surnamed Wang

Chapter 773

Wang Gangquan knew what his father was thinking, leaned on the chair and said:
"Don't worry, Dad. I know that my cousin has had a hard time these years. He knows a lot of people in the capital. I just asked him to help introduce a few rich women. It doesn't matter if you are older. The main thing is that you can fight less. decades.

Of course, it's best to have some relationship with the royal family like my sister-in-law, so that your back can be straightened a lot. "

"Ha, the ambition is quite lofty."

"You have no objection?"

"What am I against? If I had your awareness when I was young, I wouldn't be bowing to others with my ass up now."

While speaking, Wang Zhong took out a cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath and said:

"Back then, your father was in full bloom, and he didn't even look down on the princess..."

Afterwards, Wang Gangquan listened to the old stories of the past, and in the end, he realized that the other party was self-indulgent.

The authorities are obsessed, the princess just pulls him to block the knife, he really thinks that the other party likes him, how can there be so many stories of a famous lady falling in love with a poor boy in the world.

Wang Biquan thought about it again and again, but after all, he still couldn't destroy this beautiful memory.


The one-month long vacation is over, and Wang Gangquan returns to school.

At first everyone thought he had seen a ghost when they saw him, but after learning that things were not as evil as the rumors said, they suddenly became dull.

Returning to school, Wang Gingquan no longer dawdled around all day long. Even if his professional future was bleak, he chose it by himself, at least until graduation.

Before, because of surfing the Internet all day long, his grades were a mess, and the teachers tried their best to get him to graduate, but there were still several courses that needed to be retaken.

During class, he rarely went to the front row and sat with several female top students in the department. The teachers and classmates were surprised and didn't ask any more questions.

This day in the professional class, after the bell rang, an old man walked in slowly from the outside. Wang Bingquan didn't pay attention at first, but when he saw his appearance, he was immediately taken aback.

The other party was the old man who met at Guangyuan Restaurant that day. He also smiled slightly when he saw Wang Gangquan, put the books on the desk and began to give lectures.

Wang Quanquan asked the students next to him in a low voice:

"Sister Li, who is this?"

"Our department head, don't you know?"

Huang Lili's eyes were opened. It was already her third year, and the other party didn't even recognize the department director.

Wang Gangquan finally understood the source of the old man's familiarity. The other party was speaking slowly in front of him, and he stared at the old man's bald head the whole time.

After class, the head of the department came forward and said:
"Wang Xiaoyou, how did you think about the old man's proposal last time?"

"Mr. Hu, you are a good example of a teacher. Is it really appropriate to bring students to drink?"

"Hey, I can't help it either. Those old guys are either afraid to drink because of their health, or they are just messing things up. I think the huge wine cellar is going to be abandoned."

When it came to the end, the old man looked lonely, but Wang Gangquan didn't accept this, and lowered his head to pack up his things.

Seeing this, the old man changed the subject and said:

"If you don't want to go, forget it. You can't force it. It's just that my little friend failed my professional class last semester. I want to help, but it seems I can't help."

Wang Qingquan raised his head when he heard the words. The final grade of each subject is determined by his usual grades and test scores. He surfs the Internet every day and has no grades.

If this old guy is sincerely stuck with his usual grades, he will have to retake the make-up exam no matter how high his score is. This is already a real threat.

Wang Gangquan picked up his schoolbag and said with a gloomy face:

"Let's go and see your collection."

"I didn't force you."

"Yes, yes, I will not tell you about you later."

The two played a set of Tai Chi, which was evenly matched.


Hu Liquan's home is located in the ancient city area of ​​the capital, a small courtyard house, every inch of land is expensive.

As soon as he stepped into the gate, Wang Bingquan saw two large wine vats, at least they could hold hundreds of catties of wine.

"Don't be afraid of Xiaoyou's school flowers. My ancestors made wine. It was basically lost in my grandfather's generation. I just left these two wine tanks. I wanted to learn when I was young. However, my studies are the most important thing. My father won't let me. do this.

Now that I am getting older, I have time, and I can’t move anymore, so I stopped making wine and drank instead. "

While talking, the two came to a side house, the wooden door was old-fashioned carved, not young, painted a layer of yellow paint, and now it has almost fallen off.

The old man took out a key and poked the big brass lock. As soon as he opened a crack in the door, the mellow alcohol smell rushed straight into his nostrils.

There are three rows of shelves against the wall in the room, on which are many well-known and expensive drinks.

Wang Gangquan looked around and said:

"Mr. Hu, I don't know if I should ask something or not?"

"Hold on."

"You're not corrupt, are you?"

"I know you have nothing good to say, kid. These are gifts from children and friends. The good ones are below."

After Hu Liquan finished speaking, he kicked his feet, and the ground was still covered with a layer of iron plates.

The two lifted the iron plate, revealing a dark hole, and the smell of wine in the air immediately rose several degrees. If the alcohol capacity is slightly weaker, they must be drunk at the moment.

Walking down the simple steps, the smell of wine became stronger and stronger, and the two finally came to an open area.

