surnamed Wang

Chapter 697 Undead Xiaoqiang

Chapter 697 Undead Xiaoqiang
Regarding Wang Gangquan's weird behavior, the three strong men above saw the clues, and Yang Jie, who had no sense of existence from the beginning to the end, said:

"While he is robbing the other party of his body, kill him."

"No, he has some origins with me in this life."

The first generation of Yanghuang stopped him, he couldn't tell that the other party was his grandfather, but the thoughts in his subconscious couldn't be erased.

Yangjie turned his head to look at Lifang Taibai and said, "He is a monk of the Three Immortals, you decide."

The woman hesitated for a moment, nodded and said:

"We don't know how long his spell will last, let alone whether this young man can regain the initiative. Right now is the best time."

Yang Jie, who had disliked Wang Gangquan earlier, rushed down immediately. The young man was fighting with "Gen Sheng" in the conscious world at this moment, and he didn't know the outside situation at all.

The next moment, under everyone's gaze, Yang Jie tore off Wang Quanquan's head.

The white spiritual world turned black in an instant, Wang Gangquan raised his eyes and looked around, and there was no shadow of root, at this moment a cold voice sounded in his ear:
"Boy, it seems that your body is useless."

Wang Gangquan's heart beat wildly, knowing that he was in danger, he simply closed his eyes and fell straight down.


A body without a head fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily, blood sprayed out for several feet. Two women in the distance flew forward quickly when they saw this, and one of them burst into tears before he got close.

Yang Dingchun, who was still standing there, moved subconsciously. After seeing the other two rushing out, he stopped his impulse. Although his eyes were always cold, his faintly aggravated breath revealed his heart.

Liu Meijiao was the first to come to the front, laying down on the corpse and weeping bitterly, Yan Hong became more calm and put her hand on Wang Gangquan's pulse.

It stands to reason that Yang Huang personally made a move, and he had no chance of surviving, but when the other party made a move, he subconsciously glanced at his daughter.

As Wang Yijing said, if he really killed this guy, he would probably hurt his daughter's heart. In the end, Yang Jie just destroyed his body without touching his soul.

After a while, Yan Hong withdrew her right hand and said softly, "Don't worry, he's not dead."

Liu Meijiao raised her head, slightly surprised, and just when she was wondering if she had heard it wrong, Wang Gingquan's exposed skin glowed faintly with a purple-gold light.

After a while, a lot of granulation began to emerge from the broken neck, bones, tendons, flesh, skin... Under the surprised eyes of the two, he gave birth to a new head little by little.

After the head was fully formed, the man opened his eyes, looked at the two women in front of him, and then looked at the head discarded by the emperor in the distance, thoughtfully:

"Whether a person has consciousness first or a body first... This is a question."

As he spoke, he tilted his head, and there was a sound of Kabbah on his neck, and continued:

"Is the real me already dead? The me at this moment is just a copy with complete memory, or maybe everything is just my dying fantasy..."

Seeing him chattering, the two women couldn't help showing worry in their eyes, and Xi Hong stepped forward and touched his forehead and said:

"Are you OK?"

"It's nothing, it's just a feeling. When people live to a certain age, they will inevitably think about philosophy."

If there is a philosopher present, you can't help but give him a slap, you are already cultivating, and you are still talking about philosophy?

Wang Gangquan shook his dizzy head, and looked up at the people above. The servant of the Holy Spirit had already left his body, and it was supposed to be over, but the three of them still frowned, as if they were guarding against something.

Yang Dingchun, who was at the back of the crowd, was relieved to see that the man was safe and sound, but when he saw him behaving intimately with the other two women, he couldn't help but feel an unknown fire.

At this moment, a voice exploded in her head:
"It's said that women are troublesome women, but I didn't expect that the same is true of handsome men."

The woman was startled, and something bad happened faintly. The next second, her eyes suddenly changed, and her mouth rushed into the sky with a smile.


"The younger generation of the Yang family has the ability to unscrew your daughter's head as well."

Yang Dingchun stood in front of the three of them with a sarcasm on his face, and his expression was superior. When Yang Jie saw this scene, his eyes were tearing apart.

The woman closed her eyes, took a deep breath and said:
"In the entire imperial court, there are at least three people who are available for me to descend. Even if you are willing to kill your relatives righteously, I can still start over."

After finishing speaking, he opened his eyes, quickly cast out several spells with both hands, and continuously uttered spells from his mouth:

"Six-party seals, fierce gods come down, and Taoyuan comes to the world."

In an instant, a purple electric cage was born in the space where the few people were, blocking their retreat. At the same time, two space cracks appeared behind Yang Dingchun, and two figures, one large and one small, walked out from inside.

The supernatural powers did not stop, and a peach forest was transformed into a surrounding area, and a force of erosion emanated from the forest, assimilating them all the time.

The emperor Yang Fu said in a deep voice:

"Stick to your heart, don't be caught by him, otherwise you will become a part of this peach forest."

Yang Jie, who was still immersed in the pain of losing his daughter, quickly restrained his mind. In just a short while, his right leg had faint signs of stiffness. He knew that if he wanted to save his daughter, he had to be ruthless.

At this time, the voice of the first emperor Yang sounded again, but even his remaining hope was extinguished:
"Don't think about how to save her. The surrounding purple thunder can block the power of heaven and earth. Unless she is killed, she will be consumed alive."

Lifang Taibai had nothing to do with Yang Dingchun, so he decisively chose to attack. Yanghuang wanted to stop him immediately, but was stopped by his ancestor.

"Yang Jie, don't forget your duty, you are the Emperor Yang."

The latter was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at his daughter with complicated eyes. If he lost this battle, the entire Yangcang world might be buried with him. He, Yang Jie, really couldn't be this eternal sinner.


Lifang Taibai and Yang Dingchun fought together, one of them was holding a sword, the other was holding a sun and moon wheel, it was difficult to distinguish between them.

The two armored gods in the rear rushed towards the other two with black smoke all over their bodies. Among them was the huge one named "Lu Feng" and the other was a petite one who looked like a woman.

Even if the body is hidden under the armor, it is still difficult to hide its slender figure. A soft whip made of unknown material is extremely tough, even if the bullfighting sword is cut on it, there will be no trace.

Lu Feng held a heavy halberd to face the first Emperor Yang, and his powerful and heavy offensive could knock him far away every time. The female vicious goddess had a soft whip as flexible as a snake, with a red body and a sharp tooth attached to the end. The teeth come from an ancient poisonous snake, and today there is no cure for its poison.

Yang Jie kept dodging the long whip, and the bullfighting sword in his hand was entangled by the opponent from time to time. The last time his sharp teeth brushed his eyes and flew over. After a few moves, his breath became heavier and his eyes showed unprecedented Vague.

He was the most uncomfortable among them. While dealing with the fierce goddess, he also had to keep the spirit body of the ancestors alive. He couldn't let go of his daughter. At this moment, his face was obviously a little older than before. If he thought about it this way, he might really become The first holy monk to die of old age throughout the ages.

While fighting and retreating, a voice sounded in Yang Jie's mind:
"Your Majesty, maybe I have a way to drive that guy out of the princess' body."


(End of this chapter)

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