Start with liberation

Chapter 214 Akui and Rouge

Chapter 214 Akui and Rouge

"Boss, Brother Kui has gone mad again, and he wants to fight the ghost!"

Artest finished speaking.

"What? What about Aden?"

"Brother Ding, he didn't persuade him."

Xiong Hua pressed the cigar into the ashtray heavily, and said to Wu Qing in a rather embarrassing manner,
"Wu Sheng forgive me, something happened to my subordinates, I have to deal with it, just wait a moment, if you are bored, I will call some girls to come up, I will definitely not neglect you."

Wu Qing had already got up, and said with great interest, "Boss Xiong, do you mind if I come with you?"

Xiong Hua was startled, then nodded, "That's fine."

A look of surprise appeared on Artest's face, and he felt much safer.

The three left as soon as they said they would, and Wu Qing deliberately stayed at the end. Before leaving the door, he glanced at the stuffed animal heads on the wall.

Moose heads, buffalo heads, bear heads, things like that...

Wu Qing focused on the moose head.

It would be wrong to not have these specimens in a western log house, so these few look no different from the decorative specimens generally used to show conquest.

But Wu Qing's glance at the past turned this thing over.


Category: Spirit of Sacrifice
The Indians [Western Shoshone] who lived in central and western Nevada for generations, are a branch of the Aztec Empire (the Numic languages ​​of the Aztec language family) of the ancient civilization of Central America. The belief in imperial approximation.

The long-term historical division made the Western Shoshone people turn the image of the deer, the god of rain, which symbolized [Sunfu Masatel], into one of the tribal gods of their own tribe, but the sacrifices of generations were still destroyed by steel and fire. , Tobacco defeated.

The Western Shoshone died out, and so did the ancestral Masatel, but as a sacrificial vehicle, this deer head specimen still retains weak spiritual power.

Effectiveness: Protect the living beings in the building with the residual spirituality. Killing is prohibited here, otherwise it will usher in the wrath of Marsatel.


Lao Ji watched Xiong Hua walk out of the house with a gloomy expression. Even though Artai had spoken to him before entering, Lao Ji couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat until he saw Wu Qing, who was at the end of the line of three, Hastily greeted the past,

"Sir, what's the matter?"

Wu Qing shook his head at him,
"Let's go and have a look."

Lao Ji swallowed everything he wanted to say, and An An followed behind Wu Qing.

In addition to Artai and Ayong, in a room on the second floor, two sleepy men were called out, the same half of the head was green, and the long braid was wrapped around the neck.

The four of them followed behind Xiong Hua.

Wu Qing followed Lao Ji, walking down side by side with Xiong Hua.

Walking to the first floor, the tavern has been tidied up. Yingying and Yanyan looked at Wu Qing who came down the stairs, whispering and laughing until you hold me and I help you, if it weren't for Xiong Hua and Wu Qing Those who come down together may even come to get started.

These days, in this place, in this environment, those who are harsh and not heroic are pleasing, and those who can be fierce and heroic... are even more rare.

The young female bartender was holding a wooden plate full of chicken sandwiches and a glass of boiled water. Seeing the boss coming down, she was a little hesitant and didn't open her mouth.

"Leave it for now, and I will come back to eat later."

Wu Qing said to her, and went out of the tavern with Xiong Hua.

The laughter of the girls surrounded the young female bartender...

Wu Qing went outside.

The night had completely enveloped the entire camp, but the camp didn't appear to be dark, but lively.

Among the thousands of low tents, many bonfires were raised, illuminating the entire camp.This is the off-duty Chinese laborers cooking.

Dig a fire pit in the open air, put a large iron pot on it, brown rice, noodles, bean sprouts, dried kelp, and small pieces of dried salted fish are thrown into the pot together. The Chinese laborers who lined up became excited, and they kept looking at the cauldron without wiping off the black ash on their faces.

The Chinese laborers who have worked hard all day only have this one thought.

The part-time cook uses a long-handled ladle to serve the large stew, or "giblets," into bowls, one after the other.

At this time, in front of the steam train, a one-wheeled robot puppet holding a tray is balancing its wheels so that the red wine in the tray will not spill out.

It is said that every white railroad worker who saw this scene reported the anger of leaving.

There is such a life in the world that can survive on a small pot of rice and a small piece of salted fish.

These braided people shorten the distance between humans and beasts, and lower the value of humans. These natural slaves make slave owners exist in a reasonable way.

At the blurred border between the steam train and the Chinese labor camp, several white laborers who were playing cards watched with cold eyes,
"Watch out! Our boss keeps rats because these humanoid rats that swim across the Pacific are cheaper than people!"


"Wow, Xiong Hua's Akui is going to fight the ghost."


"Not far, let's go together."

The Chinese workers who heard some rumors finished their meal hastily, and some simply held the bowls and formed a dark undercurrent with the workers in the gap between the tents.

