surnamed Wang

Chapter 814

In the court, the main event had just begun. Wang Siheng, who was already the king of a country, cleared his throat and said in a majestic tone:

"All of you, my dear friends, have made great contributions in protecting you all the way. I will reward you today according to the size of your merits."

When the civil servants heard this, they all felt disdain. The greatest achievement of a bunch of rebellious officials and traitors was nothing more than plotting to usurp the throne. Even if they received high-ranking officials and generous salaries, they were destined to be infamy for thousands of years.

How could the military generals along the way not know what outsiders were thinking, but since they had chosen this path, how many of them would care about the false reputation of those who did not care about food and drink?

There was a strange atmosphere below. Wang Siheng turned a blind eye, picked up the book handed over by the chief eunuch, and read out according to the text:
"Liu Muqing, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, resigned and went into seclusion, and Liu Baoqing, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, took over the position."

As soon as these words came out, the whole court fell silent instantly, and all the officials had different expressions, unable to figure out the emperor's intention for a while.

Liu Muqing's retirement was both reasonable and unexpected. As a model scholar in the world, it was understandable for his brother-in-law to resign in order to avoid suspicion for his brother-in-law's rebellion.

But just because King Wu succeeded in usurping the throne, Liu Mujin will be the future queen. Not only will Liu Muqing's position as chief minister not be shaken, but he will also have the identity of an uncle.

The Liu family will suddenly become a rare tycoon in the history of the dynasty, and it is not impossible to even control most of the court like the Liu family did before.

However, Liu Muqing was worthy of his character, and his family moved away from the capital without giving up the overwhelming wealth.

Many civil servants present looked respectful after hearing the news, and completely regarded Liu Muqing as a model of contemporary scholars.

This scene in the eyes of the military attache was naturally followed by a round of slander. Who among the people present chose not to stay in the court for the sake of fame? If they really had the guts, they should follow Liu Muqing's example and resign instead of acting like a big-tailed wolf here.

Everyone felt that the emperor's appointment was strange. In addition to Liu Muqing, there was also Liu Baoqing who took his place.

As we all know, in addition to the relationship between monarch and minister, the minister of official affairs and the previous emperor were also cousins.

The two young men were close to each other both inside and outside. Even if Wang Siheng wanted to show his kindness, Liu Baoqing would definitely not agree. Most likely, he would show his flirtatious look to the blind man.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, Liu Baoqing, who had bowed his head silently from beginning to end, stood up, knelt on his knees and saluted:
"Sir, thank you Lord Long En!"

The originally quiet court suddenly became noisy. Some people looked angry and almost criticized the ungrateful new minister on the spot.

The sound became louder and louder, and the man on the dragon chair frowned. Just as he was about to speak, a strange voice suddenly sounded from below:
"Hey, everyone is just a faggot, who can look down on the other?"

Everyone looked up, and the person who spoke was a young man wearing armor and a white sword, it was Wang Yijing.

With one word, he pierced the invisible window paper in the court hall, and also took off the fig leaf of this group of "former officials". They, who had always been eloquent, could not utter a single word of rebuttal.

No one here is smart. No amount of high-sounding words can cover up the fact that he has voted for a new leader. The true loyal ministers have either died on the battlefield, or resigned and returned to their hometowns like Liu Muqing. They will definitely not appear in this morning's court. superior.

Seeing that the main hall was quiet, Wang Siheng glanced at Wang Yijing and continued:
"On my way north this time, I met a scholar by chance. His surname was Guan, Changsheng, and Xuanzai. He was a great talent. I couldn't bear to have him buried in the market, so I decided to recruit him into the Ministry of Household Affairs and make him a member. I don't know what you think. How about the next one?"

No one had ever heard of a little-known scholar, but a newcomer who had just entered the officialdom could get the treatment that only the top scholar could receive. It was expected that he should be a think tank under the command of King Wu.

