surnamed Wang

Chapter 645 Surveillance

Chapter 645 Surveillance
Wang Bingquan carefully looked at the statue of the sword god in the main hall. Its appearance and demeanor were very similar to the young swordsman he met in the police station last night. Although he had expected it, he still felt admiration when he saw it with his own eyes.

The sword that I drew across the border back then changed the fate of countless people. The dynasty no longer needed to be invaded by the North Turkistan.

It's a pity that he didn't leave his real name, so that the power of faith was given to the non-existent "Zhao Zhiyi". After a long time, a god was born accidentally. ".

This kind of thing is not new in Jiuyuan. The immortals in the stories of gods and monsters may not all be real. Some plots fabricated by mortals spread unintentionally. If more people believe in it, the things will become true.

For example, Guan Erye, who is believed by both merchants and people in the Jianghu, was originally a general under Liu Bei, the former king of Shu. Because of his loyalty and righteousness, he was worshiped by the people and became a god of the three religions.

Man is the spirit of all things and can create all things, even gods are no exception.

After figuring out the identity of the young swordsman, Wang Bingquan had a solid foundation in his mind. He saw the clues when he fought with the opponent last night. His sword style was very different from his own, but the charm contained in it came from that sword.

The sword god Zhao Zhiyi came from Wang Bingquan, who can be regarded as his half-father, no wonder yesterday he showed a gratified look of "children can be taught".


Wang Gingquan turned around and left the Sword God Temple, and walked all the way to the palace. Along the way, he saw several factory guards watching him. He frowned and let them follow.

Wei, Jin and Tang's prudence made Wang Gingquan admirable. After all, rebellion is a matter of losing one's head. Even an accomplice can't escape surveillance. Fortunately, the other party is a eunuch without a son.

Wang Gingquan went back to the palace and had lunch with Qiao Qiao. The woman seemed to have something on her mind, she kept silent the whole time, and occasionally gave him a piece of food with chopsticks, without intimacy or verbal exchange.

Wang Gangquan has always been bad at trying to figure out a woman's mind, he picked up three bowls of rice indiscriminately, and then went back to his room and changed into a blouse.

Wei Jin Tang did not place spies in the palace, but as long as he stepped out of the palace, where he had been and who he had met would be reported in detail.

When the servants saw his attire, they didn't dare to ask any more questions. His lord has always had a bad temper. Although he has become kinder in the past few days, no one can guarantee whether he is just pretending.

Walking out of the mansion, Wang Gingquan tore off the mask on his face, and quickly changed another face. He had shown his face in the criminal investigation factory before, and it was no longer safe to show people with his original appearance. The appearance he uses now is exactly 300 years ago. His.

Not long after leaving the palace, two groups of people acted in the dark at the same time, and one of them was the crime detection factory.

The factory guard hiding in the dark asked doubtfully:

"Who is this guy, why have I never seen it before?"

"I don't know. It looks like it should be a servant. The factory owner has ordered you to keep an eye on Prince Tian's mansion. Don't take it lightly. You go and follow, and I will continue to watch."

"it is good."

The factory guard responded, and his figure jumped back and forth on the roof, landing without the slightest sound.

At the same time, the two maids who were cleaning in the mansion saw the master leaving and looked at each other. One of them walked out slowly, while the other put down the broom and walked to the backyard.

Compared with the lowered factory guard on the roof, the maid in the back was much more amateurish. She didn't see Wang Gangquan's transformation, but just took note of the other's clothes and back. Quickly, in the end, his figure flashed and he disappeared completely.

The maid quickly stepped forward and walked to the place where the other party disappeared. There was a dark alley there, which was notoriously complicated. If strangers entered, they might get lost.

The maid stared at the alley for a long time, only to see a beggar take out the gadget and urinate on the spot, her face flushed slightly, she spat secretly, and had to give up.

The factory guard on the roof was condescending and still followed closely like a dog's skin plaster. Wang Gangquan walked unhurriedly with a smile on his lips, and spread his spiritual sense to find a way to get rid of him.

A temple soon appeared in front of it. The location was not hidden, and there was a circle of bamboo frames around it, which was obviously under repair.

It was noon at this time, and the workers all went to eat and rest, and there was no one around, so it was a good time to do it.

Wang Gangquan didn't want to kill anyone, but moved the tiles and bamboo frame slightly with his spiritual power, and turned into another alleyway without haste.

Not long after he left, there was a bang behind him, followed by a muffled groan. It must have been a heavy fall.


After a while, the factory guard who was in charge of tracking limped out of the temple clutching his back. He gasped for air in pain, and couldn't muster the strength to chase after him for a while.

It was also unlucky just now, the roof tiles looked very solid, but they fell off as soon as they stepped on them. He wanted to use lightness kung fu to stabilize his figure, but a protruding bamboo pole hit his waist and eyes, and he was in pain. He fell down and ate shit, and when he struggled to get up, there was no shadow of the other party.

If he went back to report the truth, he would definitely be punished. Thinking of the methods used by the police to deal with unfavorable factory guards, he felt chills on his back for a while. After thinking about it, he thought that none of his servants could do anything, so he planned to go back Make a fuss.

Wang Gangquan threw off the pursuit, walked all the way into the nearest post house, raised his hand and slapped a few letters on the table.

"Want to send a letter?" a post official asked, yawning.

"Please send the letter as soon as possible, my lord." Wang Bingquan smiled and handed over a heavy piece of silver.

The post officer glanced at him, took the letter and looked through it, there were everywhere in the world.

"Why so many?"

"Go back to your lord, the villain is working in the palace, and our good brothers haven't come home for a long time, so we wrote a letter and sent it back together."

Hearing that the other party was a servant of the palace, the post officer put away his contempt, nodded and took the money and said:

"There is an order from above that anyone who sends a letter must be present in person and cannot be replaced by others. This time, I will save face for you."

"Thank you, Brother Guancha."

Wang Gangquan nodded and bowed to thank him, he was indeed like an errand boy.

After leaving the post house, Wang Bingquan looked up at the sky, the air was gradually cooling down, and it was not warm even at noon, presumably it would snow in a few days.

The letter sent just now was sent to Luanwei in various places according to the list given by Hua Shangshu.

The current situation in the capital is treacherous, and the people's entry and exit inspections are much stricter. In places that cannot be seen, the police department has also done a lot of work, such as letters sent to other places, they have to be dismantled and inspected.

Since Wang Gangquan dared to send it, he was naturally not afraid of being investigated.

In addition to the real identities of the guards, there is also a series of complex code words on the roster. The code words are matched with different forms of letters, and there are many instructions that can be conveyed.

Hua Shangshu is a master who does not see rabbits and does not scatter eagles. Wei, Jin and Tang did not give Luan Weiwei orders, he would never hand over the roster, and a few days ago he was sent by the young emperor to another place to try the case of exterminating a family of thirteen. Before leaving, Wang Bingquan glanced at him from a distance, his seal was as gloomy as ink, and if he didn't keep it clean, he would go and never return.

This winter, someone is destined to be unable to survive.


(End of this chapter)

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