Carrying ex-boyfriend to farm

Chapter 200 Your father, I beat a tiger

Chapter 200 Your Father I Beat a Tiger
Yun Xiaoxiao actually knew that Yun Dashan went out early and returned late to hunt in the mountains, but she didn't stop her, but sat quietly in the yard every day and waited until she saw Yun Dashan came back safely, so she could go back to the house and sleep peacefully.

I used to sleep for eight hours, now I sleep for three or four hours, and I even stayed up all night worrying about it, until I heard the sound of the door opening and footsteps outside the house, Yun Xiaoxiao got up and opened the window, just in time to see Yun Dashan leaving with hunting tools back.

Men also have their own dignity. They also want to take on the responsibility of supporting their families and do a great job within their ability.Bai Chi is like this, and so is Yun Dashan.

All Yun Xiaoxiao needs to do is neither to support nor to oppose, if there is a place where she needs to be a leader, it is good for the whole family to work hard.

Days like this lasted for a long time until one day it rained heavily.

The courtyard door was suddenly pushed open, and Yun Dashan limped in, shouting excitedly in his voice, "My daughter, my daughter, my daughter..."

Yun Xiaoxiao, who was watering the fruit in the room, ran out, looked at the drenched Yun Dashan and asked, "Father, why are you all wet, I'll get a towel to wipe you off."

But he didn't want Yun Dashan to grab Yun Xiaoxiao, and said ecstatically, "Girl, I have something great to tell you!"

Yun Dashan was a hunter, and his strength was so strong that it hurt Yun Xiaoxiao's arm.

But Yun Xiaoxiao's attention was obviously not here at the moment. Although he guessed something in his heart, he hurriedly asked, "Father, what is a great thing?"

Yun Dashan looked around cautiously, and after finding no third party, he leaned over to Yun Xiaoxiao's ear and said, "Your father, I beat a tiger!"

Modern tigers are cherished animals and cannot be hunted, otherwise they will be caught by the police uncle and eaten in prison.

But it was different in ancient times. Tigers were plagued everywhere, so killing tigers in this way was not only legal but also meritorious.

The most important thing is that the tiger is full of treasures. Only a complete tiger skin can only be owned by the imperial power and nobles. If it is made into clothes and worn on the body, it will not only be warm but also domineering.

Tiger meat is also edible, sweet and sour, warm in nature.It can also nourish the spleen and stomach, benefit energy, and strengthen muscles and bones.Control spleen and stomach weakness, nausea and vomiting, malaria.

As for tiger bone, it can be brewed in wine. It is one of the precious and rare animal medicinal materials.

Tiger penis is a traditional Chinese medicinal material that nourishes and strengthens yang blindly. Its main functions are to warm the kidney and strengthen yang, and benefit the essence and tonify the marrow.For the decline of essence and blood, soreness of the waist and knees, impotence, scrofula, etc.

Tiger whiskers can also be used as medicinal materials, and even tiger dung and urine are very useful. Tiger dung is very good for the skin, and it is very effective in preventing and treating frostbite when rubbed with water on the skin.

As for the above statement, Yun Xiaoxiao saw it on the Internet before, as for the authenticity, he had to ask a professional.

Yun Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it, "Dad, the tiger is so powerful, did you really hit a tiger?"

Yun Dashan smiled from ear to ear, and said triumphantly, "Of course, your father and I have been working lately lately just to catch a tiger and dig a trap for a long time."

The thing Orion is most proud of, of course, is to hit the big guy, so that he can play for a lifetime.

But Yun Dashan didn't intend to brag about it, and he wasn't stupid. He really went out and boasted that he had beaten a tiger. It is estimated that the government will come in the next second and take the tiger away and give him the title of Tiger Fighting Hero.

But Yun Dashan doesn't care about the title of Tiger Fighting Hero, that stuff doesn't fill his stomach, just has a better reputation, and it has no real effect at all.

Yun Dashan fought the tiger because his family was short of money, and he wanted to make money so he risked his life to fight the tiger, otherwise he would go to the mountains to die if he was full.

Yun Xiaoxiao subconsciously glanced outside the door, but didn't see the tiger's body, so she asked curiously, "Father, what about the tiger you shot? Why didn't you see it?"

Yun Dashan trembled when he spoke excitedly, "Girl, you are stupid, I carried a tiger down the mountain in broad daylight, why don't I tell everyone that I killed a tiger. Let's keep a low profile and make a fortune in silence."

Yun Xiaoxiao smiled, it seems that Dad is not that stupid, he actually has a lot of thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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