surnamed Wang

Chapter 736

No matter how exquisite the teleportation array is, its essence is to transform the aura into spirit particles, and then wrap the monks with the spirit particles to span the space. The spirit interception array uses the power of heaven and earth to capture nearby spirit particles, which has a strong restraint on the teleportation array.

Wang Gangquan and the others didn't know that the danger was approaching, they still stood leisurely in the formation, the white light became stronger and stronger, and finally turned into a pulling force, teleporting them far away.

In the line of sight, the black mountain below was approaching in a blink of an eye. Wang Bingquan was located in the white light, looked at the stone village halfway up the mountain, touched his neck and said to himself:

"Good head, who should cut it?"

Not long after he was proud, there was a "bang", as if hitting a transparent cover, his figure was forcibly stopped, and he fell down uncontrollably while being dizzy.

Wang Gangquan's complexion changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice:
"Hengtian, what tricks are you playing?"

"Boy, it's none of my business. They have activated some kind of formation to keep us."

As soon as the words fell, a figure below soared into the sky, and a huge stone ax smashed down his head and face.

The Spirit Quenching Sword in Wang Gingquan's hand quickly transformed, and he hastily raised the sword to parry. The strange force of the figure came from somewhere, and the long sword was pressed to his chest with a "clang". Wang Gingquan's wrist went numb, and he was thrown from the air. Deep into the ground.

"Hey, this kid is a little bit capable, and he actually took the king's full axe."

"No matter how good your skills are, we will still have your head cut off and made into a pendant."

"But he has grown a good skin. I'm going to use his human skin to light a sky lantern in a while."

"His arm is good. I want it. No one is allowed to snatch it."

All around began to distribute his parts in a hurry, Wang Quanquan's face was a little ugly, at this moment a sharp voice sounded:
"Shut up, the king has the final say."

A slender figure appeared in front of the crowd with a big gun on his shoulders, and the tightly bound little girl Suzaku was protruding from the end of the gun.

The monster put the big gun against the wall, stepped forward and sniffed at Wang Quanquan, scratched his ears and cheeks, and said happily:

"It's a good thing, maybe you can refine a holy magic weapon."

While speaking, his gaze was lowered to the waist of the other party, which immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of a monster with the same thin arms and legs, and shouted:
"Fan Yanda, what do you want to do, I was the first to discover this kid, so I have to do his job."

"Fan Erji, you haven't seen anyone for so long, you've forgotten the rules. I'm the older brother, and it's your turn after I finish the selection."

"Fart, my mother often confuses us, how dare you call yourself an elder brother?"

"The eyes are in front of the ears, of course I am the elder brother."

"The ears are higher than the eyes, so I am the elder brother."

The two monsters each had their own reasons, and soon jumped up and down and quarreled together. Wang Gingquan stood beside him holding his sword, his face became more and more ugly, he was not dead, and the other party was too arrogant.

At this time, the tall figure that rushed into the air earlier fell to the ground with a "bang", with a huge stone ax resting on its shoulder, and walked towards Wang Gangquan step by step.

With every step, the ground trembled, and the path was like paper, leaving a series of deep footprints.

Wang Gingquan didn't see her true face just now, only now did he realize that it was a woman, he didn't despise her because of this, instead he drew his sword and saluted:

"This fairy friend, I'm just passing through here, and there is absolutely no malice. If you can make it easier for me to let you go, I will be grateful."

He didn't want to pretend to be a grandson, but the tall woman in front of him had already reached the realm of the Holy Void. Judging by the unreasonably strong body, she must be a person who cultivated herself. Even the two chattering monsters next to her seemed thin, but they actually had Mahayana cultivation.

Finally, Wang Quanquan really felt the horror of the Shura world.


The woman glanced at the man, then at Suzaku not far away, and said:

"You subdued?"

"Don't dare to take it, it's just on the way."

Wang Gangquan opened his mouth carefully, for fear of angering the other party by accidentally saying the wrong thing.

The woman did not follow common sense, pinched the young man's neck and said:
"You are just like Tang Bing, you are a liar, you dare not admit it, and you have harmed many girls outside."

Wang Gangquan was in a cold sweat when he heard the words, but if a woman said such a thing, it was likely that she had been wronged by a man, and when she treated a similar man, they would torture them without any mercy.

