Journey to the West I am the Demon Lord of Hundred Eyes

Chapter 450 Falling into the Muxian Temple, Zhenjun breaks the dream

Chapter 450 Falling into the Muxian Temple, Zhenjun breaks the dream

In Muxian Nunnery, Wu Ming and the other three did not know that they were no longer in Thorn Ridge.

The gate of the temple was smashed into ruins, and Muxian Temple seemed to have returned to its original state.

"Where did that monster go?" Bajie asked.

Hei Shan disappeared at some point, but Wu Ming immediately sensed something was wrong.

The nine-headed worm is gone!

Although the Nine-Headed Insect has not yet cultivated into a Golden Immortal, it is an ancient relic, and it is difficult for even him to catch it away silently.

"What can the Great Sage see?"

"No, but those old monsters said they had cast down demons for them and sent my master and apprentice there. Now that monster thinks it has escaped, and Bajie and I want to meet up with Master on the road, so I apologize to the Venerable here. .” Walker said.

Wu Ming nodded, he always felt that this matter would not end so easily.

Sure enough, not long after, Xingzhe and Bajie returned to the Muxian Nunnery, and said solemnly, "My lord, all the creatures in the entire mountain have disappeared. Old Sun tried to go to the Heavenly Palace to seek immortals and friends, but he couldn't fly out of the thorny ridge."

Wu Ming was thoughtful after hearing this, space-time magic circle?No, he didn't notice the formation fluctuation.

"Brother, could it be that we have all been deceived by monsters?" Bajie asked.

Xing Zhe vetoed it with one word: "My golden eyes are used to breaking the void, so it must not be some kind of blindfold."

Wu Ming also nodded, what kind of tricks can a mere Montenegrin old demon hide from him?
At this moment, Wu Ming suddenly sensed that someone was peeping in the dark, and immediately shouted: "Heishan, how can you find a way to trap your grandfather, you have to hide it well, otherwise I won't do you any favors if I catch you."

Heishan suddenly appeared in mid-air and laughed loudly: "Ignorant children, how many magical powers do you have to dare to say such a thing? It's a pity that there are only three sacrifices of you."

Xingzhe couldn't bear it any longer, he raised his iron rod and jumped into the air to fight towards Montenegro.

It's just that since it dared to show up, it was not afraid of the three of Xingzhe, and the golden cudgel hit the head, but what surprised Xingzhe was that the stick missed.

The golden cudgel passed through Heishan's body!

"Haha, it's really interesting. It's a pity that I don't have time to play tricks with you. They are here." Hei Shan looked up at the sky, and suddenly the world turned pale.

Endless evil spirits surged, the sky collapsed in an instant, and countless twisted and evil figures were looming with their teeth and claws stretched out.

"Brother Monkey, what is that?" Bajie asked in shock, but Xingzhe was too terrified at the moment and had no time to talk to him.


Wu Ming said in shock, and his heart was also extremely horrified, those were clearly the evils of the Buddha like Montenegro.

But how come there are so many?
"My lord, what is the evil of the Buddha?" Walker asked hastily.

"You don't need to ask more questions, the great sage, and I will find out and kill the monster to prevent this catastrophe."

Wu Ming didn't know where the Black Mountain old demon summoned so many Buddha evils, but the only way to stop it was to kill them, otherwise so many Buddha evils would come, and he, Xing Zhe, and Bajie would not be able to survive.

"Bajie." Walker called.

Zhu Bajie nodded immediately, turned into a hundred-foot-sized black pig, and rampaged in the Thorn Ridge.

Hei Shan really showed up, but he said with pity on his face: "You are just dying."

"Monster! Watch stick!"

The traveler should have supernatural powers, throw the stick up and turn it into thousands of sticks, and hit them in all directions.

"Even if you hit the stick out of the flower, you can't hurt me at all."

Wu Ming has been observing Black Mountain, this guy is not a good person, but since he showed up, he just talked about it, if it really has something to rely on, how can he let him go like this?

