surnamed Wang

Chapter 513 Liu Luming's Invention


Hearing the fresh words that came out of Wang Gingquan's mouth, Liu Luming rubbed his chin, and said after a while:

"It's a good name, but I prefer to call it a blower. Hey brother, what is this turbine in your mouth?"

"Oh, almost."

Wang Gangquan laughed casually, although he was used to it long ago, he still couldn't stop his shock. He deliberately focused his gaze on the complicated pipeline below to prevent the opponent from climbing along the pole.

Liu Luming has been divided for so many years, and once he makes a move, he frees up something that will not appear until hundreds of years later. In addition, Wang Gangquan also found a valve and a simple silencer device below. Now he dare not say any more unnecessary words, lest What a shocking move this guy made after hearing this.


Wang Gangquan originally thought that it would be good to just shut up, but Liu Luming was still talking nonchalantly:

"Actually, it's nothing. I've always had an immature idea, and I want to hear your opinion, Brother Wang. The palace consumes a lot of charcoal for heating every year, which not only costs money, but also destroys many trees."

Wang Gangquan's face twitched when he heard the words, as if he had guessed something vaguely, Liu Luming continued:
"So I was thinking, if we can lay pipes under the palace and inject hot water from the furnace into the pipes, wouldn't this save a lot of money? The water is dirty, and it can be used for heating without any problem. It is paved with slate white marble, so it should be no problem to conduct heat..."

As he spoke, he patted the tin barrel at the front of the car, the style of the iron barrel was very similar to the boiler in the house.

"Indeed, it would be nice if there was a material that is waterproof and not easy to corrode."


"Zheng Sanbao?" Wang Bingquan looked confused, hearing what the eunuch said, it seemed that he should know him.

"Oh, it's interesting, let's go and have a look."

Hearing this, Wang Gangquan understood clearly that as Emperor Shun, he would show off his achievements after hard work. There is indeed such a person in the history books, but it is a pity that he had been confused in his studies before, and he didn't even know what he did after he proclaimed himself emperor. I don't know, let alone the life of an envoy.

Wang Gangquan couldn't go to see the envoys wearing a long gown. On the way back to the palace to change clothes, he happened to meet officials from the Ministry of Rites who were in a hurry. Out of curiosity, he sized him up and almost laughed out loud.

When it comes to building post roads, Liu Luming is a little more energetic than before:

Potatoes are recorded as "brown melons", but tomatoes are close, named "tomatoes", and corns are outrageous, directly becoming "topaz carvings". Root carved meteor hammer (suspected to have been soaked in dung water).

"How do you know, did you visit secretly?"

Boxes of goods on the carriage were placed on the ground, among which there were many portraits of gods and Buddhas, and it was not difficult to record them, except for the special fruits that made the officials present have a hard time.

The busiest part of the six departments today is the Ministry of Rites. Although Zheng Sanbao had passed on the letter half a month ago, he did not expect that there would be so many envoys, and food and accommodation for a group of people suddenly became a big problem.

"Brother Wang, I almost forgot if you didn't mention it. There is another good thing I haven't shown you."

Liu Luming's words are indeed very attractive, any monarch would have to slap his thighs to make him work hard, but Wang Gangquan has been frightened by the so-called karma of heaven, and really dare not make fun of his brother's life, so he hesitated for a moment and then shook his head and said: :
"It is indeed a good proposal, but I cannot accept it."

"Brother Wang, let me introduce you." Seeing that the other party's reaction was a bit flat, Liu Luming couldn't help showing off, "As you can see, this car is different from ordinary cars. It is not pulled by livestock, but powered by steam. "


Seeing that His Majesty didn't respond, the eunuch quickly added:
"Your Majesty, Zheng Sanbao has already arrived in the capital. He is also accompanied by a group of envoys from other countries. They have all kinds of looks. The people in the capital are all gathered on the street to watch the excitement."

What a joke, if he continues to think about it like this, sooner or later, the first industrial revolution will have to be advanced by hundreds of years.

"Although this iron cart looks strange, it is stronger than a cow, and its speed is not inferior to those horses raised by Brother Wang. The most important thing is that it will not tire and is tough.

The more Liu Luming said the more outrageous, Wang Bingquan hurriedly interrupted:
"This matter is wrong, can you guarantee that the iron pipe will not leak water? And even if it was tight at the time, it will inevitably rust later, and repairing it at that time will cost a lot of money."

The two came to a warehouse, and there was an object wrapped in linen in the center. Liu Luming stepped forward and patted the object, only to hear two muffled "dong dong" sounds, which should be made of iron.

At this time, Liu Luming on the side reminded:


After finishing speaking, he pouted his buttocks and began to climb down the ladder. Seeing this, Wang Gangquan had no choice but to follow.

"Your Majesty lived in Zhongzhou for a long time before, and knew little about the affairs of the capital. This Zheng Sanbao was originally a eunuch. He was ordered by the late emperor to travel overseas to promote our dynasty's national prestige and make friends with other countries."

"Brother Wang, guess what this is?"

"Car." Wang Gingquan said expressionlessly.

Liu Luming lifted the sackcloth suspiciously, and there was a strangely shaped car underneath. The reason why it was called a car was because there were four wheels at the bottom. Apart from that, it was not at all similar to an ordinary horse-drawn cart.

When the two were talking, suddenly an eunuch hurried in, and when he saw Wang Quanquan, he quickly knelt down and said:
"Report to Your Majesty, Zheng Sanbao is back."

"Brother Wang, why is this?"


Right now, post roads are about to be repaired. I would like to take this opportunity to test this car. After checking for leaks and filling vacancies, I will expand production like a firecracker, and gradually become the standard equipment for garrisons everywhere. "

Wang Gangquan stepped forward, picked up the durian that others avoided, and said casually:

"Okay!" Mentioning this kind of thing, Liu Luming regained his energy in an instant, and ran out in a hurry.

"I'm afraid you will die young."

As Wang Gingquan said, he was about to walk out, when he suddenly remembered something in the middle of the road, and turned to look at Liu Luming, "Liu Aiqing, go to the Ministry of War to pull some cannons, since Emperor Shun wants to show our country's prestige, then let's raise them .”

"Don't think about it, if you really have nothing to do, just prepare for the post road repair." Wang Bingquan continued to change the topic.

Interfering with history has always been a taboo for travelers. God knows whether Liu Luming will be wiped out of history by the unknown man in black in the end.

In addition, countless rare treasures from foreign lands were brought back to the court to pay tribute to the emperor. The Ministry of Rites and the inner eunuch had to record and store them by category. Some things they had never seen before, but it was not easy to expose their short-sightedness. Make up some impromptu names.

"I haven't eaten this stuff for decades, but I didn't expect to encounter it today."

Seeing this, the nearby officials hurriedly blocked:
"Your Majesty, absolutely not. Just smelling this stuff is unbearably stinky. How can you eat it so easily?"

"I don't eat it, I take it back as a decoration."

Wang Gangquan didn't want to explain further, so he dismissed them casually, and then walked directly to the queen's bedroom.


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