Chapter 144 Occupying Xudu ([-])

Xiahou Dun turned over, grabbed his usual long-handled curved knife from Lan Qi[1], and rushed out. The scene in front of him caused his head to explode with a "boom": a corner of the city was blazing into the sky. As the wind spread unstoppably, the soldiers defending the city ran around like headless ants, and their morale seemed to have collapsed.

He really wanted to reprimand these people loudly and tell them to calm down, but he opened his mouth, but couldn't speak—he himself was a little flustered.He grabbed a soldier running by and asked loudly, "What happened?"

"There are spies, I don't want to die!" The soldier shook off his hand, left these words, and continued to run away.Xiahou Dun was furious, raised his long knife, and slashed down from behind him. The deserter fell to the side before he could howl.

"Damn it," Xiahou Dun was about to yell, "Duke Ming raised these gangsters!"

"Uncle, uncle!" Xiahouba's sharp eyes saw Xiahoudun here, so he ran over quickly, but was staggered by the corpse on the ground.Xiahou Dun wiped the blood-stained knife edge on the rhinoceros leather armguard, and asked coldly, "What happened?"

Xia Houba was panicked, and said falteringly: "In the city...someone set fire to the city and made noises, and the soldiers didn't know they were frightened at night!"

"Who is making trouble?" Xiahou Dun roared, "Who is behind the scenes?"

"I don't know about this..." Xia Houba replied, "It seems like ordinary people in the city, I don't know what's going on—"

"Go and investigate!" Xia Houdun clenched his fists tightly, gnashing his teeth with hatred, "Take me there, I will cut open the hearts of these people one by one!"

Xiahouba led the way, Xiahoudun followed behind him, and the two hurried to the west of the city with some troops.Xiahou Dun felt a little abnormal in his heart, so he asked, "Which gate did the enemy enter through last night?"

Xia Houba scratched his head and said, "They came in through the east gate, but we beat them back later."

"The east gate... the west gate is on fire..." Suddenly, his eyes changed, and he exclaimed, "No, we fell into a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain!"

At this moment, Xia Houba suddenly threw him down and shouted: "Uncle, be careful!"

Xiahoudun had just fallen to the ground when he heard a "dang", and a feathered arrow hit the stone wall beside him vigorously, wiping out a string of sparks.

so close!Xiahou Dun raised his head, already dripping with cold sweat.He saw from a distance that a long string of torches came pouring out of Xudu City like a fire dragon spitting pearls, and had already rushed into the east gate. The leader was a man with a burly back and a big ax in his hand with a cold light. It was Yan Liang who had already met him!

Xiahou Dun was not stupid, he understood in a flash that the general situation was over.He said coldly to Xiahouba: "No matter what happens to others, our surname Xiahou can't be sorry for Duke Ming! Hurry up and go home, every member of our Xiahou family counts as one, and we will go to the battlefield to kill the enemy!"

Xiahouba, who was always used to eating, drinking and having fun, saw the seriousness of the situation from his uncle's expression, and without saying a word, he turned around and ran away after making a bow.

Looking at the back of Xiahouba leaving in a hurry, Xiahoudun sighed and said to himself: "Since I joined the army, I, Xiahoudun, have never let down Minggong's trust. I didn't expect that Minggong now thinks highly of me and entrusts me with such an important task. Give it to me, and I screwed it up! It's late, it's really late!"

The more he thought about it, the more ironic he felt, and he laughed out loud.

Suddenly, a playful voice that seemed familiar came from behind: "Why is General Xiahou laughing?"

The smile froze on Xiahou Dun's face, his face was gloomy and terrifying under the moonlight.He turned his head in disbelief, and found a tall figure sitting on the eaves, looking at him with a half-smile. It was the owner of Fengyuan Inn——Yuan Qi.

Everything that happened in the past flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern, but maybe Yuan Ke usually pretended too well, Xiahou Dun still couldn't believe that he was related to this riot, so he asked in a trembling voice: "You... How will you be here?"

Yuan Ke smiled and said: "If I'm not here, how can General Yan's men come in, don't you think?"

"Who are you?" Xiahou Dun shouted.

"I am Yuan Ke, the son of General Yuan Shao." Yuan Ke replied.

Finally, they are all able to face each other with their true identities.

These two people, one is Cao Cao's most trusted minister, who has been fighting for many years without changing his ambition, but capsized in the gutter, and is played by a young man in the palm of his hand; the other is a rising young hero. He dared to lurk in the enemy's nest, and finally waited for the moment to reverse the situation.

It was Yuan Ke who spoke first: "I want to tell you one more thing. Just yesterday, Cao Cao died in my hands."

"You're talking nonsense!" Xiahoudun yelled, "Cao Gongji has his own aura, how could he die at the hands of a bastard like you?"

"What did I lie to you for?" Yuan Ke fell from the roof and said quietly, "There are still many things you don't know. I killed Xu Chu, Tang Jiang, and Xu You , stop now!"

Xiahou Dun raised his head and said arrogantly: "How can there be an arrow when you open the bow?"

He took off the helmet with the red tassels stuck in it, and threw it on the ground. It was difficult to untie the black iron armor, and he also used brute force, and threw it on the ground together. In an instant, he felt a lot lighter all over his body, and he even breathed freely.Because of some inexplicable and unknown reasons, he felt very happy at the moment, so he said loudly: "Come on, let me see your methods!"

After all, Xiahou Dun strode forward with a curved knife in one hand, and when he was a few steps away from Yuan Ke, he slashed across his chest with his backhand, with a force of force but as fast as lightning, and vowed to send Yuan Ke away with one blow. To hell!

Yuan Ke unhurriedly drew his saber out of its sheath, thrust out the saber, the tip of the saber hit the curved saber's edge, defusing Xiahou Dun's saber's momentum, and then raised his left hand to seal Xiahou Dun's saber head!
Xiahou Dun had always followed a vigorous path, and he didn't want to get entangled with him in the small style, so he raised the knife and turned his hand, swishing three blades of light, looking at Yuan Ke's neck, shoulders, and waist.Yuan Ke used ingenuity at this time, and immediately jumped up high, making his life-threatening three swords come to nothing.

Taking advantage of Xiahou Dun's inability to close the saber, Yuan Ke swung a phoenix nod from a height, and the tip of the saber swayed from side to side to stab Xiahou Dun's forehead. He didn't realize it until the knife points were stabbed down densely, and he hurriedly blocked with the knife face in shock. After a burst of tinkling like a storm, he had already been forced back more than ten steps, obviously losing for a while.

[1] Weapon Rack.

(End of this chapter)

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