surnamed Wang

Chapter 249

Chapter 249
Just as Zhou Xuantong was about to start, a loud shout sounded from the sky:

"you dare!"

Immediately afterwards, a purple robe came from the north.

Seeing this, Zhou Xuantong frowned and moved faster.


The purple-robed Taoist snorted coldly, and the river water splashed out of his hand.

The river water, which was originally only a handful, quickly expanded to a range of ten feet the moment it left the Taoist's palm, and the ten feet became hundreds of feet... until it covered the sky and covered the earth, pouring down like a galaxy hanging upside down.

Looking at the sky-filled river and the purple-robed eunuch who was standing close by, Wang Bingde's eyes flashed coldly, and he pulled the silk thread in his sleeve without hesitation, and thousands of steel needles shot out from his cuff in an instant.

This is a hidden weapon second only to the treasure of the Tang Sect. Unlike the Yin-Yang Token that can instantly kill thousands of soldiers, this hidden weapon is specially aimed at top experts.

Seeing the opponent urging the hidden weapon, even Zhou Xuantong couldn't help showing solemnity. He quickly rolled up his two big sleeves to wrap up the flying needles pouring out.

The flying needle that was supposed to come out of the sleeve, after being entangled in the sleeve, was like a mud cow entering the sea, failing to stir up a wave.

After collecting the flying needles, Zhou Xuantong waved his hands again, countless flying needles immediately returned the same way, and all of them flew towards Wang Bingde.

The water curtain from the sky also crashed down at this time, covering the two of them together.

The river was rushing on the endless plain, and after a while, the river re-converged and formed a small river on the plain, and the two people who were originally covered by the water curtain showed their true faces again.

Zhou Xuantong had already jumped out when the river was falling, and Wang Bingde on the other side was under the protection of the old Taoist.

"My lord, Zhou Daoyou's hexagram "When the dragon sees the water, he will live" has been fulfilled, and today the lord can leave safely."

After the old Taoist finished speaking, he turned his head and looked proudly at Zhou Xuantong.

He is well-rounded, because he has the ability to revive a dead situation.Since you can't reach the river, I'm here with the river, and I'm going to make you live in the water.

Wen Fuding didn't care about Zhou Xuantong who was full of anger, he stepped out directly and came in front of him.

On the plain, a situation of Zipao against Zipao immediately formed.


"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable," the purple-robed old Taoist chanted his Daoist title, "I have seen Zhou Weiling before."

Zhou Xuantong didn't care what the other party said about "Wei Ling", and said coldly:
"Wen Fuding, you wear the purple robe bestowed by His Majesty, but openly protect the rebels, do you want the entire Chuanlu Mansion to be buried with you?"

The purple-robed Taoist said flatly:
"The Chuanlu Mansion does not honor any monarch, but only God's destiny. Now the second prince has the destiny of an emperor, which is the destiny."

Zhou Xuantong said with cold eyes:

"Miscellaneous people don't understand the way of heaven you are talking about. They only know that to be a slave, you should listen to your master and do whatever your master asks you to do. You shouldn't feel disobedient."

Wang Bingde at the side showed admiration when he heard the words, and said, "What a dog slave!"

This sentence sounds like a curse, but it is the greatest compliment to Zhou Xuantong.

"Master Wen, I leave this place to you."

After Wang Bingde finished speaking, he headed towards the north.


The rivers and lakes in Beitu are really boring. There are neither sword immortals who walk with swords, nor immortal figures who transcend the mundane world. Even if there was a killing god who accompanied the ancestors of Beiyuan to fight in all directions hundreds of years ago, he is also a martial artist. Sell ​​the king.

The warriors in Beitu were like this, but those who had some skills were not willing to be unknown, and would rather be controlled by the imperial court than to find a black yarn and enjoy the glory and wealth.

Yuan Baihu leaned against a big tree and couldn't help himself.

He prided himself on his superb martial arts skills, even if he faced that General Protecting the Nation named Pu, he was sure to fight for a few rounds.

But even so, the old man who just passed by him still didn't even look at him.

Just when he was in a daze, he saw a large black shadow covering the sky and falling down from the sky. Before he could react, a stream of water rushed past. Although it didn't hurt him at all, it completely shattered his remaining self-confidence.

This is no longer something human can do. Even if he spends his whole life practicing guns, he will still be inferior to these old monsters in the end.

At this moment, Yuan Baihu was sitting leaning against a tree, looking at the thunder that appeared from time to time in the northern sky, with a smile on his lips, but this smile was obviously bitter.


At first the thunder was normally white, but now it has turned red, Yuan Baihu didn't count it on purpose, there should be four or five.

Every time the thunderbolt strikes down, the ground will definitely tremble. Although Yuan Baihu doesn't know which expert caused the thunder to come down, he probably is another person who doesn't take him seriously.


Five miles away, a Taoist priest named Fu Ding held a red talisman in his hand, and quietly looked at Zhou Xuantong opposite him.

The latter obviously lost the calmness he had at the beginning, not only his hair was loose, but even the purple robe on his body was blackened by smoke.

