Journey to the West I am the Demon Lord of Hundred Eyes

Chapter 166 The villain who plays power, the monkey who defies the sky

Chapter 166 The villain who plays power, the monkey who defies the sky

In front of Lingshan Mountain, Bodhisattva Wang was stopped by the Eight Great Vajras, waiting for his report.

Then I saw a bhikkhu coming forward: "Amitabha, the World-Honored One said that what the Bodhisattva is asking for is known to him and cannot be saved."

Bodhisattva Wang's heart was ashamed immediately, and it took a while to come back to his senses, and he went to the direction of Lingshan to salute three times, then turned around and drove away.

He was on his way in Yunxiao, but he heard a voice from behind shouting: "Junior Brother, stay here."

The Bodhisattva turned his head, and when he saw the visitor, he saluted and said:
"I met senior brother Pilanpo."

Milky Way
Wu Ming was visiting Marshal Tianpeng's mansion today, and heard that his father-in-law Zhenjun had returned, and His Majesty's ban on him had also been lifted.

"Haha, let me just say it's not a big deal, come on bro, do it."

Wu Ming was thinking while dealing with the canopy.

The other party deliberately framed him, I'm afraid it won't be so anticlimactic, is it his enemy or has other plans?
Annoying, I just want to practice immortality, but I want to make trouble for myself
"Marshal, my younger brother will go first. It is estimated that a lot of things have already been suppressed by the Ministry of Lei."

Tianpeng got up and sent them off and said: "It's okay, we will meet again in the future."

After leaving the Marshal's Mansion, Wu Ming went back to the mansion and rode a black tiger out of the Heavenly Palace.

After staying in the sky for a long time, I didn't know what happened in the Huanghua Temple, so I went back to have a look.

When you arrive at the West Heaven Gate, the Heavenly King Guangmu stands in front of you, with the red dragon wrapped around your arms.

"Congratulations to Zhenjun for clearing up his grievances."

said the king that day.

Wu Ming clasped his fists in return: "Heavenly King, you are polite, today is the Guangmu Heavenly King on duty at the West Heaven Gate?"

"That's right, I'll wait for three days each at the four heavenly gates in the southeast, north, and west, and tomorrow will be me."

Wu Ming nodded, resigned from the Heavenly King's Lower Realm and left.


Little Xiong sat under the bamboo forest, throwing away his armor and spears.

He casually picked up a crispy bamboo shoot from the side, peeled off the skin of the bamboo shoot and put it in his mouth to chew.

"Little Bear, what are you doing hiding here?"

It raised its head, saw Wu Ming, immediately put down the bamboo shoots, hugged Wu Ming's thigh, and pointed to the courtyard.

"Little Bear, where have you been hiding?"

"You can hide it well, let Shigu find you—"

Wu Ming supported the forehead, patted the little bear, and led it into the hall.

"Ah, brother is back!"

I saw seven women rummaging around in the hall.

"What are you doing?"

The eldest sister stepped forward and said with a embarrassed smile: "Brother, the little bear is playing tricks with us. Whoever finds it can play for a day."

Little Bear poked his head out from behind Wu Ming's legs, and said aggrievedly:
"I do not."

Seeing the playful eyes of the seven senior aunts, she dared not speak any more.

"Okay, why are you a group of elders bullying it, go and play by yourself."

Xiaoxiong Dang even ran away, and Wu Ming went into the inner hall with seven junior sisters to talk to each other.

"I have a gift for you."

Wu Ming took out the section of the seven-colored lotus root from Pilanpo.

"This item is of great benefit to your cultivation, you seven sisters should share it."

Immediately, the seven spider spirits couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Brother, you—"

"Stop it, I still have work to do, so stop bullying the little bear when I'm not around, just go."

Since there are seven junior sisters in the temple to take care of him, there will be no problem waiting for him, so he can go there with confidence.

In this way, it is a few years in a flash.


In the Yuma prison, the monkey personally checked the Tianma on this day.

Since he took office, he has also been dedicated to his work, nourishing and taking care of many celestial horses day and night, fattening up the meat and shiny fur of each one.

All the gods said yes when they saw it.

