surnamed Wang

Chapter 98

Chapter 98
Looking at Liu Luming who was moaning on the bed, Wang Gingquan didn't know what to say. Apart from inventing, this guy seemed unreliable in everything else.At this moment, Liu Luming's own mother came in from the house with a bowl of soup in her hand.

"Come on, tomorrow, drink some soup and tonic." Liu Luming's old lady looked distressed.

"Mother, it hurts!" Liu Luming looked at his own mother pitifully.

"You old bastard, what can't you do, but you want to take the child to climb a mountain? Look at the child!"

Mrs. Liu complained to Liu Jianbo who was at the side. It was not easy for the two of them to grow old, so naturally they felt very distressed.

Wang Gangquan looked at Elder Liu Ge with some embarrassment, so he tried to persuade him: "Master, don't worry, Lu Ming just sprained his ankle, he will be fine after a few days of recuperation."

Liu Jianbai had taught Wang Gingquan for a while, although he had been reluctant to admit this disciple before, but after Liu Luming's Kaipingwei battle, the emperor Longyan Dayue directly bestowed him with an eighth-rank official title, and Wang Gingquan's secret help was naturally indispensable.Because of this, the two of them settled their suspicions, and Liu Jianbai also accepted Wang Gangquan's teacher as a matter of course.

After being comforted by Wang Gangquan, Mrs. Liu gradually calmed down, and Liu Jianbo at the side seemed to have come to terms with it, and muttered in a low voice: "It's not climbing a mountain, that place is just a small hill."

The room was not big, and everyone present could hear it clearly.

"What did you say?" Mrs. Liu's suppressed anger suddenly flared up again.

Seeing that the momentum was not going well, Wang Gingquan quickly changed the subject. He pointed to the soup bowl in Liu Luming's hand who was watching a play and asked, "Hey, Mrs. Ma, what kind of soup did you cook? It smells so good!"

Mrs. Liu, who was still angry, immediately burst into a smile when she heard the compliment, and began to brag:

"This soup is very particular. Our family Lu Ming was stupid when he was young, so I followed the local method and made pig brain soup for him. This boiled for more than ten years. Ming'er is now promising. I think he should drink this soup for drink."


Wang Gangquan was silent for a moment.

It is true that Liu Luming survived until today because of his destiny. Seeing him drinking soup while having a runny nose at this moment, Wang Gangquan felt that his mind was numb.

"Oh, by the way, look at my brain, I'll serve some for you too!" Mrs. Liu patted her forehead, and while speaking, she picked up an empty bowl and wanted to serve soup to Wang Gingquan, who was so frightened that Wang Gingquan waved his hands again and again.

Liu Jianbo on the side spoke unwillingly: "Hurry up and put it away, my son drinks your soup every day, and now he has become a pig's brain. He can be an eighth-rank official, and he is already Liu Jiazu's grave." It's smoking."

"Yes, yes, your Liu family's ancestral tomb is amazing, it's all lit up."

"Ignorant woman, what do you know!"

"I don't understand, but I wouldn't take my son to climb a mountain, and I sprained my foot."

"It's because of his weak body. Is it my fault? I'm over 60 this year, haven't I carried him back?"

Looking at the old couple bickering and Liu Luming lying on the bed drinking soup and giggling, Wang Gingquan couldn't help regretting his visit.So he backed out quietly, and he let out a long sigh of relief when he walked out of the gate of Liu Mansion.

After the matter of Liu Luming came to an end, Wang Gangquan still had a second matter to deal with.


In the Imperial Garden, Concubine Yang, mother and son are drinking tea and chatting.

"I haven't seen you for half a month, and finally think of being a mother?"

Concubine Yang Guifei spoke first with a little dissatisfaction, while Wang Gingquan was a little embarrassed to speak with guilt on his face:
"I've been a little busy recently, and I didn't come to say hello to my concubine. It's really my fault. To express my apology, I will punish myself with three cups!"

After that, he picked up the teapot and poured it fiercely.

Concubine Yang Gui on the side frowned, "You brat, you're not apologizing, you're clearly wasting things."

You know, Concubine Yang Guifei's spring tea is the only one in the palace, and in this season, it just happens to be out of stock. If you want to drink the new tea, you have to wait at least another three months.There is not much left for Concubine Yang Gui, and every pot she drinks is one pot less.

After drinking, Wang Gangquan wiped his mouth, and said bluntly: "Mother, I have something to tell you."

"I know, you want to talk about the empress dowager."


"You don't have to hide it from me, I know everything."

Wang Gangquan naturally knew about the empress dowager, and he knew about it before it happened, otherwise he wouldn't have left in the middle of the morning court.

This matter has little to do with him, and he doesn't want to go into this muddy water.If the guess is correct, the second prince Wang Bingde will most likely bring up the matter of the empress dowager's collusion with the enemy and traitorous country. , is the trouble.

Sure enough, Concubine Yang began to tell the story of that day.

After Wang Bingquan left, the second prince Wang Bingde mentioned the matter of the Queen Mother collaborating with the enemy. As soon as this remark came out, all the civil and military officials, including the emperor, were in an uproar.

Especially the emperor, who had faintly shown signs of anger, but he knew that since Wang Bingde dared to raise it above the court, he naturally had something to rely on. It has become extremely ugly.

No need to open it, as the empress dowager's son, the emperor could recognize the empress dowager's handwriting just by looking at the envelope.

"I will go back and investigate this matter, and give everyone an explanation!" These were the original words of the emperor at the time. The family scandal should not be publicized, and he planned to deal with this matter in private.

But I don't know what medicine Wang Bingde took wrongly. He insisted that the emperor should not come down, and the next morning, the court mentioned this matter again, so that the emperor could make a decision early, so as not to chill the hearts of the people in the world.

The emperor's complexion became very ugly because of this, and the morning court broke up again the next day.

The emperor naturally also had his difficulties. He didn't want the old emperor to know about it, and he couldn't question his mother with a bunch of letters.

But under Wang Bingde's repeated persecution, he finally found the Queen Mother with the letter the next night.

After hearing this, the Queen Mother didn't react much, instead she sent him away on the grounds that "Your Majesty is already the king of a country, so don't trust the words of villains."

After thinking twice, the emperor finally put the letter on the brazier.

On the morning of the third day, Wang Bingde brought up the old story again. At this time, the emperor had lost patience with him, and said sullenly: "I have found out this matter. Someone forged a letter to deliberately slander the Queen Mother. I don't think you know about it." I will not blame you, and this matter shall not be brought up again in the future!"

When the ministers saw the emperor getting angry, they all knew that no matter what the truth of the matter was, His Majesty didn't want to investigate any more, so no one stood up again.

But Wang Bingde was not a smart person, he ignored the emperor's face, knelt down on the spot and said: "I hope your Majesty will severely punish the traitors and rebels, so as to correct the hearts of the people!"

His kneeling was tantamount to slapping the emperor in the face. The emperor, who originally wanted to make a major incident into a minor one, suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

At this moment, several military officers also knelt down and said in unison: "I hope His Majesty will investigate this matter strictly!"

Immediately afterwards, more and more people knelt down.

(End of this chapter)

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