Unless it's not that I don't want to, but that I can't.

The light of relics suddenly flashed from the back of Wu Ming's head, which is also the light of wisdom, and all the information in his mind flashed quickly.

"That breath..."

Suddenly, Wu Ming immediately shouted: "Great Sage, Marshal, stay here! I've seen through this guy's falsehood."

When Bajie and Xingzhe heard the words, they immediately pulled back and turned back, asking: "My lord, what kind of monster is this fellow? How can I subdue him?"

Wu Ming said: "Let's not mention this matter for now, the two of you and I should fall asleep as soon as possible."

"Huh? Sleep? What kind of method is this to subdue demons?"

But Wu Ming was already lying on a rock with his eyes closed and fell asleep.

"It's okay to sleep, but what should I do if the monster took the opportunity to sneak up on me?"

"Marshal, don't worry, I won't be able to hurt that guy, and that monster won't be able to hurt us either."

Hearing this, Montenegro finally couldn't help showing up.

But Wu Ming and Ba Jie had already fallen asleep, they closed their eyes and no longer cared about him, only Xing Zhe couldn't fall asleep because of restlessness, and he didn't dare to believe it, seeing that guy from Heishan rushing forward with his teeth and claws, he raised his stick and beat him.

Heishan passed through him, rushed towards Wu Ming and Bajie, and said with a smile: "You stupid pig who believed in that guy's words so easily, I'll cut you to death!"

Walking in front of Bajie, but no matter how much he threatens Bajie, he still doesn't open his eyes, so does Wu Ming.

Seeing this, Xingzhe couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, as expected this guy couldn't hurt anyone.

This Muxian Temple was actually transformed from the body of a nightmare demon, and it was built after being beheaded by an ancient god. shrouded.

What Wu Ming and the others entered was this layer of dreams, and they were able to enter here because they were covered by the body of the Nightmare.

But what Montenegro is in is a deeper dream, a dream left by the Nightmare.

What Wu Ming used was the magical power of dreaming that he got from Mengmai last time.

The nightmare is also a kind of nightmare, but it is more terrifying and more powerful.

Waking up from the dream world, Wu Ming could see many dreams flickering in the dark, but most of them were very monotonous and dim in color. They were some strange dreams in Thorn Ridge.

In addition, the three dreams are the most powerful.

One is Thorn Ridge, which is a combination of many dreams, which is the dream that the traveler is trapped in. The other should be the dream of Bajie. Wu Ming reached out and tore a crack to break in.

"Bajie, wake up, you still have to save Master!"

Ba Jie woke up from the dream, saw Wu Ming come here and asked in surprise: "How did the Venerable come to my dream?"

"Let's gossip less, Bajie will come with me to save Master from demons."


Immediately, Wu Ming took Bajie and broke into the dream of the nightmare.

And this dream has already collapsed to the point that only a small mountain remains, and the figures of those evil Buddhas are almost clearly visible.

Heishan was standing on the top of the hill and looked at the two with a sneer.

"You are quite wise, but it's a pity that they will come to this dream in less than half a moment, and if you break through to the next dream, your Three Realms will also fall into our hands."

Hearing this, Bajie picked up the nail palladium and laughed, "Toad yawns so loudly, it doesn't take a moment to kill you."

After saying that, he flew up immediately, raised nails and palladium to build, and thousands of streams of light fell down and smashed towards the Black Mountain.

At this time, Bajie has used his real skills.

Seeing this, Heishan didn't dare to fight head-on, and dodged around.

Wu Ming has no help, and it is enough to hand it over to Ba Jie, and the upcoming Buddha's evil is the biggest crisis.

"This dream cannot be repaired. I am afraid we can only meet the enemy here and kill him here."

Wu Ming's face was solemn. If the dream was not damaged too much, he could repair it, but this is impossible.

"The scent of Buddha!"

 One chapter will be released first, and there will be two more chapters later, before twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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