Chapter 172 God Seven
Ice City, Taiping Airport, Arrival Hall.


When his son appeared far away beside the conveyor belt with his arms hanging on his chest, Xia Caibin, who was chatting and laughing with others just now, burst into tears.

Disregarding the dissuasion of the security guards and the surrounding crowd, Xia Caibin rushed into the luggage hall sullenly.Driven by her, other unidentified pick-up people also rushed in behind her, and the scene was in chaos.

The two airport security personnel glanced at each other, spread their hands, and completely ignored it.In this day and age, people who fly are either rich or expensive, and some people are even both rich and expensive.

"Didn't you keep saying you were okay on the phone?"

While crying, Xia Caibin held his son's right arm distressedly, as if this would relieve the child's pain. "You don't look like you're okay!"

"Look at me, I have my hands and feet, and there are no missing parts. Isn't it all right?"

Chen Quan was messed up. "Mom, don't cry. There are so many people watching."

In order to avoid too strong visual impact on his family, before returning to China, Chen Quan specially asked the nurse to put on a blue bandage.However, it seems that the effect is not great.

"Brother, you won't have a disability in your arm, will you?"

Already a sophomore in high school, the slim Chen Ying also wiped her tears beside her.

"No." Chen Quan puffed up his chest, trying his best to look energetic. "Brother's arm was treated by an American doctor, and the money spent went to sea. There will be absolutely no sequelae."

"What's the matter with your chest?"

Xia Caibin felt that his son's posture was not right, so he touched it casually, and sure enough, Chen Quan's chest was also hard. "How many injuries are there on your body?"

Regardless of the presence of outsiders, Xia Caibin took off his son's suit and shirt, revealing a large white bandage inside.

"You feel sorry for me to death!!!"

"Are you OK."

Zhang Yue'e was also checking her daughter's health.

There was no way for the girl to undress for inspection, so she simply patted her daughter from top to bottom.

Driven by the two families, the other family members who did not know why picked up the plane, regardless of the objections of the passengers, raised their hands one after another.All of a sudden, the whole airport was thrown into a commotion.
three weeks later.

Conference room on the seventh floor of Yitong Building.

"Everyone is invited to come today, there are two things."

Chen Quan, who had just removed the plaster, looked around the room.

The members of the original MEMS team have undergone earth-shaking changes in the past three years.

Feng Yan continued to advance by leaps and bounds on her route of being a top student, and undertook all the follow-up research in the direction of LED.She has grown into the world's top scientific research expert in the field of LED.

Yu Yaoying and Li Ji, thanks to the trust of Chen Quan and Qu Yanqiu, helped Luo Ningwei manage Songhuajiang Technology in an orderly manner.Although Yun Li didn't have much achievements, as Feng Yan's right-hand man, she was quite remarkable.

The only exception is Cheng Xing.Due to personal preferences, Cheng Xing spent more time in the field of astrophysics. Under the guidance of Professor Wang Wenfang, he started a new business in the past two years and published several Chinese papers one after another.

The black hole universe theory proposed by Cheng Xing perfectly explains many problems in astronomy.But in the early 90s, the Big Bang Theory was in full swing.The results of various astronomical observations continue to prove the correctness of the big bang theory.

After Cheng Xing's paper was submitted, it didn't even stir up any waves.The few Chinese papers he published were only published through Wang Wenfang's personal relationship and the exchange of favors with "MEMS Sensor".

Although Chengxing basically no longer participates in the daily affairs of Songhuajiang Technology, everyone is surprised that every time there is a big event, Chen Quan and Qu Yanqiu will always call him. thinking about him.

Therefore, the original MEMS group of seven had a very famous name among engineering students, God Seven!

With the addition of a big sister, Luo Ningwei, the eight of them became a strong group that everyone envied.

"These two things are actually the same thing. The two of us are going to go abroad again. The purpose of going abroad this time is not to publish a paper, but to find out the truth behind the shooting and car accident." Qu Yanqiu explained.

"Is there any clue to the matter?"

Luo Ningwei asked.

"There are some clues. The first thing to do in this meeting is to invite you to participate and help analyze the relevant intelligence and information."

