Civilization Template

Chapter 115 Reunion with Wei Chunyu

Chapter 115 Reunion with Wei Chunyu
1990 2 Month 9 Day.

Chen Quan and Wei Chunyu walked slowly along the path along the banks of the Trava River early in the morning.

The city of Lübeck is very low above sea level, and the water of the Trava River is almost level with the ground.When people walk by the river, they have a unique and shocking feeling of walking on the water.

Due to its proximity to the ocean, Lübeck is not frozen all year round. In February, Lübeck is as warm as spring from the perspective of people in the ice city.

It was still early, and besides Chen Quan and Wei Chunyu, apart from the people exercising on bicycles passing by from time to time, there were only chirping birds chirping.

"How are you doing?"

Chen Quan felt that the relationship with Wei Chunyu had become strange and polite again.

"It's okay, still learning the language. No formal classes."

"How about your green card? I haven't heard you mention it. I'm not ashamed to ask. Have you got it?"

"Oh, green card application, I don't know what's going on now."

Wei Chunyu shrugged.

Having lived independently abroad for a long time, Wei Chunyu became more mature and less impatient.

After eight months, the two people who were ignorant at the beginning have undergone tremendous changes.

Chen Quan has grown nearly 10 centimeters taller, which is close to 1.7 meters. He is almost the same height as Wei Chunyu, who is not very tall.

Although Wei Chunyu was in West Germany, the two still maintained occasional correspondence.Knowing that Chen Quan was coming to Europe to attend the meeting, Wei Chunyu also ran over.

Brunswick is a city in the north of West Germany, while Lübeck is at the northernmost tip of West Germany. The straight-line distance between the two is only more than [-] kilometers.This is nothing at all in West Germany, where transportation is well developed.

Wei Chunyu drove by himself and set off in the early morning. When he arrived, except for Chen Quan, no one else had woken up yet.

"You do not know?"

Chen Quan stopped and turned around. "Didn't Brother Xing give you a guarantee?"

"After I came to West Germany, many things happened here. Many things, if you don't come, I don't know what to say in the letter."

Wei Chunyu also stopped.

He roughly talked about what happened in the past eight months after the two separated in the capital, including applying for visas, buying air tickets, and life in West Germany.

The first is the changes in West Germany itself. Last November, a major event happened, the Berlin Wall was torn down.The two Germanys have signed a treaty, and the merger is imminent.

The merger of Germany and Germany had a huge impact on many things.

In the short term, the idea of ​​Greater Europeanism has begun to rise, and the idea of ​​the European Union and the Eurozone has gradually taken shape under the idea of ​​​​Greater Europeanism.

Second, the Chinese community began to divide.Some people lost confidence in the future, and their thoughts turned to the right.

After Wei Chunyu came, Brother Xing wanted to get him to join some organization as a prerequisite for helping him apply for a green card.The reason is that the pass rate will be much higher by doing so.

Not long after leaving the country, the arrogant Wei Chunyu didn't bother to fake, so he cut off contact with those people.

Wei Chunyu tried to apply for a green card by himself, but due to the language barrier and the unfamiliar procedures, he wasted a lot and wasted a little time.

Although Xing Xiaogang has selfish intentions, he did not lie. The gate of the green card policy was really closed very quickly.

Wei Chunyu didn't know whether his application had caught up with the window or not.

If he can't catch up this time, he won't be able to apply again for a long time.Because the normal green card declaration requires hard indicators such as working years and residence years.

As an international student who has not even enrolled in a university, Wei Chunyu has no qualifications at all.


The two walked along the red brick road by the river, chatting and walking forward.The strangeness between the two gradually faded away.

Strolling along the banks of the Trava River is like stepping into history.

Lübeck, located along the Trave River, is West Germany's largest port on the Baltic Sea.Historically, it was the "capital" of the Hanseatic League.The first city in northern Europe to be selected as a world cultural heritage is full of landscapes and historical buildings.

On one side of the road, there are various four-story brick Gothic buildings. On the other side of the road, on the Trava River, there are small motor sailboats or private small yachts everywhere.

"If you can't get your green card, do you still want to study here?".

Chen Quan kicked a small stone away with his foot, and several seabirds, startled by the sound, fluttered their wings and flew high.

"Of course."

Wei Chunyuhao did not hesitate. "Didn't you see my car? I bought it with the money I earned from working. It's much easier to make money here than in China."

For Zhen Xueba Wei Chunyu, after having a language environment, no matter English or German, it is a small case.Apart from attending language classes, he has a lot of spare time.

The salary is high, and the price of second-hand cars is not expensive (new cars are very expensive). A 15-year-old car with a Mercedes-Benz MPV of about 25 kilometers costs about 5 marks. Even at the black market exchange rate, the RMB is only 2.5.

Wei Chunyu soon became a car owner.

Although the age and condition of the car are not very good, Wei Chunyu's range of activities is not very large, and he does not run long distances. Daily life, school and part-time work, three points and one line are enough.

"You have earned money from a part-time job, so what about your math? Are you still reading it?"


A trace of confusion appeared in Wei Chunyu's eyes. "I haven't picked up a math book since I came to West Germany. Mathematics, that seems to be a long time ago."

Just 19 years old, Wei Chunyu traveled to West Germany by himself, running between language training classes and part-time restaurants all day long.

"But you came to West Germany just for science research!"

"Yeah, I still remember it."

Wei Chunyu's voice became weaker and weaker, and his confidence became weaker and weaker.

"Okay, as long as you remember."

Although Chen Quan still regarded Wei Chunyu as one of his competitors, he could not bear to win without a fight, and it was this kind of victory without a fight.

"By the way, don't talk about me, talk about you."

Wei Chunyu changed the subject.

"Speaking of me? I have nothing to say."

"You? You don't know, you are famous in the Chinese circle in Brunswick. Your news will spread in waves every once in a while."


Chen Quan was puzzled.Just as few Chinese know about Brunswick, few West Germans know about Bingcheng.

Chen Quan has published two papers. The papers are valuable in China, but in Europe and West Germany, they are a commodity.

"This has something to do with a rumor circulating in the Chinese circle."

Every time Wei Chunyu thought of this news, he wanted to laugh.


"Yes. Many people believe that your current achievements have a lot to do with that visit. They think you stole ideas from West Germans. Therefore, every time you publish a paper, here The conspiracy theory will be circulated once, and the influence will be bigger."

"is it?"

Chen Quan shrugged.

(End of this chapter)

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