Even Wu Qing didn't need someone to lead the way, and he could follow along to see the excitement.

Artest was explaining to Xiong Hua with the message from his younger brother,
"Before, there were a few white ghosts who were causing trouble at Xiaoman's place. Brother Ding and Kui brought people to help. Who would have thought that on the way back, some ghosts drank too much horse urine and kept wandering in front of Brother Kui. Stop using Sister Yanzhi to talk about things, boss, you know, Brother Kui is just this one biological sister, he can't hold back eight or nine cows when he gets stubborn..."

Xiong Hua said coldly, "Stubborn? That's half stupid, I know it's because of Rouge again... a fight with the white ghost? Hmph!"

He turned his head and stopped talking, and walked straight forward, vigorously.

Where there are a lot of people, it is a must to hold a union. There are more than 3000 Chinese and more than 500 ghost camps, and each has a large or small gang.

Lao Ji followed suit and explained in a low voice to Wu Qing,

"There are many martial arts gyms in Guangdong Province, and this habit has been brought over.

It means to get out of the ring, be the ring leader, and clearly state which side you want to pick. The side that is picked can take turns to win, but the active challenger can't change until the ring leader can no longer stand, or the side that is picked can't stand up. It's manned... This is the person who either dies himself or kills the other party. "

Old Ji pouted,
"It's kind of silly."

Wu Qing, who was looking around to no avail, asked casually,

"Our rules, can the white ghost obey?"

"Why not. This is the west, not San Francisco, nor New York. Yellow skins, white skins, they are all skins, and white ghosts are so proud, so excited them... It's not like there is no such saying among ghosts, they It's called 'WEELZ DUEL——Wheel fight'. I dare not respond to such a cheap duel, how can I have the face."

Looking at the surrounding crowd, Wu Qing didn't see anything unusual, so she couldn't help but doubt her guess, and didn't continue to search with her eyes.

He raised his eyebrows, "So, that guy named A Kui is very good at fighting?"

"If you can fight, you can fight. If you are stupid, you are stupid enough. It's not a small nonsense. That Kui is really half-crazy, and he is called Silly Kui in private."

During the conversation, the surrounding crowd could already be seen in the front, and there was still lively shouting. From the back, I couldn't see the excited faces of the onlookers, but the voice was powerful.

"Hit him on the jaw, hit him, good!"

"Brother Que is mighty!"

At this time, the people in the outer circle were pulled by their collars, and they turned their heads impatiently, and saw that the voice was quieter,

"Boss Bear."

Then get out of the way.

The person in front who heard the voice also turned around, the voice was also low, and he also gave way.

"Boss Xiong... Boss Xiong..." whispered hello one after another, looking at the two teams cut by his own eyes, Xiong Hua nodded slightly and strode in.

Wu Qing and Lao Ji followed in.

It is said to be called "beating", but it is only an irregular circle surrounded by the crowd, with a diameter of about six to eight meters.

A ring of torches was brightly lit.

On the opposite side of the crowd was a group of white ghosts with folded arms but with embarrassing faces, because there were four white men lying horizontally on the "ring" in the center, with bleeding from the corners of their mouths, bruised noses and swollen faces, moaning, and they definitely couldn't get up.

A duel doesn't fit with a steam-breathing train, but this is the West, so it's perfectly appropriate.

On the side of these four "horizontal" stands a man, with a generous figure, taller than the average man in Qianguo, his forehead has just been shaved, a piece of fresh blue, he is panting heavily, and there is a bruise on his face , there were several layers of fist marks on his forehead, his feet were a little crooked, and he couldn't stand up, but he still stared at the ghosts of Billy's gang with his big black eyes.

Wu Qing quickly noticed that this man had an unreasonably thick long braid, which ran along his spine and grew into the waist groove, like a horse's mane or a lion's mane.

A Kui, a burly Kui.

Wu Qing immediately frowned and asked Lao Ji in a low voice,

"Why does the white ghost use his bare hands instead of a gun?"

Lao Ji pointed to the outside of the crowd, "You can't move your guns. If you do, those steam guards will come over."

It will be difficult to control the scene if the gun is used. If the laborers suffer a certain degree of casualties, it will affect the progress of the railway project.Guaranteeing the progress of the railway project is one of the jobs of the steam guards.

Perhaps during the gap between the duels, a thin young man with yellow hair came up beside A Kui, grabbed A Kui's arm, and said anxiously,

"They're all crooked, come down, they're already scared, and you won't lose face."

Wu Qing was happy when he saw this scene, but then his face darkened, and he didn't know what he thought of.

Unexpectedly, with a roar, Akui stretched out his arms and threw the skinny young man away, staring blankly at the white men in Billy's gang, still sticking to his tricks.

Ah Kui's chief is also the fool's chief.

