Journey to the West I am the Demon Lord of Hundred Eyes

Chapter 189 The Pantao Festival will open, and the Lantern Buddha will arrive

Chapter 189 The Pantao Festival will open, and the Lantern Buddha will arrive
Wu Ming really lived in the flat peach garden.

For the next few days, they all practiced in the peach tree, as long as the monkeys drove everyone out of the two, they would benefit from each other.

Self-cultivation is a thousand miles a day, a thousand eyes will be one, and the Qi of Yimu will also be perfect.

Really happier than a fairy!

But the Peach Fair is getting closer.

"Your Majesty, are you going to entertain the gods this time according to the old rules?"

Zhang Tianshi played.

"Then do you want to invite Monkey King to the meeting?"

Da Tianzun pondered for a while and said: "No need, this monkey is naturally jumpy, such a meeting is afraid that his rudeness will make the Three Realms laugh."

"According to the order."

Then assign the gods to send posts there.

Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the West, Avalokitesvara in the South Pole, and the Holy Emperor Chongen in the East...

For a time, the three worlds seemed to be buzzing.

On this day, the flat peach festival will open.

The Queen Mother summoned the seven fairies in red, green, plain, soap, purple, yellow and green to carry flower baskets to the Peach Garden to pick peaches.

The fairies took orders one after another.

Dongfang Shuo spent a few days sweeping in front of the gate of Yaochi, anxiously seeing that there was no chance, and couldn't help but feel anxious, but he saw Fairy Qiyi coming out.

Can't help calling out: "Where are the sisters going?"

"According to the order of the empress, I went to the Pantao Garden to pick peaches for a meeting."

Dongfang Shuo couldn't help turning his eyes, and flatteringly said: "That peach is so heavy, sisters with slender waists and hands can't bear it, why don't I mention it when I go with you."


The fairies saw that he looked handsome, but his behavior was different from ordinary fairy boys.

The fairy in red couldn't help but nodded and said: "In that case, let's go on the same road."

Dongfang Shuo immediately went to Pantao Garden with Qiyi Fairy happily.

But in that garden, Sun Wukong still drives out the people today, and enjoys the flat peaches in it.

It's just that after eating three or four meals today, I suddenly felt sleepy, so I changed and hid under the branches to practice.

Wu Ming's practice has reached a critical juncture and he is not paying attention to the affairs in the garden.

A figure appeared from the ground, but it was the land of Pantaoyuan.

"This monkey actually ate so many flat peaches, hehe, I will trouble you to take care of this day's disaster."

Then he hurriedly took out a bag, picked the flat peaches with purple patterns and pits one by one, and put them into it.

Sun Wukong's location had been known to him a long time ago, so there was no alarm.

He made up his mind, but picked off the many ripe peaches not long after.

"This land is so bold!"

Wu Ming was startled by him.

He didn't open his eyes, but he could 'see', he couldn't help being surprised.

Then he remembered what the person behind him said when he captured the Baise Guardian of the Demon God Palace outside the Nantian Gate that day. Could it be the spies in the court that day or the land of the Peach Garden?
If so it is cheap.

The man was picking the land but he heard some movement outside the garden, so he immediately stopped and stepped out.

I saw seven fairies leading a fairy boy to come forward and said: "I will come here to pick peaches and have a banquet under the order of the Queen Mother."

As he spoke, he was about to break in.

The land hurriedly stopped: "Xian'e stay here, this year is no better than previous years."

"How to say?"

"The Jade Emperor sent the Great Sage Equaling Heaven to supervise here. We have to report to him before we dare to open the garden."

The fairy asked where the great sage was.

The land said he was resting in the garden, so he led the crowd to look for him in the garden.

Pretentiously, I searched in the pavilion for a long time, but I saw no one but clothes.

"Xian'e might as well wait for now and come back later."

Give him some more time and he will be able to pick all the flat peaches!
Fairy Qiyi couldn't help frowning and said: "How dare I come here in accordance with the order?"

A fairy official next to him said: "Since Xian'e came by order, don't hesitate, just go. My great sage always likes to hang out and go to meet friends. When he comes back, I will wait for an answer."

The fairies followed Dongfang Shuo's words and went into the garden to pick peaches.

Seeing that no one noticed, Dongfang Shuo hurriedly put a peach into his sleeve and hid it.