The old man pressed down on the wall casually, his eyes suddenly brightened, and the underground scene made Wang Quanquan slightly speechless.

The decoration of this wine cellar-like place is even more luxurious than expected. Not only are sofas, TVs, and coffee tables readily available, but they are even equipped with air conditioners, routers, and other things that young people will only use.

Seeing Wang Gangquan's expression, the old man was quite satisfied, stroked his goatee and said:
"How about it, my old guy has good eyesight, right?"

As he spoke, he picked up a jug of wine on the side shelf, handed it to Wang Quanquan and said:

"Test you first, how old is this wine?"

Wang Gangquan opened the plug, sniffed it casually, then put the plug back on and said:

"For 50 years, it should be brewed in the sweet-scented osmanthus season."

The old man's eyes lit up, he didn't say right or wrong, he took a jar again, "What about this one?"

Wang Gingquan reached out to take it, but this time he didn't even open it. He shook the jar, looked at the seal and the bottom, and handed it back, saying:
"Du Kang, who is serious and honest, sees that the wine jar has never been opened, let alone 100 years."

The old man couldn't help giving a thumbs up. He also found a friend in cultural relics to give him an explanation, but he didn't expect the young man to see it with his eyes.

There is a special space in Wang Gangquan's storage bag for wine, ranging from 100 years to 500 years and even 800 to [-] years old. You can tell old and new at a glance. This has become experience, not skill.

Hu Liquan finally made up his mind, and solemnly took out a jar of wine from a wooden box on the ground.

The color of the wine jar is simple and unsophisticated. There are two dragon reliefs cast on the surface, which are in the shape of two dragons playing with beads. The dragon has five claws, which actually came from the imperial palace.

Seeing the wine jar, Wang Gingquan subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch it. The rusty thing on the surface was not floating ash, but the soil that had been buried underground all year round.

Wang Gangquan's eyes were ecstatic, and he murmured:
"In April of the 38th year of the dynasty, the first emperor Sheng'en passed away and was buried in the imperial mausoleum in the eastern suburbs. There were many funeral objects, including dozens of altars of 50-year-old wine."

Wang Gangquan turned his head, his eyes were bloodshot, although his expression was calm, it made people feel an inexplicable murderous intent.

"Where did you get this wine?"

The truthful expression of the young man frightened Hu Liquan, and the old man quickly told the story.

He received it from someone else decades ago, and the origin has never been clear.

Looking at the leather shell of the wine jar, it has indeed been unearthed for some time. It is not easy to preserve it for at least two or three hundred years.

The dynasty has a thousand years of history, and there were several turbulences during the period. The people had no food to eat, and the high position was precarious.

Over the years, the imperial mausoleum of the royal family has been stolen hundreds of times at least. If you are lucky, you will lose a few funerary objects. If you are unlucky, you will be pulled out and exposed to the wilderness.

Seeing the old man trembling, Wang Gangquan realized that he had lost his composure, and hurriedly cupped his fists to make amends, he didn't understand where he got angry.

Hu Liquan is easy-going, he didn't take it to heart, waved his hand and took out two wine bowls and said:

"Little friend, would you like to drink this millennium wine with me?"

He has been trying to find out the origin of the sake all these years, and now that he knows it, it can be regarded as a knot in his heart, and he doesn't care about its value.

Alcohol is meant for people to drink. If you keep it hidden because it is precious, it is putting the cart before the horse.

Wang Gangquan touched the wine jar and said:
"If you want me to say it, forget it. Wine that has been kept for 100 years is a rare wine. God knows what it is after being kept for 1000 years? Besides, it came out of a tomb, regardless of whether it is an imperial tomb or a wild tomb. It has long been soaked in corpse gas. , Bao Buqi ascended to heaven on the spot, and the bones were all green when burned."

The old man felt that what he said made sense, put down the porcelain bowl, stared straight at the jar, and said with a little regret:

"It's a pity. Isn't it a waste of things to be buried with such fine wine?"

The young man was thoughtful, "Perhaps, this jar of wine, like your private collection above, is also a child's filial piety to his father."


Time passed and half a month passed, Wang Bingquan didn't go to Internet cafes in his free time, except for earnestly attending classes. He spent every day in the library to prepare for the make-up exam.

This day he stayed until the library was closed, he yawned and left the school gate, seeing that it was still early, he planned to have a good meal and send some to his mother.

Ever since that incident happened, Zhang Lan rented an apartment near the school, and came to the school to see her son every now and then.

Wang Gangquan also gradually understood that it wasn't that his parents didn't care about him, but that he had gotten into a dead end and had been unwilling to accept them.

After leaving the school gate, he turned into a small road. There were usually no people here, but it was also cleaned up and he would never step on weird things.

After walking for about 10 minutes, a woman's voice came from the front:

"What do you want to do, get out of the way!"

"Student, it's very dangerous for you to come out alone at night, let me take you home."

