent messy fluctuations from the roots, as if greeting him, he didn't understand the unique language among the trees, he stood still, he even stopped breathing.

He is a tree, but also a decoy.

If you don't cooperate with You Lao to catch the evil thing that was spying in the dark, how can he safely integrate into the tree practice?

If you were interrupted once at a critical moment in your cultivation, the loss would be too great.After a while, I heard intense movement from outside, followed by Yu Mengchang's sinister laughter: "Little guy, you're trapped by me, a foot trainer, what's the matter if you're not convinced? I advise you not to mess around." Move, burst into the soul,
It's not just a pain. "Despicable, I bah!"

A thin boy's voice came from the courtyard.

Zhang Wenfeng let go of the tree mat that had become hot, and floated up. The tree mat in the room and the wall of rocks and trees facing the north emitted blue smoke.

"Forget it, the tree poison you released can't do anything to us, don't waste your demon power."

With the sound of You Mengchang's voice, a whirlwind blew in the room, and the green smoke kept rolling out of the room.

Zhang Wenfeng didn't feel the slightest discomfort. He walked out of the room and saw a thin net made of three-color arrays intertwined near a tree on the left side of the courtyard. A dark green and wild child was trapped in the air, above the ground About three feet.

Youmeng made a tactic, and the little guy in the tree clothes with his arms and legs exposed suddenly screamed in pain, which was very ear-piercing.

"The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, let me tell you what is your name first?" Youmeng asked slowly, suddenly stomped his feet, and there was movement in the backyard, he said with a smile: "I knew that there were more than one little sprites like you. I'm fighting, you guys are still a little tender, come here!"

Zhang Wenfeng's consciousness had already seen another sprite that was suddenly trapped in the backyard, bound in the light group, and floated to the front yard.

The two sprites are almost identical, their clothes, expressions and skin color are carved out of the same mold.

"This is our territory, how dare you catch us?"

The boy who was caught behind bared his sharp teeth and yelled ferociously: "What if you have two fourth-rank monks? There are many monks in the Tianying Temple, and the background is profound. As long as Master Pang activates the big formation, you will be turtles in the urn, and you will have nowhere to run. Run, as long as you let us go, I can be the Lord to forgive your offense."

You Meng looked like an idiot, staring at the little guy who was cunning and smarter than the first one, and said with a sneer, "Shady monsters like you, I'm afraid the cultivators of Tianying Temple have been trying to catch you for a long time, right? Dare to scare us with fake tiger prestige, hey, you made a wrong idea."

"Who the hell are you..."

The first dark green-skinned elf that was caught did not dare to move, it was too painful, he cried out with a frightened expression on his face. "Shut up! If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." The last elf hurriedly stopped his companion from speaking, as much as he said, it was wrong, but he could still be saved if he didn't speak.

The opponent's arrangement was ingenious, and the depth of calculation was beyond his expectation. It was beyond imagination to escape from such an opponent, but there was still a chance.

They have the advantage!

The other party came prepared, seeing through that they do not belong to Tianying Temple, it is a bit troublesome.

The swarthy boy showed a sinister smile, and said: "I heard that the ancient tree sprites steamed and eaten in a special way is a great tonic, anyway, I caught two, or eat this talkative and cunning little guy, and make up for it." , how about leaving a mouth alive for questioning?"

He said and licked his lower lip.It was as evil as it could be.

Zhang Wenfeng saw that the faces of the two little guys changed, and he answered with a smile: "Eating a spiritual thing, maybe you can break through to the fifth level."

"If you dare to eat... you won't be afraid of being punished by the gods?" The first sprite exclaimed, trembling with fright.

"Hey, there are detailed records in the ancient books on how to add supplementary medicine and how to steam it without losing the medicinal power. I have never heard that a monk who ate the ancient tree spirit was punished by heaven? Do you dare to say that? ?”

The swarthy boy stared at the second elf who turned his head away, and then changed the subject: "If you are obedient and obedient, I can answer whatever I ask, and I can consider not eating you."

"Really?" "Hey, shut up."

The second sprite shouted helplessly at the first sprite, he felt that the future was dark, very dark.

Is it difficult to say a few words if you are going to be killed in this yard by your brother's stupidity this time?

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