surnamed Wang

Chapter 274 Breaking the Law

Chapter 274 Breaking the Law
It can be said that Wang Bingquan took the word "shameless" to the extreme, not only poaching corners in front of Wang Bingde, but even turned his face and launched a sneak attack after the business negotiation collapsed.

Wen Fuding had been on guard for a long time. Facing the "hidden weapon" thrown by the opponent, he flicked his sleeves to cover it. His trick was called Qiankun in the Sleeve. Like a mud cow entering the sea, there is no return.

When Wen Fuding was young, he used this trick to receive a bone-penetrating nail from Tang Zhi, the patriarch of the Tang sect, and returned it to him in the same way, leaving him with a lifetime of unhealed wounds. Retreat all year round, warm and nourish internal diseases.

It's just that what Xiaochunzi threw was not some vicious hidden weapon, but a pig urine bubble.

When Wang Gangquan fought against Monk Laitou back then, Pig Urine Pao made a great contribution, and he has remembered this thing ever since.

Fresh pig urine foam is thick, tough and elastic, and it will not break when kicked by a ball, but it is extremely fragile after drying, and it will shatter when touched.

Wang Gangquan took a fancy to this point, soaked the pig urine in the sun until it was half-dried, and injected feces into it to deal with this Taoist who is good at thunder.

Sure enough, Wen Fuding seemed to have put the "hidden weapon" in his sleeve, but there was a crisp "pop" sound in the next breath.

The pig urine bubble burst, and a stench came out.

Wen Fuding raised his sleeve in disbelief, and the dark yellow liquid flowed down the cuff. He was stunned for a moment, but then he understood, and his face was full of anger.

Taoism is all about cultivating righteousness, and Leifa represents the grandeur of heaven and earth. It can strengthen the righteousness and exorcise evil spirits, and it can kill evil spirits in the world.

But the more powerful the technique, the stricter the requirements.

If you want to use the power of heaven and earth, the caster must keep clean inside and outside, and even fast and take a bath before casting the spell, so that there is no trace of impurity.Because the awe-inspiring spirit is most afraid of unclean things, many magical weapons will lose their power due to contamination.

Although the method used by Wang Gangquan was a bit more crude, it was the most effective.

After Wen Fuding was stained with feces, his stature showed obvious signs of instability, and his original image of floating like a fairy disappeared. If he hadn't worked hard to maintain it, he might have fallen to the ground.

Seeing this, Wang Handquan smiled and said:
"Sure enough, just as I thought, Chuanlu Mansion relies on the power of talismans, and borrows external power. After all, it is not my true cultivation. Once the connection is severed, it will immediately reveal its true colors."

Wen Fuding frowned, pulled out another talisman paper with his right hand, and stuck it on his body.

As the talisman paper fell, his body, which had been slightly lowered, rose a little higher.

Wen Fuding snorted coldly, "See how long you can laugh."

After that, he walked away.

"Walk slowly, don't send."

Wang Gangquan finished speaking still with a smile, then his face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice:

The artillery rang out, and the projectile hit the city gate directly. The sawdust splashed and smoke rolled, and the thick city gate could no longer withstand it, and a huge hole was directly blown out.

Wang Gingquan drew out his saber from his waist, pointed towards the city gate, and said with a blank expression:

"All troops attack."


Seeing the imperial army rushing towards the city gate, Wang Bingde panicked for the first time. Wen Fuding also stepped back to the top of the city at this time. As soon as he landed, he saw Wang Bingde kneeling in front of him.

Wen Fuding said in astonishment:

"My lord, what is this?"

Wang Bingde said in a deep voice:
"On the day Wang gains power, he must enshrine Luanfu as the lord of the world's orthodoxy, and invite the Taoist priest to not hide anything private."

Although Wang Bingde tried his best to make his voice appear calm, the people around him could still hear the trembling in it, especially Zhao Hu who was closest to him.

"Oh... that's all."