The woman took off the terrifying giant ax on her shoulders, and raised it up high to make an end. Wang Gingquan didn't care about the dignity of a man, he gritted his teeth, and suddenly showed a look of weeping, and said in a soft voice:

"My sister doesn't know something. In fact, my sister is also a daughter."


As soon as these words came out, the whole audience fell into a deathly silence. Wang Gangquan's face was full of spring, and while disgusting others, he secretly pinched a trick with his right hand, using the technique of transforming form on himself.

He wasn't sure if he could hide the truth from the woman in front of him, but if he didn't do anything, then the only thing waiting for him was death, and he was only qualified to talk about morality and so on.

After a while, someone finally reacted and cursed angrily:

"Shameless, really shameless, in order to survive, to say such absurd words, do you think we are blind?"

"That's right, Your Majesty must not be deceived by this villain and kill him!"

"Such a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, even us evil cultivators are ashamed to be with him, and keeping them will only harm others."

Wang Gingquan was attacked by a group of evil cultivators in unison, and the Shengxu woman on the opposite side seemed to be enraged, the veins on the back of her hand bulged, and the handle of the ax creaked.

Wang Gangquan was terrified, but he could only support Jiao Didi and said:

"If my sister doesn't believe it, you can test the truth. If my sister tells half a lie, you will be torn to pieces."

Hearing what he said, the heart of the woman on the other side became loose. There are many men and women in the Shura world. She has worked hard to get to where she is now. Will be bullied to death by hungry wolf-like men.

Thinking of this, the woman suddenly pressed the other's shoulder with her left hand, and the spiritual energy poured out, checking the other's body over and over again. After a while, she withdrew her right hand and said in a slow tone:
"Since you are a woman, why do you pretend to be a smelly man?"

Seeing that he had been fooled, Wang Gingquan was overjoyed in his heart, but he didn't dare to show the slightest bit on his face, he frowned slightly and said:
"My sister also knows that it is inconvenient for a woman to go out. In addition, I am a girl and a man. I have lived under the guidance of others since I was a child. Those men often laugh at me for this. My sister has no choice. A talented woman disguises herself as a man. It is definitely not intentional to deceive my sister. "

After Wang Gingquan finished speaking, he raised his head, his eyes were filled with crystal clear tears, his experience reminded the other party of his youth, the woman sighed, waved her hand and said:

"It's all gone, this person can't be killed."

All the subordinates were dissatisfied when they heard the words, but they could only mumble and disperse, except that the two monster brothers stood still, one with a puzzled face, and the other with a lewd smile.

"Aren't you two leaving quickly?"

The woman's voice was mixed with coercion, and the two brothers flew upside down with just one sentence. They hit the stone wall without saying anything, and left in despair.


With no outsiders, the tall woman said softly:

"In the Asura world, women should help women more. You need to be careful when you first come here. Fortunately, you met me today. If you were replaced by those men, your fate would be worse than death."

"Thank you sister for saving me, haven't you asked for your boudoir's name yet?"

"My name is Xuangu, and my Taoist name is Ziying."


Wang Gangquan opened his mouth wide, and said with a surprised face of a little girl:

"It's such a coincidence that my sister's baby name is Ziying. I think it is some kind of fate to meet today."

Xuan Gu is not as delicate and pretentious as he is, but after all, she is happy to meet another woman. She picked up the giant ax again and said:

"I can't guarantee it in other places, but here, no one can touch you."

"My sister thanked my sister first, I didn't tell my sister the truth just now, the Suzaku over there is the daughter of my sister in the boudoir, please forgive me and let her go."

"You have a good relationship with Suzaku?"

"That's natural, otherwise I wouldn't help her take care of the child."

While Wang Gingquan was speaking, he turned his buttocks and came to the spear, untied Suzaku's rope casually, stretched out his orchid finger and tapped the opponent's forehead and said:
"Zai Zai, I still haven't thanked Aunt Xuan."

The little girl twitched her face, nodded stiffly to the tall woman and said:

"Thank you, Auntie."

"So nice."

Wang Bing Quanmei returned to the side of the tall woman with a smile, and naturally embraced the other's arm. Feeling the amazing elastic force in the arm, he said with a smile:
"Sister, take me around."

... (end of this chapter)

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