Taoist chanting

Chapter 744

Chapter 744
"Which two fifth-order fellow Taoists are they?"

Zhang Wenfeng asked with a gentle expression, while the little elf expertly boiled water and cooked tea, and served spiritual fruits to entertain guests, with quick hands and feet, and just kept doing things without saying a word.

Pang Gui sat on the opposite chair, straightened his body, and responded with a decent and humble smile: "It's Mr. Lu Changyuan Lu from Haoran Academy, and Gu Qingrong Gu from Liuyun Mountain. The elder and the third elder will come to visit and send invitations."

Zhang Wenfeng nodded slightly, and said: "Two fellow Taoists, you are welcome. Tomorrow morning, I look forward to your presence."

He thought that Hao Han Xiuzhen would not understand etiquette, but he asked someone to take a message when he was entertaining guests. It turns out that there is still the etiquette of formally posting at the door.

After talking about the business, Pang Gui left after drinking two cups of tea. When he got along with an unfamiliar fifth-level master, he felt restrained no matter how well-rounded he was.

At sunset, You Mengchang woke up from a nap, heard Taoist Zhang talk about the treat of two fifth-rank monks from the Vast Cultivation Association, and said thoughtfully: "Maybe they want to invite you to the 'Water Moon Illusion'? "

Zhang Wenfeng let out an "oh" and said, "I would like to hear the details."

He had heard of the Water Moon Illusion, but he only knew it was a dangerous place overseas, but he didn't know the specifics.

You Meng took a sip of tea, put down the teacup, and let Lian De refill the water for him with a wink, and said with a smile: "There are four legends of secret realms in the cultivation world, namely Lanfang Pavilion, Jifang Pagoda, Pengfang Lou, Jingfang Ridge, also known as the "Sifang Secret Realm", is a secret place opened up by ancient powers with great supernatural powers to experience the younger generation, and it is of great help to monks below the fifth rank.

Like the secret realm of Lanfang Pavilion, I heard from Shen Mengdan that it was opened in Tiangan Continent more than ten years ago. It caused quite a stir at that time and benefited many monks who entered it. Can't enter the secret gate.

The Water Moon Illusion is this side of the world, one of the few dangerous places where fifth-level monks can practice. It is fixed above the sea and can go there at any time, unlike another dangerous place where there is no trace.

The fifth-order monks "condense the soul and return life to one", which is different from the golden core state of "returning the golden liquid to the alchemy and manifesting the primordial energy". There are many strange things and dangers inside, and there are also rule fragments that can be broken down. If you can find a suitable opportunity for yourself, you will get twice the result with half the effort to comprehend the power of rules, and you will break through and advance to the sixth-order detachment in the future Environment is very helpful. "

Zhang Wenfeng silently memorized that he only had a vague understanding of the rules, and You Lao's casual suggestions benefited him a lot.

You Mengchang continued: "I heard from you that you and Lu Changyuan knew each other three months before we became married. Back then, you didn't know how to use mantras to control the power of merit. If I guessed correctly, Lu Changyuan saw that you have Merit canopy, I want to use your merit to explore the illusion of the water moon."

The latter sentence is very clear.

Zhang Wenfeng knew it in his heart, and said: "If he sends an invitation, I will use the reason that my cultivation base has just broken through to find an excuse to slow down. Even if I want to go to the Water Moon Illusion, I will have to wait for me to sacrifice the two heavy weapons on hand. You can carry it with you, what do you think?"

When the two were talking about things, Lian De had already been dazed by the tricks performed by You Mengchang, and turned to go out and go back to the room.

You Mengchang sighed: "Wasting my mouth for a long time, you still miss my heavy weapon."

Zhang Wenfeng corrected with a smile: "Many years ago, Mr. You, you gave me the heavy weapon. Our friendship is friendship, and business is business, and one yard is worth one yard."

You Mengchang didn't care about the heavy weapon he gave away, he was not suitable for using that kind of heavy sword, he just used a joke that the two of them could understand to harmonize the relationship between each other, reminding: "Sacrificial training and warming are two heavy weapons, very important. Take your time, you know what to do."

"Wake up, even if it takes a hundred years of work, it is worth it. I have already walked ahead, and I have a lot of time behind to polish my cultivation and warm up two treasures, one attack and one defense. According to ancient records, the warming of heavy weapons can improve the cultivation base. Both the understanding of the state and the realm are beneficial."

Zhang Wenfeng has a heavy weapon himself, and he has paid special attention to the classics in this area.

"There is such a saying, but the heavy weapon and the holder must match each other, otherwise it will be a twisted melon and a waste of time."

After the two talked about things, Zhang Wenfeng went for a walk in the yard holding a sword, a long-term habit became natural.

On the morning of the second day, the Great Elder and the Third Elder who came to visit and treat guests from the Haohan Cultivation Society were unfamiliar faces he did not know, and they were accompanied by the local snake Pang Guanzhu. went.

The host and guest chatted in a harmonious atmosphere. After finishing their business, they handed over the invitation card. The Great Elder smiled and said that there are currently three fifth-rank monks in the Eastern Continent, and Xianling Temple has only two of them.

Zhang Wenfeng inquired and learned that Tu Kun and Rong Shu broke through and advanced to the fifth rank in the past few years, which became a good talk.

The banquet time was set at noon three days later. After seeing off the three guests, Zhang Wenfeng returned to the main room and asked, "You Lao, can you refine a flying sword that can send messages over a long distance?"

You Mengchang took out five exquisite flying swords from the Nawu space, and said: "If you don't ask, I almost forgot this one. It was refined in Shushan's spare time. It needs to be blessed with fifth-level mana, and it can send messages within a hundred thousand miles. , that is, the flying sword is expensive, so you should use it sparingly."

Zhang Wenfeng took the flying sword, and immediately issued one according to You Laojiao's method.

Say hello to Zongmen and share his joy of being promoted.

The next day, Fei Jian received a message back from the guardian of the soil, knowing about the major events that have happened in the sect for so many years.

After hearing the news from the guardian of the earth, the lame uncle had passed away eight years ago without any illness. Zhang Wenfeng was silent for a long time.

Bits and pieces of the past, like yesterday.

I don't know if the magpie's nest on the old tree in the old Taoist temple is still there. Uncle lame likes to use magpies to say happy events.

I also heard from Tu Kun that three years ago he deliberately went to Baihuling to find Lv Xiner to get a token, and went to the secret land of Caomuling, which was full of yang evil spirits and was on the verge of collapse. With the ability of the spirit, he insisted on digging out the broken soul-gathering wood from under the ruins of the mountain collapse.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, Zhang Wenfeng took the dark boy to the Water Shadow Pavilion for a banquet, leaving the tall and thin man and Lian De to guard the house in the guest courtyard.

The Great Elder and the Third Elder of the Haohan Cultivation Association led several monks to welcome them at the gate.

Waiting to invite master and servant Zhang Guan to the attic, Lu Changyuan and an old man with white hair came out.

The dark boy was naturally not qualified to go in and sit down, he waited outside the door.

In case something happens, he can help Taoist Zhang make suggestions through the door and deal with it together.


(End of this chapter)

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