Zhou Xuantong was full of anger, and said coldly:

"Wen Fuding, you don't hesitate to use thunder to stop me, aren't you afraid of God's punishment?"

The old Taoist smiled, "The old Taoist walks according to the destiny, how can there be a word of divine punishment? I still have a Zichen Five Thunder Talisman left by my ancestor, do you want to try it?"

As he spoke, the old Taoist took another piece of purple talisman paper from his sleeve, on which an extremely complicated pattern was outlined with golden lines.

Seeing this, Zhou Xuantong frowned. He was able to resist the previous few thunderstorms with all his strength. Although he was embarrassed in the end, he did not hurt the root.

The Taoist thunder method is dedicated to treating evil spirits, and the Zichen Wulei Talisman is not a good thing just by its name. Although I am not an evil spirit, if the other party really ignores it and mobilizes it, maybe I will become the first one since the founding of the country. A person who was struck to death by Lei Fa.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhou Xuantong turned his head to look in the direction of the capital, where a sword energy was coming towards him rapidly.

"Alas!" Zhou Xuantong sighed, "Since ancient times, it has been said that evildoers mess with the government, old Taoist Wen, please do it yourself, don't turn your noble aura into a demon aura."

After finishing speaking, he headed towards the capital without turning his head back.


A flying sword was running from south to north, and a thin old man stood on the sword.

On the way Zhou Xuantong had to go back to the city, the old man stopped him with a horizontal sword.

"Leaving so soon? We haven't fought yet."

Zhou Xuantong was obviously not in a good mood, and said coldly:
"Ye Jian, don't force people too much. It doesn't matter that you have perfected your sword intent now. If you push our family into a hurry, you can still do it if you get seriously injured and fall."

Ye Jian heard the words and turned sideways and said:
"You're still so angry after being eunuched, don't worry, the old man can't do the business of beating a dog in the water.

That girl is your subordinate, she helped the old man achieve his sword intent, even though he had no intention of doing so, but the old man did not treat her badly, and before he left, he helped her to go up to a higher level, it is considered as a mutual debt. "


The purple-robed old man flicked his sleeves and roared away.

Perhaps it was because of the grievance that he couldn't handle it, when he passed by Yuan Baihu, he waved his hand and sent him flying.

Even Ye Jian in the sky didn't expect him to do this. Of course, even if he expected it, he might not stop him.

The unlucky Yuan Baihu suffered a random disaster. With the big gun across his chest, he couldn't block the old man's domineering blow. He was shot ten feet away, and didn't stop until he hit a big tree.

Thanks to his strong body, he barely stood up after vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood.

Looking at this scene, Ye Jian couldn't laugh or cry, and finally shook his head, picked up Yuan Baihu's neck, and flew towards the river.


At the north gate of the capital, more than [-] houses on both sides of the main road were destroyed, and the ground was covered with rubble. If the people here had not been evacuated in advance, there would have been a lot of casualties.

Si snake Huangying stands in the center, the sword has been sheathed, and stands with the sword.

Yu Mu tore off a strip of cloth from his clothes, and carefully bandaged the wound on Huang Ying's arm.

The rest of the Jinghu guards in the surrounding area also began to clean up the mess under the leadership of Wang San. More than [-] Jinghu guards were killed and injured in this battle, most of them were killed by three barefoot and empty-handed men. He was hacked to death with a knife, but for Jing Huwei, the loss was still too great.

Zhou Xuantong walked slowly into the city, all the way forward, looking at the rubble on the ground, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

Seeing the old man, Yu Mu and the others quickly knelt down on one knee and said in unison:
"See the guard order!"

"Get up." The old man said in a deep voice, then walked up to Huang Ying, and said, "I've worked hard on you tonight, go back and rest first."

Huang Ying nodded and left, she still didn't forget to look back at Yu Mu before leaving.

After Huang Ying left, the old man said to the remaining two:

"You two, follow me into the palace to face the saint."



Wei Ling, that is, the secret guard order, is a respectful title for the person who holds the order.

Wang Gangquan holds the secret guard order and can command the secret guard, so it can also be called the guard order.

Unlike him, Zhou Xuantong, who was wearing a python robe, didn't need any tokens, because he himself represented the entire hidden guard.

The dark guard has been under his jurisdiction since its establishment. He is a qualified slave who has always been loyal to his master and has never acted overstepped. Therefore, every emperor regards him as a confidant and never thinks about it. to replace him.

Now, this most powerful figure in the dynasty is kneeling in front of the current Holy Master, touching his head to the ground, quietly waiting to be punished.

"Get up, I don't blame you for this matter, I should have been more decisive in the first place."

The emperor spoke in a deep voice.

The chief eunuch Zhou Xuantong stood up after hearing the words, but he still bowed and lowered his hands, his posture was lower than the two subordinates behind him.


Just as Wang San was about to say something, Zhou Xuantong stared back at him.

The emperor knew what the other party was thinking, and said lightly:

"Your father's mistake is so great that it will involve the entire Wang family.

