surnamed Wang

Chapter 464

Chapter 464
Seeing the eyes above the sky, a thought emerged in Wang Gangquan's mind: Could it be the way of heaven?
In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he only observed for a few breaths, then looked away, and turned to look in the direction of the capital, "I don't know what happened to those guys."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Gingquan's figure gradually disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already in the inner garden of the imperial palace.


In the capital city, inside the imperial palace, a palace called Shangxue Palace is very lively, with eunuchs and maids coming in and out, everyone is in a hurry, as if something big has happened.

The Snow Palace, as the name suggests, is dedicated to snow appreciation. There is an attic on the hall, the first floor is used as the queen's bedroom, and the second floor is dedicated to viewing the scenery.

From the external stairs, you can go up to the Snow Pavilion on the second floor. The attic is open on three sides, and only in the northwest is a screen wall to resist the cold wind that invades in severe winter.

Standing on the attic, you can overlook nearly half of the imperial city. Especially in snowy seasons, the entire imperial palace is covered with silver, and even the always dazzling glazed tiles are hidden. It looks very pleasing to the eye. With sore eyes, you can also look down at the winter plums in the courtyard. There is really nothing more pleasant than this.

The Pavilion of Appreciating Snow was built after Emperor Shun ascended the throne, and even the original Baohua Hall was changed to Hall of Appreciating Snow. But regardless of these, he resolutely built the attic, just because the woman's name contained the word "Snow".


Today is a big disaster for this woman who is loved all over the world.

In the Snow Appreciation Hall, there were hoarse shouts from time to time, today is the day for a woman to give birth, but she happened to encounter dystocia, all the imperial physicians in the palace, Mrs. Wen, were present, but she could only stand there and worry.

The woman on the bed was covered with sweat, most of the pillow was already wet, and the thin quilt on her body seemed to have been fished out of the water long ago, but no one dared to move around now, in case of cold wind, it would be really Even the gods are hard to save.

The woman who usually showed kindness to others was obviously on the verge of exhaustion at this moment, but the person in her stomach still seemed to be in no hurry, and there was no news at all.

Outside the main hall, a middle-aged man was frowning and pacing back and forth. He was already slightly gloomy, but his face was extremely ugly at this moment. At this moment, a court lady came out with a basin of water. He bumped into the monarch of a country, and blood splashed all over him on the spot.

The palace maid immediately turned pale with fright, she quickly knelt down on the ground, and said in a trembling voice:
"Your Majesty's forgiveness for the servant's offense against His Majesty."

The man also didn't care about the difference of dignity, so he pulled the other side up and said:

"What's going on inside?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the empress is having a difficult labor, and she has no strength at the moment. Mrs. Wen said that the fetus is not in the right position, and I am afraid I can only keep one..."

At the end of the palace maid's speech, her voice became smaller and smaller, and Emperor Shun's brows became tighter and tighter. He was about to enter the door regardless of etiquette, but was stopped by an eunuch guarding the door.

"Your Majesty, absolutely not, it will be unlucky for you to go in."

"What auspicious or not, is it auspicious now?"

Emperor Shun's eyes were red, and with the blood on the dragon robe, the eunuch who was used to seeing the world was so scared that he trembled.


In mid-air, Wang Gingquan watched all this quietly, still a little puzzled, why did he come here, could it be because of that one thought?
He rubbed his chin and was thinking, when suddenly there was another shout in the room:

"It's not good, the empress has passed out."

Emperor Shun didn't care too much when he heard the words, he directly pushed the eunuch blocking the way, and rushed in. Seeing this, Wang Gingquan sighed, secretly thinking that his hard life could not be changed, and then he fell straight down.

In the room, the woman on the bed had her eyes closed tightly, her eyelids trembling, as if she wanted to wake up, but she lost too much physical strength, even a martial arts practitioner couldn't bear it after all.

Emperor Shun pushed away the crowd, and when he saw the scene clearly, tears flowed down his face.

Seeing the other party cry is a rare event in a century. Of course Wang Gangquan is willing to watch for a while, but the one on the bed can't last that long.


When Wang Gingquan came to the bedside, no one seemed to notice anything strange, only Emperor Shun saw a vague shadow.

Wang Gingquan put his hand on Nie Yingxue's forehead, trying to infuse spiritual energy into it. With the traces of spiritual energy entering her body, the woman felt a burst of coolness in her heart, and then regained her strength, slowly opened her eyes, and then looked at Emperor Shun's surprised gaze and Under the guidance of Wen Po in a low voice, she began to exert force with each breath.

Seeing that the situation had stabilized, Wang Gingquan withdrew his palm and stood aside.

He was hesitant before making the move, but now he is in a state similar to a spirit body. If Nie Yingxue is directly sucked into the abdomen and forced to reincarnate like in the story, then things will be a big deal. Facing the problem of inheriting the throne again, and seeing Emperor Shun when he turned around, he had to call him father, but he really went to grandma's house in shame... Fortunately, there was no danger in the end.


Just when he was thinking wildly, a cry resounded throughout the room, and the spirits of the people around were lifted, and Wenpo said in surprise:
"Congratulations, Your Majesty, you are a prince."

After speaking, he carried the child to Emperor Shun's side. Emperor Shun smiled and looked at the child, then came to the bed, squatted down and said:

"Thanks a lot."

A smile appeared on the woman's weak face, when the midwife beside her muttered:

"It's really strange. After so many years of being a stable woman, it's the first time I've seen a hemorrhage that can stop on its own. Fortunately, God bless my dynasty. The empress, mother and child are safe. I'm really happy to congratulate."

At this time, everyone around also sent congratulatory words, Emperor Shun rarely responded with a smile, but his eyes glanced at the blurry figure that was gradually disappearing from time to time.


As soon as Wang Gangquan flew out of the palace, he was startled by a crackling noise on the street. He turned his head and saw a group of people walking along the street.

In the lead is a tall horse, and a familiar figure is sitting on the horse's back, with a smile on his face, the scenery is infinite, but his appearance is a bit too beautiful, people can't tell whether he is the bridegroom or the bride.

"Heh, all good things are in a hurry."

Wang Gingquan muttered something softly, and sat cross-legged in the air, quietly watching the group of people heading towards Guanghan Tower.

After taking a general look around, in addition to familiar faces like Xishun, there were actually three Kun class girls from Nanyang Mansion in the team. I didn't expect them to come all the way to the capital to see the demeanor of Guanghanlou's leading actress.

What surprised him the most was that the three of them were holding a small basket at this time, spreading petals along the way to act as a flower boy, willing to serve as a foil for others, which is not something ordinary friendship can do.

Wang Gingquan had to admire that Lu Xiaoxian was born with a face that would bring disaster to the country and the people, and indeed he had an advantage over himself in terms of female popularity.


The wedding wine that can only be watched but not eaten is undoubtedly a kind of torture for Wang Gingquan. Since he can't drink it, he simply doesn't go. away from the courtyard.

That was the residence of Jiang Xiucheng and Jiang Xiuye.


(End of this chapter)

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