The old Taoist who was smeared with stench let out a long sigh, turned to Zhao Hu and said:
"General Zhao, please gather the soldiers in the city to the top."

Zhao Hu was taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded and hurried down to deliver the order.


Before going south, Wang Bingquan made a special trip to the Qin Tianjian. Although he had always regarded this group of officials as charlatans, they were more reliable than the fortune-tellers who set up stalls on the street.

Qin Tianjian has many responsibilities. In addition to the most common sky observation, there are also tasks such as morning call, singing, reckoning the calendar, and setting the four o'clock.

In addition to studying Huang Lao's theory, among the officials, they also had some dabble in Confucianism. Wang Bingquan specially found a Wuguan Lingtai Lang with a background of Zhengdao School to inquire about Chuanlu Mansion.

This five-featured Lingtai man was over fifty years old, with a handsome appearance, a beard of more than a foot long, and few sour looks of a scholar in his gestures. He could be regarded as a real bearded man.

The most coincidental thing is that this person is not only acquainted with that Wen Fuding, but also they have a seniority relationship, and there is a very distant relationship between brothers and sisters. After all, the patriarch of Chuanlu Mansion hundreds of years ago came from the school of Zhengyi Fulu.

This handsome bearded man is very talkative, probably influenced by Confucianism, he explained the issue of king power in a very easy-to-understand way, and he is not as cloudy and foggy as other Taoist real people.

However, when Wang Gangquan asked how to fight against Lei Fa, Ling Tailang, who had always known everything, hesitated.

Seeing this, Wang Gingquan didn't force himself. After all, the other party had said enough. Just as he was about to leave, the bearded man hesitated again and again, and still sighed and said:

"Although this matter is against the rules, Wen Fu Ding broke the rules first, so it's okay to tell the prince. But all righteous methods are afraid of being dirty, the prince can try it."

Wang Gangquan was about to say thank you, but he heard the other party continue:
"Besides that, I still have a few words to advise the prince.

Wen Fuding is known as a once-in-a-century genius in the Chuanlu Mansion, and his aptitude can be ranked among the top three in today's orthodoxy.Although Chuanlu Mansion's heritage is not as good as Zhengyi's, it has accumulated a lot of precious talismans over the past few hundred years, and he may not have spared it.

And judging from my superficial physiognomy, the prince Yintang is always in the dark, so it's better to be careful in this trip. "

This Lingtai Lang's kind reminder changed Wang Gangquan's view of Qin Tianjian a lot. He nodded at the other party and said:

"I'll pay attention."


Wang Gingquan led his troops into the Zhongdu Mansion, and the soldiers in the city fled in all directions, and the people all hid their doors tightly. There was no one else on the street except the Chao Dynasty army.

Wang Gingquan frowned and looked around carefully. He never forgot what Ling Tailang said. The more he got to the present, the more he had to be careful of the other party jumping over the wall in a hurry.

"Get the drill ready."

Wang Gingquan gave instructions to Yan Hanshan in a low voice.

When the army entered the city just now, those dozens of steel rods were pulled out and brought in together.

Just as everyone was setting up the steel drills, the sky was covered with dark clouds again. It was close to morning at this time, and the originally slightly bright sky darkened again.

Wang Bingquan looked up towards the direction of the city wall, but saw Wang Bingde looking down at him.

"Wang Bingquan, today is where you will be buried." Wang Bingde said coldly.

Wang Gangquan didn't reply, just raised a middle finger, and then waved his hand, and the surrounding soldiers rushed towards the city wall.

Although the gates of the Zhongdu Mansion are wide open at this moment, [-] soldiers will not be able to enter so quickly. After Wang Gingquan gave an order, the soldiers outside the city directly set up the ladders and climbed towards the top of the city, while the soldiers inside the city walked along the steps. On the other hand, Wang Gangquan took the lead in rushing forward.

He wants to take down Wang Bingde with his own hands, regardless of life or death!

The black clouds in the sky had reached the extreme, and there was a louder thunder than before, and the rainstorm suddenly came.


(End of this chapter)

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