Everyone present is a smart person, knowing that this person will definitely fly to the sky, and even the position of Yuanwailang will not last long. Instead of acting as a villain to stop him, it is better to go with the flow and form a good relationship.

So one after another people expressed their agreement, and some quick-thinking ones simply went out of their way to promote him as a contemporary sage, and also praised the new emperor for his sharp eyesight. If he was asked to find Guan Changsheng in the crowd, he would not be able to find him I don’t know whether I am tall, short, fat or thin.

Wang Zhaoqi had left less than half a while ago, and the officials could not wait to express their loyalty to the new master. If he saw this scene, he would probably be angry on the spot.

The honest-looking Confucian scholar walked out of the queue, thanked him respectfully and received the reward. The other officials secretly remembered his appearance and planned to make acquaintance in depth after the morning meeting.

Compared with the small fight among civil servants, the changes in military attachés were quite large. The entire Ministry of War was almost replaced. Ji Hong was the Secretary of the Ministry of War, and the other important positions were all from King Wu's old ministry.

When it was Wang Yijing's turn, Wang Siheng put away the book, looked at the young man and said:
"General Wang, do you want to continue to lead the army or choose to live in seclusion?" Wang Yijing knelt on one knee, clasped his hands and said:
"Your Majesty, the Yelu royal family in the north often harasses our border. I am willing to lead troops to guard the border and resist the foreigners."

"General Wang is so ambitious. I will appoint you as the general of the Northern Expedition. You will command 15 troops. You will definitely defeat Yelu Chuxiong so that he will not dare to invade."

"According to the order!"

Wang Yijing raised his hands high and lowered his head heavily. When outsiders couldn't see his expression, the young man had a smile on his lips.

Some lessons are enough to be learned once in a lifetime. This time he no longer wants to be a discarded child who can be thrown away at will. He wants to be the one in power.

Today, Wang Siheng is still in the joy of seizing power, so he will naturally respond to requests. When he gets used to being an emperor and calms down, he will inevitably not be as afraid as other emperors. Military power is most stable only if it is placed in his own hands.


In less than a day, Wang Yijing's name was known to everyone in the court, from a man in the rivers and lakes to a prince, even a story about the green forest would not dare to be written like this.

That night, the dignitaries from the capital couldn't wait to visit him. Wang Yijing refused all comers, showed great enthusiasm, and held a grand banquet that day.

Delicious food and wine were brought to the table for free, and the aroma of the wine once spread two streets away.

The young man does not have a wild and unruly temperament. On the contrary, he prefers to drink alone in the dead of night. The reason why he is like this today is all because of the boredom hidden in his heart.

Although the great revenge was avenged, the dead people could not come back after all. Only if Wang Zhaoqi paid his life, the blood debt would be settled.

The opponent is protected by King Wu and is a descendant of the Wang family. Wang Yijing can only threaten him with words. If he is really given a chance, he may not be able to kill him.

Before he knew it, the time passed and the guests were all drunk. Wang Yijing sent his subordinates to get rid of them and staggered back to the room.

As soon as he sat down and poured himself a cup of sobering tea, he caught a glimpse of something moving on the table out of the corner of his eye. He squinted and took a closer look, and suddenly became energetic.

I saw a three-inch little man on the table eating the snacks on the plate with his butt sticking out. He didn't look back at all when he heard any movement.

The young man rubbed his eyes to make sure he saw it correctly, then stretched out his hand to lift the other person up.

"Peach, why are you here?"

The villain swallowed what was in his mouth, slapped the other person's hand on the back, and placed it firmly on the table.

"Impolite boy, this is the dress made by Miss Liao for me. Whose property is it if it gets torn?"

"Is grandpa coming to pick me up?" Wang Yijing looked happy.

The villain straightened out his clothes and said slowly:

"The master is busy with business and won't be able to take care of you for a while. He sent me to tell you something."

"what's up?"

"Come here with your ears."

... (end of this chapter)

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