surnamed Wang

Chapter 375

Chapter 375
Zhongzhou, regardless of the population or the amount of land, has always been among the top three dynasties, but the annual taxation of grain production is not outstanding.

Most of the explanations given by local officials are that banditry is rampant and unruly people refuse to obey discipline. Most of the government and officials know the truth.

The chaos of Zhongzhou officials has existed since ancient times. As early as the Beiyuan period, Zhongzhou did not provide any contribution to the court. Instead, it asked for money and food every year, and suppressed bandits every year, but there were bandits every year. This dragged Beiyuan down for decades. .

Later, the emperor of the Northern Yuan Dynasty couldn't bear it anymore, and he deposed or assigned many local officials, but there was still no improvement.

At that time, a Han official in the court once wrote a letter saying that if he wanted to eradicate the troubles of Zhongzhou officials, he had to scrape the bones to cure the poison and clean it thoroughly. However, the world is dominated by the people of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, and the addition of one or two Han officials in the court is just to block it. The mouth of a scholar, the northern barbarians disdain to accept the advice of outsiders.

In their view, even if Zhongzhou is rotten, it is better than letting the Han people hold power and dictate to them.


After the establishment of the dynasty, although the kings of all dynasties have intentionally or unintentionally curbed the corruption phenomenon in Zhongzhou, the vast and fertile land and the high sky and the emperor's distance inevitably created many big corruptions. Do not go to the capital to become a high official".

Food is the most important thing for the people. Even an acre of Susukida is enough to support the whole family. However, in the eyes of some people who can’t wait to squeeze oil out of stones, the land can not only grow food, but also grow food. out of gold.

Due to the resignation of Wu Tong and Wu Da brothers, the entire Zhongzhou official structure has been re-cleaned. The officials who took over later include Jinshi who just graduated from high school, and old fritters who have been in office for many years.

With the lessons learned from the past, if there are still people among them who want to learn from the former officials to reap the benefits, they have to weigh their own weight. Since the capital can send one Lian Li, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not send a second and third, or this People have already been dispatched, and they are hidden among these new officials.

There are many officials in Zhongzhou, no matter how powerful they are, they all have ways to make money. Among them, the most lucrative one is the household department in charge of land and taxation. A real fat gap.

It has been some time since the local officials took office, but they still don't see the Qinglisi Langzhong, who is known as the upstart of the court.This person is the champion of Lianzhong Sanyuan last year. As soon as he became an official, he was a fifth-rank doctor, and his status was not inferior to that of a government. If there was no one behind him, he might have directly entered the household department instead of being sent to this remote place. up.


In the early morning of this day, a scholar in his 20s passed a small village with a horse. Very handsome.

The scholar glanced at the "book boy" who closed his eyes and kept nodding, and smiled helplessly. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that this book boy with a good face and a graceful figure at first sight was clearly a woman.

"Mizhen, don't sleep, we will be in Fucheng soon." The man reminded softly.

The woman who disguised herself as a man to the point of deceiving her ears opened her eyes, looked around, and said doubtfully:
"Brother, where are we?"

The man smiled slightly and said:

"We've already arrived at the outskirts of Ru'an Mansion, and it's estimated that we will arrive at Fucheng after walking for half an hour."

The man's surname is Shen and his name is Qianqiu, he is the champion of Enke this time, and he came to Zhongzhou this time to take up the post of Lang Zhong, the official secretary. As for the woman on the horseback, she is his cousin who grew up with him since he was a child, and her name is Li Mizhen. .

The relationship between brother and sister has been very good since childhood. After Shen Qianqiu was in high school, the younger sister even secretly went to the capital to congratulate him. At that time, she was also dressed as a self-deceiving man. Accompanying the escort all the way, I am afraid that something unexpected happened long ago.

That chivalrous man is capable, but his appearance is really unflattering. In addition, Ms. Li has always favored elegant scholars, so naturally, there is no hope for that chivalrous man.

The Shen family has been in business for many years, and they have always only talked about business and did not owe favors. Shen Qianqiu, who is already the head of the Shen family, discussed with his cousin and decided to pay a heavy reward. At the beginning, if the performance is excellent, it will naturally not be a problem for hundreds of households in the future.


Li Mizhen was sitting on a tall horse. She was still in her prime and still looked like a curious little girl. From time to time, she asked her cousin the names of the crops in the farmland by the side of the road.

Shen Qianqiu, who has always been a handsome young man, took the trouble to explain to his cousin. Although he was slowed down by this gluttonous and sleepy cousin, the boring journey was also enriched by it.

Shen Qianqiu showed helplessness more than once, but she was still very happy in her heart. The two of them are not young, and both of them have clear plans in their hearts, but they haven't pierced the window paper yet.

When Li Mizhen appeared in the capital dressed in men's clothing, Shen Qianqiu had already understood the other party's intentions. Once a woman did something stupid for a man, it would only explain one problem.

Just as Mr. Shen was thinking, the woman on the horse suddenly shouted happily:
"Brother, look quickly, we are here."

Shen Qianqiu smiled when he heard the words, and looked forward. At this time, the sun was gradually rising, bringing some warmth.


Juke Building, the largest restaurant in Ru'an Mansion, the private room is located on the third floor. Shen Qianqiu originally planned to go to the Qing Dynasty Officials Department first, but he walked for nearly two hours with his horse. Naturally, he is not considered a strong scholar Some couldn't stand it, and with the cousin's begging, the two had to fill their stomachs first.

Both of them came from well-known families in Jiangdong, and there was no shortage of money in their pockets. Cousin Li Mizhen was spoiled and spoiled at home, and she was well prepared to go out this time, so she found a private room without even thinking about it, and ordered a lot of money. vegetable.

The shop clerk saw that the elegant scholar brought a man dressed as a woman, and he was still slandering the other party's gentle scum, but when he saw the bank note with a denomination large enough to last him for several years, he continued to do it with a smile on his face.

While waiting for the food, the woman propped her chin on her hand and looked at the street scene, not knowing what she was thinking. Shen Qianqiu poured a cup of hot tea for her thoughtfully, and spoke first:

"Although this place is not as prosperous as the capital, it is not much worse than Jiangdong. If you want to go out for a stroll on weekdays, it won't be too boring."

The woman's mind is unpredictable, the woman who has been full of novelty all the way here is not interested at the moment, the two of them are no longer children after all, even if Shen Qianqiu wants to ask, she doesn't know where to start.

While Shen Zhuangyuan was drinking tea, he heard the woman leisurely say:
"Brother, you are now the champion of the third prize in Lianzhong, and you have become a fifth-rank doctor in your early twenties. There must be many dignitaries who want to recruit you as a son-in-law."

Shen Qianqiu put down the teacup, smiled slightly and said:

"There are indeed quite a few, but I rejected them all."

The woman turned her head when she heard the words, and said curiously:
"Isn't it just for this day that you have studied poetry and books for so many years, why did you refuse?"

Shen Qianqiu turned to look out the window and said:

"Because someone told me that from now on, the Shen family doesn't have to compromise, let alone sacrifice the happiness of the clan in order to find a backer."


The woman's eyes could not help revealing a strange expression. These two words are too difficult for a woman from a wealthy family.


(End of this chapter)

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