Chapter 166

As long as this woman becomes a widow, no matter how good her reputation as a daughter-in-law is, her reputation as a widow will eventually rot.

Why do you say that?
Without a man, a widow will naturally attract others, and she will be bitten and called Kefu, and will be bullied...

It's fine to be bullied on the surface, just bear it.

Being bullied in secret, it is natural to suffer from being dumb and unable to speak out.Some were even soaked in pig cages and died unjustly in the icy river.

It is taboo for a man from such a good family not to marry a widow.

But girls and daughters-in-law from good families are unwilling to have a relationship with widows for fear of reputation.

After hearing the reason, Yun Xiaoxiao couldn't help but sigh, no wonder the widow chose Wang Mazi, obviously there was no choice, and the two decided to get married, because there is a man in the family who is not afraid of being bullied.

Xu Meiying sighed, "The widow in the village is also a poor person. Once the man died, she was kicked out of the house by her husband's family and took her daughter to survive."

Xu Meiying began to gossip after talking, "I heard that the widow is powerful, she supports herself and her daughter with her hands, and she also smashed the brains of those men who climbed the wall with stones, and they are very hot-tempered."

Yun Xiaoxiao was curious, "This widow is so fierce, why did she choose to marry Wang Mazi?"

Xu Meiying replied, "There must be a man supporting the family, otherwise it will be difficult for women to make a living in the village. The widow is fine alone, and a lifetime of grievances will pass. But the widow has a daughter, she does not think about herself, she has to think about her daughter .”

Xu Meiying paused at this point, "As for why the widow chose Wang Mazi, it seems that the widow once lost her daughter, and was so anxious that she knocked on the door of the village at night, begging for help to find her daughter. But many people in the village taboo The widow did not open the door."

"It turns out that Wang Mazi, even though he looked out of character and a bit lecherous, insisted on helping the widow find her daughter in the gutter that night. Fortunately, he was rescued in time, otherwise the widow would have died in it."

"Wang Mazi and the widow are so acquainted with each other, and they probably have an affair. Everyone in the village knows about this, but they don't want the widow to have the ability to let Wang Mazi, an unreliable person, agree to marry her. marriage."

"But that's good too. After Wang Mazi gets married, he won't mess around like before with a woman in charge. Besides, widows are pretty good-looking."

"If it weren't for her being a widow, Wang Mazi would never have been able to marry such a good-looking woman in his life. This is what he likes. Wang Mazi is lustful, and a widow needs a man to take care of the family."

Although I can't believe this is true, but in ancient times, most women really couldn't move an inch without a man.Many novels have beautified this point, promoting ancient women and self-reliance.

In ancient times, there were no golden fingers, and there were a few women who could be self-reliant.

Especially women who were born in the countryside lived in a feudal age when they were young, and their natal families thought their daughters were money-losers, and the married daughters would not care about the water thrown out by them after they got married.But the husband's family thinks that women are outsiders, and getting to know women is a tool for having children.

Moreover, the family is poor, has seven or eight children, and there is not enough food to eat. The woman has to take care of the children and do housework and work, so she can't complain.Moreover, if a woman is divorced, she will be viewed with colored glasses by everyone and will be treated unfairly, and her natal family will not accept your shameful thing to go home.

As for Heli, it doesn't exist.

Even if a man wants to drag a woman to death, it is impossible for him to be laughed at and divorced. Divorcing his wife is almost the same, because divorcing his wife can push all the problems to the woman, and he can still have a good reputation.

What's more, the family is poor and can't afford food, so a man is entitled to pawn his wife out to give birth to another man.

The daughters of the poor are miserable, and the daughters of the rich are also miserable. They are usually a tool for their parents to marry. No matter what the man is, as long as he has benefits, he must marry and passively participate in the house fight.

What is house fighting?

House fighting means nesting in a big fart place and fighting with a group of women. The main man is still blind, unable to see the disputes in the back house, and marrying one and then marrying another.

To become a widow, in some ancient times, remarriage was allowed, while others had to set up chastity archways, and those who dared to remarry were directly immersed in a pig cage, beaten to death and burned to death.

If you really look at history, the three views are really ruined.

Lucky women have, but that's really lucky, but most women are normal women.

As a human being, many times we cannot help ourselves.

(End of this chapter)

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