Civilization Template

Chapter 162 Dangerous

Chapter 162 Dangerous
"Whoa, whoa"

Professor Veneziano was the first to shake off his dumbfounded state and started applauding.Driven by him, the applause in the small auditorium became louder and denser.

Just now, everyone was actually completely stunned by the new ideas brought by Chen Quan.

When everyone was still entangled in which theory was the correct solution, Chen and Quan jumped to a whole new level.The five theories are all correct!They are just descriptions of the same thing from different angles.

The M theory brought by Chen Quan reunifies the fragmented string theory into a new grand unified theory.

Faced with more and more enthusiastic applause, Chen Quan and Qu Yanqiu stood up again from their seats, stroked their chests, and bowed slightly.

"This is the treatment a genius deserves!"

"I'll just say it! How could my deduction be wrong?"

After sitting down again, the two of them obviously relaxed a lot.

The grand unified theory of string theory is not correct, but once it is proven correct, its influence cannot be measured by one or two Nobel Prizes.

If the emergence of blue LEDs provides the possibility for the replacement of cold light sources.Once string theory is proven correct, the cornerstone of the entire physics will be completely rewritten.

Professor Nan walked up to the podium from the steps on the side, and the following is his time slot.

"My topic is"

Professor Nanfang stopped in the middle of speaking.Because he didn't know what to say.

Seeing his embarrassment, the audience did not blame him, but empathized with him.Because everyone is facing the same situation.

All the participants brought similar topics, and they were all arguing that the theoretical branch they supported was the only correct choice.

As a pure theory, the biggest advantage of string theory has now turned into the biggest dilemma, which is that it is difficult to falsify.That's why everyone has been entangled for several years without any gains.

But now, all of a sudden, all the relevant arguments have lost their meaning.

All theories are true and false.

"I abstain. There is no need to discuss these things." Nan Nan professor simply raised the materials in his hand. "Who is coming next? Which one of you is going up?"

Everyone in the audience, you look at me, I look at you.Finally shook their heads together.

"I propose that the seminar be suspended and we all take a break."

Professor Nanfang is in a good mood. "There is nothing else in my head now, only the M theory that Dr. Chen just proposed. I need to settle down."

"Agreed, let's all pause."

Professor Veneziano stood up. "To put it bluntly, everyone sitting here today is already the smartest group of people in the world. But it is obvious that Dr. Chen and Ms. Qu are a little smarter than us. Right!?"


There was good-natured laughter in the auditorium.

The tense and tense seminar just now suddenly turned into a sea of ​​joy.

Professor Veneziano's words, although part of a joke, represent the aspirations of most scholars.

If Chen Quan and Qu Yanqiu did not appear, this endless debate would continue for many years until another genius similar to Chen Quan appeared.

The dark clouds that have hovered over string theory for several years have completely dissipated.

For Chen and Quan, this new paper is just a step on the road of life, but for the scholars who have dedicated their lives to string theory, life has a new direction since then.
Student cafeteria.

Holding a plate in his hand, Chen Quan lined up with a group of foreign students.The most distinctive feature of the student dining hall at the University of Chicago is its buffet.

"Do you eat this every meal?"

Seeing the dazzling array of choices, Qu Yanqiu was a little surprised.In China, buffets can only be seen in some foreign-related hotels.You know, food stamps have just been abolished, but meat stamps are still there.Many things are not just about having money.

Although Qu Yanqiu and Chen Quan were already out-and-out millionaires, they still hadn't shaken off their status as students.Eating and drinking are mainly settled in the canteen of the University of Technology.

"Yes." Ma Runze replied. "When I first came here, I tried to eat as much as I could every time, but it didn't take long before I couldn't bear it."

Ma Runze, who graduated from the Physics Department of the University of Ice Industry, and Qu Yanqiu's senior sister, acted as a temporary tour guide for the two of Chen Quan these days.If there is a need for translation, she will also come forward to help.


"Lose weight!" Ma Runze gestured to a few tall white students in the distance with his gaze. "Unlike our culture, here there is a huge emphasis on body shape."

