Carrying ex-boyfriend to farm

Chapter 153 Selling Instant Noodles

Chapter 153 Selling Instant Noodles

This side smells really good, even if it is really a bug, the aunt is now fighting.After all, I have never smelled such a fragrant bug, and it is free.

The aunt was afraid of getting the chopsticks dirty, so she reached out to take them.I don't care if my hands are full of oil, and I am happy to think how long I haven't eaten oil, and I am lucky to be able to eat it now.

The aunt put the noodles into her mouth, chewed them twice, opened her eyes wide in an instant, and said incredulously, "My God, this noodles are really delicious, can I have another one?"

Yun Xiaoxiao apologized with a smile, "Auntie, we agreed in advance that each person can only eat one piece, if you eat one more piece, others may not be able to eat it, I'm sorry.

Speaking of this, Yun Xiaoxiao did not forget to promote the instant noodles she sells online, "But if you want to buy it, you only need six copper coins to soak it and eat it immediately.

"If you want to take it away, if you don't want a bowl or soak it, I can sell you five copper coins."

"But take it home and soak it in the way I just did. Add an appropriate amount of water. If you add too much water, it will lose its taste. And after eating this noodle, the rich noodle soup can be soaked in rice, and wild vegetables can be cooked without soaking rice. Guaranteed Tastes great."

"And as long as it is sealed and stored, it can be stored for a day or two without any problems. But it is hot now, it is recommended to finish eating on the same day, otherwise it will be damaged if it is not stored properly."

The aunt wanted to buy it, but felt that five copper coins were too expensive.

Two or three copper coins can buy a catty of cheap rice, but it is indeed expensive to buy a bowl of noodles.

Yun Xiaoxiao was not in a hurry and continued, "My aunt must think my braised beef noodles are expensive, but our braised beef noodles are made of good flour and fried."

Speaking of this, Yun Xiaoxiao pointed at the soup with chopsticks and said, "And there is a lot of oil in the soup. You can see the oil floating on it at a glance. I can't fake this. And there are vegetables in it." , put various seasonings. There are also beef cubes, although the beef cubes are small, but this is genuine beef."

Having said that, the aunt suddenly felt that it was not expensive.But now it's not the Chinese New Year, and there is no need to buy delicious food to go back.In the end, I waved my hand to say no to buy, and left.

When I left, my aunt was still eating the oil on her hands. The oil is so precious that I can't just waste it like this.

The aunt is gone, and other customers are still trying to eat.

After confirming that it tastes good and is worth the money.

A man with two dollars buys a bowl of noodles on the street and starts to eat noodles.

Most women are more frugal. In order to save a penny, those who live in the county go home directly to get a bowl, and those who don't have a bowl try to wrap it back with a handkerchief or leaves.

If you don't eat it temporarily, Yunxiaoxiao will remind you to keep it sealed and eat it as soon as possible to prevent it from spoiling.The Yun Xiaoxiao brought back with handkerchiefs and leaves would let them soak within a day, otherwise it would be a pity to break.

For such a precious thing, these diners naturally kept Yun Xiaoxiao's impatient reminders firmly in their hearts.

It's a pity that the plastic bowls can't be taken out, otherwise these can be stored for a few months without any problem.

When the takeout system launches instant noodles made of ancient sealed ceramics, it will be fine for three years without opening.But the price is indeed a bit expensive. A bowl of ten copper coins is equivalent to a bowl of instant noodles for ten yuan, which is obviously unaffordable for ordinary people.

Bad rice costs two coppers a catty, ten coppers five catties.

Poor people would rather spend ten copper coins to buy five catties of rice than spend ten copper coins to buy a bowl of instant noodles.

Yun Xiaoxiao, who is now a member of the poor, deeply understands the difficulties of the poor.Although I really want to sell it cheaper, but I also have to spend money to buy goods and eat and live.

At present, there are many people trying to eat, but not many people are willing to buy.

But the instant noodles have a strong taste, even if there are a few people squatting nearby to eat, it will make the nearby people drool.What is this called? Instant noodles are not afraid of deep alleys.

Soon the scholars in Wenya Study also smelled it, and they all gathered together and asked.

"What smells so good?"

"Looks like something to eat."

"We haven't eaten yet when we go out, why don't we go out and see what delicious food is sold in Ganji Street today."

"Walk around, this smell is so delicious, my saliva is drooling."

(End of this chapter)

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