surnamed Wang

Chapter 477 Tea Stall

The sixteen prefectures of Wuyou start from Tanzhou in the east and end in Yunzhou in the west, including a total of [-] prefectures. They have been occupied since the Northern Yuan Dynasty until the establishment of the dynasty. After more than [-] years, they have been controlled by foreigners.

After the establishment of the dynasty, Taizu Emperor Wang Mu once personally led the army to conquer. After several years, he managed to take down the two states. However, the national power was limited and he could not consume the remnants of the Northern Yuan Dynasty who defended stubbornly. In the end, he had to return to the court with regret.

The dynasty inherited the old capital of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, and would rather spend a lot of manpower and material resources to repair this dangerous place than to find a safe place with beautiful mountains and rivers. At the beginning of the establishment of the capital, Taizu Wang Mu also established the "Wang Family Man" Be the royal family motto of guarding the gate of the country for the people of the world.

Guarding the gates of the country was just one of them. What Emperor Taizu expected most was that his descendants would one day be able to fight back north, recover the remaining fourteen prefectures, and completely keep the Tartars out of the country.

Fifty years of time passed, and the monarchs of the royal family did not want to regain the lost fourteen states, or sent envoys to negotiate peace, or raised troops to attack, but all had little effect. This strategic location has been approved, and the intention is to use this as a platform to win the Central Plains again one day.


Emperor Shun's throne was snatched, and his name was not justified. Although few people in the government and the public dared to discuss it, many people regarded him as a traitor and traitor in their hearts. Emperor Shun knew this, so he worked hard all these years, He didn't dare to slack off for a moment, thinking that one day he would rely on Wuyou Fourteen Prefectures to rectify his name.

For more than ten years, he has been holding back, and has been rectifying the government internally to develop the country's strength, thinking that he can send troops to the north in the future, not only to take back the fourteen states, but also to fight all the way to the capital of the North Turkistan.

Since ancient times, the Central Plains has been famous for its emphasis on individual masters. Before Emperor Shun raised his troops under the banner of "the Qing emperor's side", the one who was cleared was naturally the king's power.But that time he was unlucky and kicked on the iron board. Wang Gangquan turned to yell "Punish the obscene evil" to put down the rebellion, and weaved a lot of fictitious notoriety for him along the way.

Among them, "having an affair with a nanny" is the most widely circulated, and even now people still talk about it, no matter whether they are true believers or false believers, Emperor Shun's reputation of lust and absurdity cannot be erased.

Once bitten by a snake for ten years, he was afraid of well ropes. Since then, Emperor Shun has been more cautious when looking for names. Even if he wants to deal with some officials, he will mostly list the crimes committed by those people under the guise of the officials. However, he himself can pick as clean as he can, in order to avoid being bitten again. When the emperor is in his position, it is really helpless.

Just when Emperor Shun tried his best to find a suitable excuse to launch an army to attack Beitu, the opponent actually brought 30 troops to his door. The three brothers spoke those words.

Emperor Shun had a good plan, but Beitu didn't intend to really go to war. After the arrival of Wang Bingquan, he voluntarily handed over the Wuyou Fourteen Prefectures, which he had been reluctant to let go for decades. It was empty.

Regardless of the rise and fall of the world, it is the common people who suffer. The Central Plains respects Confucianism and propriety, and there is no such thing as aggression in his bones. Emperor Shun thought it over and over again, and finally gave up his plan to continue raising troops.


The Fourteenth State of Wuyou is located in the north, and Wang Bingquan and his son entered from the border of Youshun. They planned to turn from the post road to Guizhou, pass through Guizhou, and then go north to Confucian State, and finally the real border between the two dynasties. …

The two of them only took one horse for this trip. The horse's fur is snow-white, and there is only a cluster of black spots on the waist and abdomen, which is named Samo.

At the beginning, Wang Lingquan took away a horse "Jade Dragon" from the palace. It was white and spotless, and traveled with him to the north and south, and then followed him to Zhongzhou.

Yulong is a tall and handsome horse, but he has a soft spot for an old and thin mare in the palace. Wang Bingquan doesn't make a fortune by selling horses, so he doesn't interfere. Afterwards, the mare gave birth to a foal. It is today's sprinkle ink.

After all, Sa Mo has the blood of a thousand-mile horse, and his foot strength is much better than that of ordinary horses, but he can't compare with a real treasure. The two of them seldom ride along the way, and spend most of their time on their legs. He complained so much about being a father.

It took the two of them more than a month to walk from Zhongzhou to Kaipingwei, and if the delay continued, it would be impossible to return home in the Year of the Monkey, so Wang Bingquan went out of the city and asked Yan Hanhai for a retired army horse. Wang Gingquan rode Samo and Wang Qianying rode A taller warhorse.

The military horse is old, but its majesty is still undiminished. At this moment, it is running side by side with Sa Mo, but its body always leans to the side from time to time, wanting to get closer to the other party. The young man grabbed the rein and corrected it several times, but the horse under him was still He refused to change after repeated admonitions, and the boy was so angry that he almost wanted to draw his sword and kill it.


At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, the sun is still very hot, especially at noon, when even people and horses are roasted, the father and son can't bear it, just in time to see a stall selling herbal tea, so they stop and plan to take a break. for rest.

The stall owner is an old man in his 60s, with white hair all over his head, who is putting the cage on the stove at the side.

During the hundreds of years of Fourteen Prefectures being ruled by the Northern Yuan Dynasty, many local people have long forgotten where their roots are, let alone the scene of the wanton massacre when the Northern Yuan Army entered the city. Now, except for the city buildings, they still retain the same style as before. , the local living habits have long been not much different from those of the North Turkistans.

The father and son walked along the official road, and met some common people on the way, most of them were wearing close-fitting shorts, long trousers and leather boots.Fortunately, one of the two was wearing a bunt shirt, and the other was wearing a strong suit. Although it looked a bit weird, it was not much different from the local style, which did not cause unnecessary onlookers.

Looking at the characteristic clothing on the old man, Wang Gangquan stepped forward and said:
"This old man, please ask me how far it is to Guizhou from now on."

The old man stopped, looked at Wang Handquan curiously, and said:

"Aren't you from North Turkistan?"

Wang Gangquan nodded, "I come from the Central Plains."

Seeing his modest attitude, the old man put down the cage and pointed to the end of the official road:
"Well, you can enter Guizhou after half a day's journey to the northwest, but you have to be careful. The general in charge of guarding Guizhou has a bad temper. He often takes the opportunity to trouble the people in the Central Plains. He is a bit tactful. Businessmen will be beaten severely if they disagree with each other, let alone other ordinary people."

"Thank you for reminding me, old man, we will be careful." Wang Bingquan replied with a smile, and then pointed to the young man behind him, "My father and son have been driving for a long time, and I am in the stomach. May I ask if there is anything here to eat?"

"There are more tricks here than in the city, only buns."

"Then please bring me two drawers of buns."

The father and son found a table nearby and sat down. The table was made of willow wood. The table top was very clean, but there were many knife marks and ax marks criss-crossing them, old and new, obviously not formed in a day.

The old man limped over with the tea in hand, saw the two were looking at the table, and explained:

"Beitu people did it. This is the official way. Almost every day, Beitu people pass by. Some drink tea and don't want to pay, so they take out their swords and throw them on the table."


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