"Hurry up, let's go to the back tree and pick the big ones."

Zaoyi Fairy shouted.

"Hey, just come."

Dongfang Shuo hurriedly followed.

But along the way, all the fairies saw that the [-] trees had sparse flowers and fruits, and green hairy stems, but they didn't find a few ripe ones.

"Where did this peach go?"

"Needless to say, he must have been eaten by some Monkey King!"

"What Monkey King, I heard it is a wild monkey. I will report it to my mother when I go back later."

Seeing that there was a ripe peach on the south branch, all the immortals stretched out their hands to pick it, which even alarmed the great sage who was sleeping soundly on the branch.

Sun Wukong was awakened by her, and he was about to wake up, so he took out a stick and shook the bowl, which was as thick as it was, and shouted, "Where did the monster come from to steal my peaches?"

What kind of character is Monkey King?

She was a demon fairy who ate a lot of flat peaches, and she frightened the seven fairies to fall to the ground. They knelt together and said, "Don't be angry, the great sage. I will get up and pick peaches under the order of the queen mother. I can't find you, so I picked them privately."

Upon hearing the words, the Great Sage quickly took away the stick, and said joyfully, "Xian'e, please get up, I heard that the Queen Mother hosted a banquet to open a pavilion, but who are you inviting?"

All the fairies said: "The upper meeting has its own old rules. It invites the four emperors of the Three Qing Dynasty, the five elders of the five directions, the Taiyi Celestial Immortal, the Netherworld leader of the Lower Eight Caves, and the Earth Immortal who resides in the world."

The monkey couldn't help but be delighted to hear this, all the gods are invited, what a great scene!

Then he asked, "Can I invite my grandson?"

The fairy didn't know what to do, and said bluntly: "I have never heard of it."

Sun Wukong immediately became angry: "I am the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, even if you invite me to sit on a seat, you can sit there, why don't you invite me?"

Seeing this, all the fairies shook their heads and said they didn't know.

Dongfang Shuo backed away in a spirited manner.

"Okay, I don't blame you for this matter, let's go pick peaches, and Lao Sun will go and find out why he didn't invite me."

The fairies carried the baskets and turned around to pick peaches. The great sage coaxed them to make a formula and chant a mantra immediately, using a body-holding technique to keep the fairies in place.

Then Zong Xiangyun jumped out of the Peach Garden and went to Yaochi to ask for clarification.

Wu Ming could see it in the dark, and it seemed that the gourd baby had nothing to do with the monkey.

The "children" who are less than four feet tall and less than five hundred years old are bullying the seven fairies. Is this a distortion of human nature or...

A joke is a joke, but business must not be forgotten.

The land of the Pantao Garden had already resigned from the crowd and went outside the Tianmen, Wu Ming hastily followed behind him using a method of invisibility.

But outside the West Heaven Gate, there was a burst of flower language and Buddha's light.

There was an ancient Buddha among them, and all the heavenly generals bowed and turned their backs to greet him.

"Welcome to the Burning Lamp Buddha."

In the Buddha's light, the Buddha nodded slightly: "Thank you, all the gods welcome you."

Followed by attendants, they all enter the gate of heaven.

"Why did this Buddha come here?"

After the ancient Buddha left, all the heavenly generals were whispering.

This ancient Buddha has always lived deep in the Lingshan Mountain and seldom appeared in time, even the Pantao Festival almost never participated, why did he come this time?

The Buddha and the attendants did not go to Yaochi to attend the meeting, but went straight to Tushita Palace 33 days away.

Daozu seemed to have known it a long time ago, so he immediately ordered everyone to open the door to welcome him.

"The old monk has seen the Taoist ancestor, so it is not surprising that he came to visit rashly."

Burning lanterns and the ancient Buddha salute.

The old gentleman immediately returned the gift: "It is a blessing for the Buddha to be here, please."

Immediately, the two went hand in hand to preach at the Dantai of Zhuling, the third-floor high pavilion, and all the fairies and officials stood around to listen to the lecture.

Immediately, there were wild flowers falling from the sky, golden lotuses gushing from the ground, and the sounds of Buddha and Taoism burst out, and all the immortals were intoxicated by it and couldn't extricate themselves.

The monkey was on the way, but suddenly met a fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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