Carrying ex-boyfriend to farm

Chapter 130 The Bai Family Wants Money 4

Chapter 130 The Bai Family Wants Money 4
A bag of rice repays the grace of nurturing, dreaming!

Brother Bai asked on the spot, "This is the kindness your parents have given you for nurturing you for 15 years. Shouldn't you give it?"

Bai Chiqiong jingled, give the wool!
Since the other party will find reasons, Bai Chi will also, "Brother, I started working at the Bai family when I was three years old. If I don't work, I can't eat. I have been working for almost 12 years now. I have worked hard at home for 12 years. Wouldn't that undo some of the nurturing grace of 15 years?"

"Bai Chi, you..." Bai Chi's words were very reasonable, and Brother Bai didn't know how to refute for a while.

Bai Chi didn't give Brother Bai a chance to speak at all, but calculated an account online, "Brother, am I wrong? We used to have eight people in our family, and the family only earned two or three taels a year. One or two taels of silver a year, is it possible that I use up one or two taels of silver in the house by myself?"

15 taels of silver was indeed too much, but Big Brother Bai didn't want to call for a low price, and finally blamed Bai Chi and asked, "Bai Chi, then how much do you think the grace of nurturing for 15 years should be given?"

If there are too few reports, Bai Chi is not filial to the wolf-hearted.

Bai Chi had no money to pay for too much, and he didn't want to give it to the family for nothing.

This is a pit, Bai Chi will not jump.

Bai Chi euphemistically stated his dilemma, "Brother, it's not something I can give as much as I want. After all, I have no money now, and I still rely on my wife and father-in-law to support me."

He refused to give 15 taels of silver, and asked Bai Chi to quote a price without saying anything. Brother Bai said, "Bai Chi, after talking about it for a long time, you don't want to repay the favor of nurturing."

Bai Chi didn't dare not refuse to give it, but the quotation is not up to him.

Bai Chi turned around suddenly, looked at Yun Xiaoxiao and said, "Brother, I will definitely repay the kindness of nurturing, but how much I repay is not up to me, it's up to my wife. After all, I'm still supported by my wife and my father-in-law."

Seeing that he wanted to ask Yun Xiaoxiao, Big Brother Bai thought it was just a woman, and it would be easy to handle, so he asked directly, "Then how much will your wife give?"

Yun Xiaoxiao gave Bai Chi a supercilious look, saying that she could handle it, and finally asked her to come forward.

Bai Chi blinked with a flattering expression.

As a partner in a foreign land, Yun Xiaoxiao still stood up and said openly, "Brother, the kindness of nurturing is more important than Mount Tai, and we really should repay the kindness."

If you don't say that, you will be sprayed to death by the ancients in the future. The ancients' emphasis on filial piety is not just talk.

Yun Xiaoxiao continued, "Brother, after all, Bai Chi and you used to be a family. I really can't afford to ask you for 15 taels of silver. But when a girl in the village gets married, it's just a few hundred copper coins as a bride price. what do you think?"

What, the kindness of nurturing for 15 years, only a few hundred copper coins, does Brother Bai look like the kind of person who has never seen the world?

Big Brother Bai reminded emphatically, "You have to make it clear that I want Bai Chi to give our parents the money for the upbringing, not to marry a girl."

Only a fool would believe this, Yun Xiaoxiao said, "Brother, if you ask for the grace of nurturing, it depends on how much we can afford. When you come up to the lion, it will cost you 15 taels. That means you don't treat Bai Chi as a family." See, but trade it as a commodity."

Brother Bai has evidence to prove that Yun Xiaoxiao is rich, so he pointed to the bullock cart and said, "You guys are bullock carts, and you bought a load of stuff. If you say you don't have money, no one will believe you."

It seems that it was this ox cart that caused the trouble, which made others red-eyed.

Yun Xiaoxiao was not in a hurry, and explained slowly online, "Brother, the ox cart belongs to the elder's family, and the things I bought were my father's hard-earned money from hunting. Bai Chi couldn't afford to eat poorly at home, if I hadn't married , he is starving to death now."

Brother Bai is an ancient man who believes that women are owned by men, and women's things should also belong to men.

How do you say that sentence, obey your father at home, obey your husband when you get married.

With this in mind, Brother Bai said, "Since you are married to Bai Chi, you are a family, and your money is Bai Chi's money."

Where does the word marriage come from, Yun Xiaoxiao didn't answer the question and asked instead, "I said big brother, Bai Chi didn't give a bride price and didn't carry a big sedan chair to marry me home, who said I married Bai Chi."

It's not marriage, how could two people live together openly, that would be soaked in a pig cage.

(End of this chapter)

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