Qu Yanqiu pushed the materials and documents stacked on the table to everyone.These materials were collected from the three libraries of Gongda Library, Bingcheng Library, and Long Provincial Library.

"What are these? Egyptian mythology? Greek mythology?" Feng Yan found a lot of so-called materials, which were all kinds of underground publications issued by the people.


Qu Yanqiu distributed several one-dollar bills to everyone. "At the scene of the two murders, the symbol of the all-seeing eye appeared beside the murderer"

Without much effort, Qu Yanqiu explained everything about the all-seeing eye and Chen Quan's analysis of this matter.Apart from "them", Qu Yanqiu basically didn't hide anything.

After listening to the almost Arabian Nights description, everyone didn't react for a long time.

"Do you suspect that a higher level of civilization, or power, participated in the persecution of you?" Luo Ningwei was the first to wake up.


"Why? Why do you have such strange ideas?"

"Because in these two cases, there are too many unreasonable things. Many things are beyond the reach of human beings. The other party's grasp of the timing and understanding of the information is really suspicious."

"But why don't you suspect the FBI? If this matter is led by the US government, they are fully capable of doing all this!" Yu Yaoying, a hardcore science fiction fan, also reacted.

"If it is the FBI, first of all, they have a better and simpler method, and the success rate will be higher. Second, they have no reason to leave symbols and traces on the scene. As far as we know, some intelligence agencies in the United States are also using The all-seeing eye. Unless they want to blame internally. And the two of us have no ability to participate in the internal struggle between them."

"But why do you focus on these?" Feng Yan pointed to the messy magazines on the table. "It's not a myth, it's the nonsense of legend?"

Due to continuous success, Feng Yan believes that science can explain everything, but at the same time he scoffs at religion, legends, myths and so on.

"It can't be said to be completely nonsense."

Yun Li retorted loudly. "Existence is reasonable. Such a large pyramid is placed there. No one can tell how the pyramid was built and who built it. Those ancient civilizations and ancient myths may not all be legends."

The pyramid is the only surviving of the seven wonders of the ancient world.The other six ancient wonders, the Hanging Gardens, the Temple of Artemis, the Statue of Zeus, the Mausoleum of King Mausolus, the Bronze Statue of the Sun God of Rhodes and the Lighthouse of Alexandria, have long since disappeared in the dust of history.

The Great Wall, which the Chinese love to talk about, is just one of the Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages.

The two are not of the same order of magnitude at all.

To describe it vividly, the pyramids are miracles created by gods, and the Great Wall is a miracle created by humans.

About the way the pyramid was built, when it was built, who built it, related guesses, legends, and papers, I don’t know much about it.But so far, nothing too convincing.

The main reason is that the precision and scale of the two great pyramids in the Giza Great Pyramid Complex are too high and too large.The same level of technology reappeared already in the eighteenth century.

In addition to the technical level, there is also the population.

With the level of technology represented by the pyramid, a population of hundreds of millions is required to support the corresponding industrial chain.

No technology will appear out of thin air, especially those expensive high-tech.

Taking MEMS sensors as an example, if there is no automobile market and the upcoming mobile phone market, no matter how advanced and high-tech MEMS sensors are, there will be no chance of launching them.

In the whole of Egypt, only a small area at the mouth of the Nile can grow food.With the level of agriculture in ancient times, how could Egypt support such a huge population?
"Why do you tell us these things? We can't help you in an incident of this level!" Luo Ningwei asked.

"Yes! Yes!"

Li Ji and others also nodded.Fighting against gods and supernatural forces is something that mortals can't even imagine.

"This time I go abroad with Chen Quan, the result may not be good."

Qu Yanqiu spoke slowly. "Today's gathering, one is to collect more ideas. After all, it is only the two of us, and there are always things that cannot be fully thought out. The other is also to let everyone be mentally prepared. Our trip abroad will take a long time. Things need to be arranged properly. In the end, once the two of us can't come back, you should be mentally prepared."

"You can't come back, what does this sentence mean?"

Li Ji immediately called out. "Since you know it's risky, why go out?"

(End of this chapter)

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