Civilization Template

Chapter 164 Adventure

Chapter 164 Adventure
".Here is the Chicago Channel, and we will report on the spot for you."

There were also some desperate photographers and reporters who found cover and continued to report.

The antennas on several interview vehicles were spinning desperately.

"According to reliable sources, the target of the shooter is the pioneer of string theory, Professor Veneziano. His string theory"

"...A famous scholar from Japan, the life and death of Professor Nanfang is unknown, and the scene is in chaos."

Those who watch the excitement don't think it's too lively, and the reporters will report the name of whoever is famous.

".The situation is very chaotic. We don't even know which direction the bullet came from. It is said that scientists who study string theory have suffered a large number of casualties. This is the first time in human history that there has been an attack on the bullet."

"what happened?"

Chen Quan no longer tried to get up, although lying on the cold sidewalk made him very uncomfortable.

"I don't know. I just suddenly feel dangerous."

Qu Yanqiu's prone position was also very uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to move at all. "It seems to be coming for you."

Being shot was the first time in life for both of them, so they were a little at a loss.

"Poof! Pop!"

After two gunshots, a trash can not far from the two suddenly jumped up by itself, and then fell to the ground.The garbage collected inside was sprayed out and scattered all over the place.


Someone beside Chen Quan screamed.Someone got up and ran around, trying to find a place to hide again.The sidewalk that had been quiet was once again in chaos.

"The shooter fired again. There he was, at 2 o'clock"

"There's someone on the roof over there!"

With more shouts, a few policemen in the distance ran, changing positions while running, and rushed into the garden in the middle of the street.

Sirens sounded everywhere, and more police cars appeared.

With the appearance of a large number of police officers, the fear of the crowd gradually subsided.

Although lying on the ground on his back, Chen Quan's field of vision was fairly broad, and the frightened crowd around him slowly dispersed.The older scientists should have retreated to the building.

The reporters and photographers who refused to let go of the big news got up one after another, crossed the garden in the middle of the street, followed the police, and rushed towards a four-story earth-yellow building opposite.

That building should be a cheap cement building built in modern times. Its square shape is very different from the surrounding historical European style and modern glass curtain style.

Amid the sound of sirens, a large group of teachers and students rushed out of the khaki-colored building, scattering the flow of policemen and reporters who were walking towards each other.

"what should we do?"

Following the movements of the people around him, Qu Yanqiu finally had the courage to get up. "Do you want to follow the past? See what's going on?"

Chen Quan followed suit, then hesitated for a moment.

He looked at the overturned trash can in front of him, and the mess on the ground.The idea of ​​finding out the truth eventually prevailed.

"Go and see!"

Although several bullets fell not far from him, but for some reason, Chen Quan didn't feel the slightest bit of fear.

At the moment of the gunshot, he even had a feeling of relief at last.

After years of suffocating waiting, even the worst news is better than no news.

Another reason, in fact, both Chen Quan and Qu Yanqiu ignored the threat in front of them.

Although the two of them are very wary of 'them', apart from 'them', the two of them simply don't believe that there is any power in this world that can hurt them.

Both of them have a kind of self-confidence because they are the chosen ones.

Ma Runze squatted behind a big tree not far away, watching the younger junior and younger junior sisters get up, trot on their waists, and shouted quickly. "Dangerous, don't go there."

Chen Quan's location is separated from the yellow teaching building by the 59th and 60th Streets, a huge Midway Plaisance Park, and the two are not directly facing each other, the straight-line distance exceeds 500 meters.In addition, the road in the garden in the middle of the street is winding and winding. When Chen Quan arrived, the khaki building was already under martial law.

At the exit of the khaki-colored building, some students who had just learned the news were evacuating urgently.

Although shootings are commonplace on the South Side of Chicago, this is the first time such a serious incident has been reported on campus.The teachers and students who just ran out all looked terrified.

Because the shooting happened right under the eyes of many reporters, a cameraman was also injured under the lens of the camera.Therefore, the influence of news far exceeds that of ordinary shooting incidents.

At last the drone of helicopters was heard in the sky.