The skinny young man was thrown several meters away like a chicken, and the movement of rolling on the ground made the onlookers laugh.

"Throw away your old mother, I'm not going to serve you anymore, you can kill your own brother as you like, and you still use your strength on your brother?! Catch him for me!"

His men next to him all showed embarrassment, hesitating, "Brother Ding, Brother Kui will trouble us..."

The skinny young man became even more angry. Suddenly he saw Xiong Hua walking into the crowd out of the corner of his eye.
"Uncle, you are finally here, hurry up and persuade Akui, he has already been abducted, and if you continue to beat him, you will die."

Xiong Hua first introduced to Wu Qing,
"My nephew Xiding... this is Wu Sheng."

Wu Qing smiled and stretched out her right hand towards Xiding, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hi, Mr. Wu."

Xiding's palm only slightly touched Wu Qing's, and he yelled at Xiong Hua again,

"Uncle, what time is it!"

Xiong Hua snorted coldly, "I asked Akui to follow you, just to let you take him in. His brain is burnt out, and your brain is also burned out? Now he is in the ring, he puts on the ring himself, you let him I told him to come down, he won't be a human anymore? Leave me alone!"


"To shut up!"

Xiong Hua glared at him, then looked at the field with gloomy eyes.

Xiding retreated to the side unwillingly, and didn't bother to ask Artai Ayong what happened to Wu Qing's face.

Lao Ji showed his anger on Wu Qing's side, muttering something.

Wu Qing looked around the crowd without paying much attention, as if she saw something in the dense crowd, she smiled and lowered her eyes, and suddenly said to Xiong Hua,
"Boss Xiong, I left a bit earlier."

Then, without waiting for Xiong Hua's reply, he directly greeted Lao Ji to leave.

After the two squeezed out of the crowd, Xi Ding asked Artest,
"Then what happened to the street?"

"Wu Sheng?"

"Otherwise, who are you going to talk about?" Xi Ding was still angry, and said angrily, "It's a stinking fart."

Artest briefly talked about what happened before, when Xiding heard that his uncle Xiong Hua wanted to recruit, but Wu Qing didn't answer.

He spat hard,
"Damn it, my uncle recruits someone who doesn't lick his face and doesn't know how to flatter him. I think it's just that he doesn't have a good brain."

However, Artest rubbed his nose and regretted, "You are so sharp, so you just left..."

"What's the pity, Bi can fight, but Ah Kui can't fight? Isn't it just that those few tricks were messed up, and I can't coax my uncle. I think he is pretending to be big."

Xi Ding shook his head and gave Wu Qing a hard time in his heart.

In this regard, he followed his uncle.

Xiong Hua listened to the conversation between the two, and felt uncomfortable and regretful for Wu Qing's behavior of leaving with just one word, but his eyes were locked on the field first.

The Billy gang sent another man over there, this time a white ghost with needle-like blond hair, hopping around, punching his fists, and making a "swoosh" sound in the wind from time to time.

Xi Ding scolded,

"It's a trick that you can't afford to lose when you're playing standing rings."

The blond man in the arena spat, didn't say a word of nonsense, tiptoed and swung a fist, a shadow of a fist pierced A Kui's throat, A Kui raised his arm to block him, and the two of them wrestled together.

Among the Chinese workers who were yelling and cursing one after another, this sallow face squeezed in front of him as if stepping on the wind was not worth mentioning, but it made the scolding Xi Ding feel cold for no reason.

In the crowded crowd, a dozen or so Chinese laborers suddenly squeezed to Xiong Hua's side from all directions.

Sudden change!

The dozen or so Chinese laborers were still two steps away, then roared and showed the bright knife in his hand, and rushed towards the guards beside Xiding Artai Ayong Xionghua.

Although the incident happened suddenly, these guards were all well-tested. At the same time as the bright knife light flashed into their eyes, Artai and Ayong either threw their knives out of their sleeves, or turned their backs, Pulled out the revolver, and took the initiative to pounce on the attacker.

"Stop them!"

The crowd seemed to explode.

But the next moment, Xiding, who was rushing forward, suddenly realized that something was wrong—it was supposed to be some people to stop and some people to protect Xiong Hua, but there were more people on the other side than his own, and they rushed over from all directions. Tai Ayong and the others rushed out, trying to isolate the attackers from their boss as much as possible, but in this way, Xiong Hua's side was cleared...

Xiong Hua's face was still ferocious, his eyes flicked in the fiery red scene, and goosebumps protruded from his body.

A black muzzle was pointing directly at his head... He knew the face on the back of the revolver with sand flowing on it.

It was the face on the wanted poster he had seen when he was a miner in the small town of Auburn.

The wild gunslinger who has been watched by evil, the slaughterer of Fangmeadow, the wild Miller!

"Damn it, I'm going to die..." Xiong Hua murmured, his bear-like body was cold from head to toe.

(End of this chapter)

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