Hearing this, Wang Gangquan frowned, wondering why this kind of thing always happened to him——has it ever happened to him before?
He shook his head, muttered "I have nothing to do with you" in a low voice, and decisively chose another path.

"Student Wang, are you here too?"

Surprised voices suddenly sounded behind him, Wang Gangquan turned his head and saw a pair of familiar eyes through the dim light.

"Zhou...student, what a coincidence."

The woman in front of her is actually Zhou Xiaotong, Qingwen school belle.

Qingwen University and Qingwen College are very close, and students from the other school can often be seen nearby.

Seeing Wang Gangquan, Zhou Xiaotong gained confidence, and hurried to his side and whispered:

"Let's go quickly."


Wang Gangquan responded and turned to leave when the man's voice sounded again:
"Where is the little bastard who doesn't have long eyes, disturbing my elegance?"

A figure wandered towards this side, and when he got closer, Wang Gangquan smelled alcohol, obviously the other party had drunk too much.

At the foot of the emperor in the important place of the capital, if there is no brain hole, he will not deliberately provoke troubles, except for drunkards.

Wang Gingquan didn't want to argue with him, and took Zhou Xiaotong to leave, but the man refused to let go, stretched out his hand to grab his shoulder and said:
"I'm talking to you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wang Gingquan subconsciously pressed his right hand, twisted his figure, and the man's arm immediately turned 180 degrees.

Wang Bing's power was just right, it made the other party grin in pain, but it didn't hurt his bones.


The man was so drunk that he resisted the pain and kicked it out.

Wang Gangquan also kicked him, hitting his calf.

With a sound of "Kang Dang", the opponent fell to the ground unsteadily, picked up a brick in a daze, got up and rushed towards Wang Quanquan.

With a cold face, the latter stepped back, dodged a staggering blow, and then wrapped his left arm around the man's neck with ease, and pressed down slightly with his arm, directly bringing him down to the ground.

Subduing the opponent, Wang Gingquan still had no intention of giving up, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, his arms gradually exerted strength, and his instinct was to end his life.

The pain of suffocation made the man wake up instantly. He widened his eyes in horror and slapped the student's arm vigorously. The dizziness in his head made him more and more weak.

Zhou Xiaotong also realized something was wrong, and hurriedly said:
"Student Wang, it's alright."

Wang Gangquan came back to his senses, glanced at the blushing man, and let go of his arms.

The man lay on the ground like a dead dog, panting heavily.

"It seems to be a bit heavy-handed." Wang Bingquan said to himself.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was really afraid of death, the man insisted on standing up, pointing his nose and scolding him, then that would be a little serious, he was clearly running to kill himself.

"Student Wang, are you okay?"

Zhou Xiaotong stepped forward with an apologetic face, she never expected to cause such a big trouble for the other party.

Wang Gangquan picked up the dropped backpack again, turned around and said:

"Don't worry, he called me with a brick, I killed him as self-defense."

The man who was getting up froze when he heard this.

Wang Quanquan continued:

"In the past, molesting a girl from a good family would at least have to be punished, commit murder in the street, and be put in a prison. If you dare to abscond in fear of crime, you will be punished for a higher crime."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said in a solemn voice:

"If you dare to run, I guarantee you won't get out of this alley."

The moonlight just shone into the alley, reflecting the young man's entire face in an extremely gloomy manner. The man swallowed and pulled the corner of his mouth and said:

"Don't run, don't run, I wish you could send me to the prison."


A quarter of an hour later, in the nearest Anhu office, the director who was nearly forty years old said to the young man:

"It was you who subdued that kid?"

Wang Gangquan nodded calmly.

"Have you practiced?"


"Lie, that kid usually practices Sanda, and you dealt with it with a few moves."

"Maybe it's my innate power."

The middle-aged man waved his hand and said:
"It's fine if you don't want to say it. You young people have always been brave and ruthless, but you can't rely on your own ability to cause trouble."

"I am acting bravely for righteousness, so it's fine if I don't publish a commendation, but you still want to educate me?"

"Hey boy..."

It was the first time for the middle-aged man to see such a tyrannical guy, and just as he was about to get mad, a policeman opened the door and said:
"Song Suo, Bureau Liao is here."

"Okay, I'll go right now."

The man responded and looked at Wang Quanquan, "I'll deal with you when I come back."

Wang Gangquan's eyes were slightly closed, and he didn't bother to talk to him.

Outside the room, the middle-aged man called "Song Suo" nodded and bowed to an old man. In the end, he looked into the room through the window and nodded with a smile on his face.

The door opened again, and the man walked in rubbing his hands and said:
"Little brother, let me tell you how you are so skillful at such a young age. The co-author is a relative of Mr. Liao. After the inquiry, you can go."

Wang Gingquan raised his eyelids to look at the other party, shook his head and sighed, got up and left the room.

In the corridor, an old man who was nearly sixty years old was standing there with a kind smile on his face, but his eyes flashed from time to time.

Seeing the other party, Wang Gangquan was slightly surprised and said:
"Master Liao, are you still alive?"

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about?"

... (end of this chapter)

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