It is often said in the world that disasters are worse than wives and children, but this is the court, and Wang Xishan must have expected this kind of ending at the beginning. "

Wang San fell to his knees with a plop when he heard the words, not daring to speak, but just lowered his body as low as possible.

The emperor couldn't help but sighed, and continued:

"Wang Shilang is already quite old, it's time to retire and return home.

Wang Taolue is far away in the frontier, although he has nothing to do with this matter, even if I want to keep him, I still can't stop the courtiers' mouths.

As for Wang Yingsi and Feng Tanhua, most of them will be implicated and lose their qualifications to accompany the prince and prince. "

Hearing this, Wang San kowtowed his head and kept muttering: "Your Majesty is kind, thank you for not killing me."

The emperor shook his head, "Go out."

Wang San got up quickly when he heard the words, bowed and retreated.

After a while, the emperor looked at Yu Mu beside him, smiled and said:
"Si Snake, your wedding date is approaching. Before you get married, you and Huang Ying will cultivate your health together. I'm still waiting to drink your wedding wine."

Hearing this, Yu Mu hurriedly bowed and said:
"That villain must drink eight hundred cups with His Majesty."

"Hahaha, I can't drink enough, so you might as well ask Wei Ling to accompany you to have a few more drinks."

"Yes Yes."

Yu Mu sneered, but what he thought in his heart was that if he drank with this old monster, he might as well kill himself.

After Yu Mu also retreated, the emperor suppressed his smile and said calmly:
"what happened?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, it is the Wen Fu Ding of Chuanlu Mansion."

"It's the Fuding real person who claims to be in charge of the sky? What does he mean, that I am not qualified to be the emperor?"

Wang Bingxian said angrily.

Zhou Xuantong immediately fell to his knees when he heard the words, and said in a trembling voice:
"Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, the real dragon, and the destiny belongs to him. The Daoist who helped the tripod is short-sighted, and it is just a gimmick to deceive the world and steal his name."

"Get up, I don't blame you."

The emperor sat down on the chair, and a little blood appeared on his originally pale face at this moment.

"Since Wen Fuding has made a plan, there is no need for Chuanlu Mansion to exist."


As soon as Zhou Xuantong finished speaking, he saw that the emperor's face was getting more bloody, and immediately after that, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Hurry up, Doctor Xuan!"

Zhou Xuantong panicked and shouted outside.

The eyes of the emperor who had vomited blood were a little brighter, and he muttered to himself:

"After all, I can't hold it anymore."


On the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Wang Bingde, who had already left the scope of the capital, stood on the bow of the boat and turned to look in the direction of the capital.

Nie Yingxue stepped out of the cabin, put a fox fur on her, and said softly:
"What do you think?"

"I'm wondering when I'll be back."

The building boat breaks through the waves, only the sound of the waves at the bottom of the boat can be heard.


Planjang, one of the rare oases on the western border of the dynasty.

Although it has been eroded by wind and sand all year round, it has never fallen.

Businessmen who come here to do business have to pay a lot of taxes and fees. Most of these taxes and fees will be used to prevent wind and sand fixation. Because of this, Purangang has not been buried by yellow sand for decades, but has expanded more than ten years. inside.

There is a large lake on the west side of Purangan. The water in the lake is bottomless. Even in extremely dry years, the lake here can still maintain the greenness of Purangan.

Therefore, the local people regard this large lake named Yixi as a god, not only forbidding to drink cattle and horses by the lake, but even bathing in it.

A group of people and horses walked by the lake at this time. It may not be appropriate to say that they were people and horses, because they were not riding common horses, but white elephants.

In Xichi, white elephants can be seen everywhere. Both the common people and the royal family are willing to ride this docile animal.

Although the role of white elephants is similar to that of horses, their status in Xichi is much higher than that of horses.

According to the Western Red Esoteric Buddhism, the white elephant is the mount of the gods and has divinity. The rider needs to respect the white elephant, not whip and abuse, and eat and drink on weekdays. Even if it causes trouble and destroys the farmland, only can bear it.

This group of businessmen riding white elephants came from Xichi, and the leader was a woman in her early thirties, dressed in a typical Xichi dress, wearing a red shirt and green skirt, wearing a pink headscarf, and covering her face with a white gauze. And a touch of signature red.

Sitting on another white elephant beside her is the young master and uncle of Hanjing Temple, the young monk Huiming.

Pulan made the people believe in Buddhism more, and the businessmen who often come and go here are probably the same. Even if they don't believe it, they always need to look good.

Therefore, the little monk Huiming has received enough hospitality in the past few days. Not only did he not worry about food and lodging, but also many merchants offered money, but he declined them all in the end.

Rao is the reincarnation of the living Buddha, the little monk, and I have to admire Xichi's heart of worshiping the Buddha. If the people of the world worship the Buddha like this, why worry about the Buddha Dharma not being carried forward?
Thinking of this, the little monk couldn't help thinking of that guy in Congmoyuan. If it wasn't for the accident a few years ago, he might be the one who came to Xichi today.


(End of this chapter)

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