"Status?" Qu Yanqiu looked at several suspected athletes in the distance.

"Yes. Agriculture in the Americas is mechanized on a large scale, and the cost of food is very low. In addition, the economy is developed and social welfare is added. Even the bottom of the society can eat easily.

Therefore, even the poor are overnourished, plus some racial reasons, most of the poor are fat.Gradually, an intuitive impression was formed that as long as a fat person is a poor person.The poorer people are, the fatter they will be.

We Chinese don't like exercising very much, so we can only manage our body by eating less. "

Ma Runze's face was full of pity.

"Wow, this is different from our country."


Several people walked forward while talking.

In fact, the reasons why Westerners look at their bodies are far more complicated and profound than what Ma Runze understands.

It is not in modern times that Westerners place more emphasis on body than on face.Before the European continent entered the modern society, in terms of structure, it was very close to the Spring and Autumn Period of China. It adopted a system of enfeoffment, knights, jazz and other lords at all levels, each guarding the territory, and fighting endlessly for years.

The unification of Germany by Prussia only happened in 1871, and it has only been a hundred years since then.Therefore, most of the time in Europe was spent in turmoil and war.Under such circumstances, Westerners' admiration for force and power has been deeply rooted in their bones.The rise of bandit culture and colonial culture has something to do with this way of thinking.

Robbery by order is a very interesting stalk in China.

But in Europe, there is such a thing as a privateer certificate.Not only that, but very common.

In China, although every two or three hundred years, there will be a big reincarnation, the long-term division must be united, and the long-term union must be divided, but after all, the proportion is the largest in peacetime.In addition, peacetime must be the most prosperous period of culture, and a large number of literary works were produced in peacetime.

China itself is united by cultural identity, so the Chinese are more concerned with appearances.

In addition, Chinese people don't pay attention to body shape, which is also related to the restrictions of traditional Chinese painting.Since traditional Chinese painting focuses on expressing ideas rather than expressing shapes, it is difficult to distinguish between fat and strong.All the portraits of the emperor are big fat people. In this case, it is inevitable to regard fat as beauty.


After they selected their meals, they found an empty table and sat down.

"By the way, what are your arrangements next?" Ma Runze asked.

"It's not clear yet."

Chen Quan shook his head. The sudden appearance of M theory substantially interrupted the two-day seminar on string theory.

"After dinner, we will go back to the venue to have a look. If there are no papers to be read in the afternoon, we will go out and experience the customs here." Qu Yanqiu said.

Unlike Chen Quan, Qu Yanqiu was going abroad for the first time and was very interested in everything.Now that I have come to Chicago, I am not going to let it go.

Chicago is not well-known in China, but it is an important railway and aviation hub in Midwestern America, and one of the major financial, futures and commodity trading centers in the Americas.With a population of more than 900 million, it is the third largest metropolitan area in America after New York and Los Angeles.

Due to historical reasons, Chicago was lucky to escape the Founding War, the Civil War between the North and the South, and major wars such as World War I and World War II, so its economy is extremely developed.In America, Chicago even has the title of "the hometown of skyscrapers". There are many tall buildings in the urban area. The Wills Tower completed in 1974 is currently the tallest building in America.

"Oh, then you have to be more careful. The law and order in Chicago is not very good, especially near our school, in the South City area of ​​Chicago. We usually don't leave the school when we have nothing to do, and even if we go out, we won't be alone."


Chen Quan and the two were a little surprised.

Speaking of which, the law and order in Bingcheng has not been very good in recent years.But around the University of Technology, the students have not had any personal experience.

"If you want to go out, just call a car."

Ma Runze didn't want to say too much.After going abroad, people are less willing to speak ill of the outside world, reporting good news but not bad news.

"Also remember, don't go out at night if you have nothing to do. Chicago students are often robbed nearby, and what's more serious, some students even die because of it."
Not far from Chen Quan and others, on the roof of a khaki four-story teaching building, an open suitcase and several black pipes were scattered messily on the ground.

A big gloved hand reached out and began to assemble the parts.

 Yesterday seemed to be a holiday, should we celebrate it?
(End of this chapter)

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