In the studio, the male host who was analyzing the futures trend for the daytime audience was stunned for a while, and then announced seriously, "We have received an urgent interrupt message that a vicious shooting occurred on the campus of the University of Chicago in the direction of South City.

At the string theory technical seminar that just ended, a gunman fired three shots at reporters and onlookers.Someone is said to have been injured at the scene.Please switch the screen back to the scene"

"Whoa. Whoa!"

The hostess was amazed at the picture sent back by the helicopter.

Looking down from the helicopter's perspective, police and police cars can be seen everywhere on the 59th and 60th streets, as well as the Midway Plaisance Park between them.

"Is it robbery again? Has the law and order in Chicago's Southside been so corrupted? Can the University of Chicago not be spared?"

Upon receiving the news, the first reaction of the two hosts was that it was an ordinary robbery.It's just that the snatching was a bit ruthless this time, and it was snatched from a reporter or some big boss.

Blacks accounted for [-]% of the population in Chicago, and [-]% of the residents of the South City, where the University of Chicago is located, were black.

Due to the high proportion of blacks, Chicago's law and order corruption is well-known throughout the United States.There are an average of more than 500 vicious murders in Chicago every year, that is to say, nearly two people are killed every day.

As for ordinary cases such as robbery and theft, there are countless cases, and it has even become a part of the daily life of Chicagoans.

Even so, due to the efforts of the campus police, the University of Chicago is considered a rare island of security in the South City.

Students studying at the University of Chicago, in order to protect themselves, have summed up many rules, such as traveling together, not going to restricted areas outside the "safety map", not revealing their wealth, returning home before dark, and always keeping 20 to 50 dollars in cash on them. When it comes to robbery, give it to him."

"The shooting seems to be different this time. The gunman didn't use a pistol, but a rare sniper rifle. He fired from 500 meters away." The male host replied after being prompted by the headset.

"Sniper rifle? Did the gang do it? Why did the gang shoot at the reporters?"

The Chicago gang is also famous throughout the United States.The gangs in Chicago are really black, because they are gangs organized entirely by black people.

"Why did those gangsters shoot on this occasion?" the hostess was indignant. "That's good, Chicago's image has been ruined by them!"

"News is coming in again, and it is said that the shooter is not black."

"Uh, the shooter is white? White people can't do it either! Has the shooter been caught yet?"

"Not yet. The police are still searching."

"I heard that when the incident happened, there were many policemen at the scene? The gunman actually ran under the nose of the police?"

As more information arrived, the presenters found new excitement. "Where does the tax paid by our taxpayers go?"

The two moderators started shouting. ".We must be responsible for this matter! This is not an isolated security incident, it is the result of... years of policy implementation."

All of a sudden, except for a few tabloids whose main selling point was sensationalism, most of the media and radio stations turned on their horses, cursing the incompetent government, police, and politicians.

Of course, there are also many politicians who took the initiative to call in, hoping to take the opportunity to speak out and get a good boost.

In general, neither the media nor the police linked the shooting to the scientists present.A group of nerds who only know calculations and theoretical derivations have no way of contacting the killer!

"They won't let anyone in!"

In the end, Ma Runze bravely followed. She negotiated twice with the uniformed police behind the cordon, but to no avail. "Only the police can go in now."

"How can those people?" Chen Quan pointed to a few guys in black suits.

Ma Runze looked back. "They seem to be plainclothes, I don't understand."

While talking, a car stopped beside several people.A couple of guys in black suits got out of the car.


Chen Quan winked at Qu Yanqiu, followed a few people and rushed in.Chen Quan's black suit was very close to the image of this group of people.


Ma Runze watched helplessly as two bold fellows entered the building with a group of strangers.

At the cordon, a large group of people happened to be released from the building, and several policemen in charge of the security took notebooks and questioned them one by one.

The target of the police's strict investigation is the gunman who is theoretically still hiding in the building and has not had time to escape.The entry of outsiders is just a symbolic precaution.

Taking advantage of the police's attention being attracted, Chen Quan and the two easily got into the khaki-colored building.

(End of this chapter)

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