surnamed Wang

Chapter 116 The autumn wind blows, the perch is fat

Chapter 116 The autumn wind blows, the perch is fat

As soon as Jinfeng Yulu met, they won but countless on earth.

Throughout the ages, even many sages and scholars have not understood the truth, how can the two young people now be able to see through it.

Time passed by in a flash, and another half a month passed.

Ning Xiaowan had already received a reply from her family, which said that the family had chosen a well-matched husband for her, and that man was working in the county government. Father Ning hoped that she would go home and get married as soon as possible.

Although Ning Xiaowan has a stubborn temper, she grew up watching "Female Virtue" and knew that her father's order must not be violated. Seeing that her marriage was approaching, she thought twice, and finally found Zhao Zhiyi who was fishing by the river.

Zhao Zhiyi was wearing a straw hat, holding a bamboo fishing rod in his hand, and was lazily lying on a chair, squinting his eyes to enjoy the afternoon sun.After realizing that the sunlight was blocked, he slowly opened his eyes and smiled at the person who came:
"Miss Ning, what's the matter?"

I don't know if it was caused by the sun, but Ning Xiaowan's fair face was a little blush. She rubbed the corner of her clothes and said after a while: "My father asked me to go back."


After Zhao Zhiyi uttered a simple "oh", there was no further movement, which made people feel that this matter had nothing to do with him.

Seeing that the other party was still staring blankly at the water, Ning Xiaowan was both disappointed and annoyed, but she didn't turn her head away immediately, but continued to say: "My father said that he found a suitable family for me and let me go back. Get married."

"Really, then Zhao will congratulate Miss Ning in advance."

Zhao Zhiyi finally looked away this time, and turned to look at Ning Xiaowan.

It's just that his tone was still calm, and there was no sadness or joy on his face, as if he was an outsider from the beginning to the end.

Ning Xiaowan suddenly laughed when she heard the words, and there was a bit of sadness in the laughter that others couldn't see.

She should have been angry, but she knew she shouldn't be angry. Zhao Zhiyi's attitude towards her had always been like this. For more than a month, it had been her wishful thinking.

Ning Xiaowan, who had figured everything out, turned her head and left, without the slightest nostalgia.

"Why do you treat her like this, you know her friendship for you."

After Ning Xiaowan left, Yan Jun, who was covering his face with a straw hat and was still sleeping soundly with his head up, asked leisurely.

Zhao Zhiyi didn't answer immediately, but lifted the fishing rod, and a fat perch was already bitten on the hook.

Zhao Zhiyi grabbed the perch, gently removed the hook, and then threw the fish back into the water, splashing a lot of water.

After finishing all this, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "It is unwise to do what you know you can't do. Today, I have to leave."

Yan Jun seemed to know about it a long time ago, and he didn't say anything to keep him. He took off the straw hat covering his face, and sighed with a little regret:
"Hey, it's a pity for this fat perch."

Zhao Zhiyi showed a rare wry smile, got up and prepared to leave.

Just like when he came, one man and one sword, he brought nothing and would not take anything away.

But after walking more than ten steps, he suddenly stopped and said without turning his head: "Since it is a pity, why don't you go fishing by yourself, so as not to regret it when you are hungry at night."

After finishing speaking, he walked away, leaving Yan Jun sitting there in a daze.

After a long time, Yan Jun regained his composure and couldn't sleep anymore. He picked up the fishing rod left by Zhao Zhiyi and ran towards the city.


A few years later, Ning Xiaowan married Yan Jun, who looked rough on the outside, but delicate on the inside.


After that, another year passed, and she saw the man who made her heart flutter again.

It's just that Zhao Zhiyi at this time no longer had the unrestrained and calmness of the past, and was replaced by haggard and old-fashioned.

She didn't know what he had experienced in these years, and she didn't know whether there was a woman who stopped him in these years.

It was also at this time that she knew the real identity of the other party.

Although she was curious about Zhao Zhiyi's experience in these years, Ning Xiaowan was not demanding, because with the passage of time, she was no longer the girl who was pregnant with spring, and her feelings for this man only stayed in the past.


That day, Zhao Zhiyi who appeared suddenly chatted with Yan Jun for a long time, and finally Yan Jun finally nodded in agreement after frowning for nearly half an hour.


Back to the present, Wang Gingquan and Mrs. Yan had dinner together, and their relationship grew a lot.

At this moment, Wang Gangquan was cracking the melon seeds, while telling interesting stories in the palace, his manners were sloppy, and he did not treat himself as an outsider at all.

Mrs. Yan has been observing Wang Gingquan's words and demeanor, but for some reason, she suddenly burst out laughing.

"What is Auntie laughing at?"

Wang Gangquan was confused for a moment.

"It's nothing, I just remembered an old friend."

Hearing this, Wang Gangquan let out an "oh", and only thought that the person was an outsider who didn't know him.

During the conversation, Wang Gangquan kept looking outside the door from time to time.

"It's weird, it's been a long time, why didn't that girl Rongrong come back, she usually takes care of such small things in a few clicks."

Yan's mother obviously knows her daughter's style very well, and there are very few high-ranking officials in the capital, and she has never heard of Yan Rongrong's name, after all, there are not a few dudes who have been taught by her.

The most irritating thing is that every time those people are taught a lesson, they still dare not tell their families, because those who have sued, without exception, have been severely taught by the elders in the family, and then they have to come to the door with gifts to make amends .

All of this is because Yan Rongrong's father, Yan Jun, a humerus minister with 30 military power, is an extremely protective master.

Yan Jun protects his weaknesses, unlike others, he only protects his wife and daughter, but he always ignores his son.

If the son is arguing with others outside, he will inevitably scold him when he comes home. The general content is: If you can do it, what are you doing with him so much.

And when the son fights outside, it's okay if he wins, but if he loses, he will be beaten again when he goes home, because he has lost face to the Yan family.

Therefore, both civil and military officials in the court will warn their children that the girls of the Yan family should not be messed with, but the boys of the Yan family can rest assured to beat them to death.

This also led to several sons of the Yan family, without exception, who have all developed extraordinary skills. When they were young, they still felt that their father was partial, but as they grew up, they gradually understood a truth: men, If you want to protect your family, you must become strong.

That's why people in the world say that Yan Jun is blessed and that all his sons are promising, but they don't know that this is inseparable from his own education.


"It's not good, it's not good!"

At this moment, a hurried voice came from outside the mansion, and then a man dressed as an official rushed into the courtyard of the Yan Mansion regardless of the gatekeeper's obstruction.

The two heard the sound and looked, only to see someone stumbling and limping towards them.

Wang Gingquan frowned, and subconsciously pressed his right hand on the teacup.

The person who came staggered and fell to the ground, not forgetting to shout: "Who is Zhao Zhiyi? Miss Yan is in danger!"

(End of this chapter)

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