Chapter 593

When the shepherd boy came back, he saw the man with the sword on his back sitting on the bed and looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Da Niu, do you want to live forever?"

The shepherd boy was puzzled and said, "What is longevity?"

"Uh, longevity means living for a long time."

"I don't want to."

Lu Dongbin:
"Why don't you want to."

"The grandfather at the east end of the village lived to be more than 120 years old, lying in bed all day, unable to do anything, what's the point?"

Lu Dongbin said, "I'm talking about longevity, it is."

But no matter how much he persuaded, Song Daniu was determined not to listen, and instead regarded him as a liar and drove him out.

In the cowshed, the big buffalo nestled in the haystack snorted and laughed when he saw this.

"This stupid cow also laughs at me. This kid is less sincere than Gou Yao. Hehe, I want to take you across!"

Xiu Gu walked over and grabbed him and said, "Master, how about this child's fairy appearance?"

"I haven't seen it, I haven't seen it, but I, Chun Yangzi, want to give it a try and get him across."

He Xiugu immediately curled her lips, she knew this was the case, when she met her master in the mountains, she also lied to her to practice Taoism, saying that she could live forever and have a beautiful face, so she got on a thief boat in a daze.

These years running around, coming and going in the wind and rain, slaying demons and killing demons, even getting hurt when encountering big monsters, how can a god live a life.

The figures of the two disappeared in front of the hut.

Not long after, I saw an old beggar, dressed in rags and naked, and the dirt on his body could be rubbed off two catties.

He went to the hut with a broken bowl and shouted, "Is there anyone, I want to ask for some water?"

"No one, go ask elsewhere."

Lu Dongbin:
"The old beggar is not a bad person, he just begs for saliva."

A voice came from inside the house: "I'm not a good person, if you don't leave, I'll drive you away with the broom."

Song Daniu was watching from the crack of the door. In such a world, he, a little doll, can live until now and has not been kidnapped. Could it be that he is a fool?

There are no beggars in my village, if they are villains, wouldn't they lead wolves into the house.

"Little brother, just give me a sip of water. I still have a few coppers here, and I would like to be water money."

But even though he talked gaudyly and smoked his throat, the shepherd boy refused to open the door, so Lu Dongbin had no choice but to leave.

The second time, this time he turned into a student studying abroad, and came to ask for water.

Song Daniu saw that he was a scholar again in broad daylight, so he opened the door and brought out water.

As a thank you, the scholar left a volume of books as a thank you.

Lu Dongbin came to the corner of the street, saw Xiugu waiting here, and immediately changed back, he laughed and said, "As long as that kid is kept at home, my Chunyang sword post will help him practice in his sleep, and he won't enter me by then." door?"

"Master, your Pure Yang Sword Sutra was sold by him."


Lu Dongbin hurriedly chased him out, and sure enough, he saw that boy came to a library to sell, and he was bargaining with the shopkeeper.

"Da Niu, although your post is very well written and has a very high intention, but firstly it is not signed, so it must not be a famous masterpiece, and secondly, the material is not good, how about I give you ten pennies? "

"No, at least 20 taels, or I'll sell it to Shopkeeper Qian." Haggling the price in half, it doesn't matter whether you're buying or selling.

The shopkeeper of the library hurriedly persuaded him to stay, and bought it for 20 taels.

Song Daniu happily left with 20 taels of silver.

"Little bastard, shopkeeper, can you sell me that signature?"

The shopkeeper suddenly changed his face: "Oh, my son has a good eye, but this book post is something that I cherish, and it cost 2000 taels to get it. This"

2000 taels?When I am deaf.

"Shopkeeper, this post is obviously you bought it from that little shepherd boy for 20 taels, why do you want to sell me 2000 taels?"

"Hey, in my opinion, it's worth 2 taels. I love buying it. If you don't buy it, just leave."

Aunt Xiu thought that Master would be angry, but Lu Dongbin immediately smiled and said, "Okay, then you can sell it for 2000 taels."

The master and apprentice then left.

"Master, why don't you forget it, this little bastard has no such destiny." Xiu Gu persuaded.

"No, if I, Chunyangzi, can't even survive as a child, how can I face my fellow immortals if I pass it on?"

Lu Dongbin made up his mind that he must cross the little shepherd boy to become a fairy, but through these two trials, he found that the boy was a bit evil, and he still needed to think carefully.

The third time, this time Lu Dongbin turned into a juggler and He Xiugu turned into a follower. The two masters and apprentices beat gongs and drums in the market, which was very lively and attracted many villagers to watch.

"Daniu, there are jugglers in the market, do you want to see them?" A little friend who was herding cattle in the same village shouted.

"Okay, come on."

In an open space in the market, a group of people had already gathered around. When Lu Dongbin saw the little shepherd boy coming, he immediately yelled a few words.

At the beginning, he performed a three-immortal return to the cave, which was a big hit and attracted the applause of the crowd.

A group of children even praised the fairy tricks.

Then came a colorful scarf to change into a fish. I saw Xiu Gu pick up a jar and scoop up half of the water, then took out a large colored scarf to show everyone, pinched the two corners of the scarf, swung it up and down, and made somersaults Form a semi-cylindrical shape with one end high and the other end low, and pour it into the pitcher.

Immediately, more than a dozen goldfish fell out, and they were vivid and very eye-catching.

"Daniu, it's amazing, that sister is actually bare-handed, not hidden in her sleeves."

The little shepherd boy took a closer look, but he didn't see any signs of stealing or changing positions or Li Daitao's stiffness.

"Good! Good trick."


Lu Dongbin came out at this time and said: "Thank you, my fellow villagers, for your support. These are small tricks. I'm afraid you've gotten tired of watching them for a long time. Next, I'll bring you some fresh pears grown by immortals."

"I don't know which folks have pears in their hands, can you lend me a box, and I will return you a box when the time comes."

At this time, a man raised his hand and said, "I still have half of them here, I wonder if I can use them?"

"Available, available."

Lu Dongbin took it, wiped it, then dug a hole in the ground, buried the pears in it, and poured out the water in the jar.

"Everyone is optimistic."

Recited a mantra in his mouth, pointed to the pit, and with a bang, a sprout came out, and then grew rapidly, but within a few breaths, it grew to more than ten feet.

Blooming and fruiting, big and crisp pears are full of flowers.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, this is an old fairy!"

"Oh my god, this gentleman must be a good farmer."

Lu Dongbin picked two of them casually and gave them to everyone to taste. After one bite, the juice overflowed, and everyone scrambled for it.

"This good man, I lent you a pear and returned you a box, did you go back on your word?"

"Old Immortal, you are truly amazing!"

Everyone praised immediately, but Lu Dongbin was not for them. Seeing that the little shepherd boy had been aroused, he said, "I have a unique skill that is under the box, do you want to see it?"

"miss you!"

"Old Immortal, this is a fairy art, how many times can I see it in my life?"

"Old Immortal, what unique skill is it?"

Lu Chunyang laughed and said, "My job is called Tongtian Rope!"

(End of this chapter)

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