The supervisor and the supervisor's deputy are drinking and complaining in the side hall.

"Brother, we have been working in the Imperial Horse Prison for so many years, and we thought that there was hope for promotion, but we never thought that it would be empty now. I don't know how long it will take before we can become the master."

Jiancheng sighed, step by step from being a horse-feeding and scrubbing wrestler to this step, I don’t know how much work was wasted, and finally got rid of the previous Bi Mawen, thinking that the promotion was hopeful, and never thought about being robbed of his seat by the wild monkeys in the next world. Can there be no resentment.

The supervisor also said bitterly: "Who says it's not, you are good, if I can't be promoted, I will have a short lifespan and have to be reincarnated. I don't know what kind of animal I am!"

When words come out of his mouth, they enter people's ears.

But someone walked into the hall.

"You are--"

"Don't make a sound, don't care who I am, you two want to be promoted? If you want to, listen to me."

The man said something to the two of them, and asked: "Yes, write it down?"


The visitor should turn into a gust of wind and leave the imperial horse prison.

The monkey who was driving the horse in the stable looked up but didn't care, and continued to do his work.

But above the clouds, Wu Ming turned into a bug and followed the wind all the way.

He didn't know who was going to plot against him, and he didn't know the purpose of plotting against him, but if there were really black hands or something related to Journey to the West, then Sun Wukong must be among their targets, so he kept staring outside the Yumajian.

Today can be regarded as let me catch the tail!

The wind broke into a mansion all the way and fell into it.

"This is."

Wu Ming's figure also flew in together.

"Tang Zun is back."

Jiancheng and Jianfu couldn't help but secretly despise the wild monkey when he saw the wild monkey walking crookedly into the hall.

"Well, why are you two hiding here? Bring me some hot tea."

As he said that, he jumped on the seat and leaned back, took off his official hat and fanned the wind.

The deputy supervisor brought a cup of hot tea to offer.

The monkey took it and poured it into its mouth.

"Ah, comfortable and comfortable."

The two looked at each other, and the Jian Cheng suddenly sighed: "Hey, we are a little less fortunate."

The Monkey King's ears pricked up immediately, he turned his head and asked, "What's the explanation?"

"My lord Bi Mawen doesn't know, I'm a small official with so many complicated things to do, but I can't get any good out of it!"

This statement was half-truth and half-false, and for a while, all the officials in the palace felt the same way.

The monkey king immediately scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously: "Wow, what are you talking about as an official, what kind of official title does my Bi Mawen have?"

All the members of the Jiancheng said together: "That's the name."

Ask again: "What grade?"

"No product."

But the monkey said happily: "It's great to think that it's not good. That old man is sincere."

The two supervisors couldn't help turning around and laughing, this wild monkey is still dreaming!

He said: "It's not big, it's just the bottom class that hasn't entered the stream."

"Huh? So this official is extremely small?"

"That's right, Tang Zun, the little one has nothing to do with him, and he is only worthy of raising horses with him. He is diligent day and night, and if he is fat, he will be praised in a sentence. "

"Even if you work until the end of time, you still don't see a promotion, and all the gods in the palace will bow their heads and call them small when they see it."

As soon as this remark came out, the Monkey King was furious immediately, gritted his teeth and cursed: "How dare you look down on my grandson like this? In Huaguo Mountain, I am also called the king and ancestor, and I am high above you. How dare you lie to me to be so lowly? Wouldn't the brothers make fun of me when they found out?"

Dang even overturned the table and case, took out the treasure from the ear, shook the bowl to see how thick it was, and smashed the whole house into fine pieces.

The bluffing officials were trembling and hiding.

After they were beaten out of the hall, all the officials saw that Jiancheng and Jianfu were dead on the ground, and they all cried out.

The Monkey King went out of the Nantian Gate noisily all the way.

All the generals wanted to stop them, but they heard Zeng Tianwang say, "That guy is Bi Mawen, let him go."

So he didn't stop it.

 Thanks to book friends 170128222758922, readers 1351841502364676096, and book friends 20190624154328404 for their rewards.

  Let’s make two changes today, slowly ( 3`).

(End of this chapter)

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