Flying Edge accidentally knocked down the witch

Chapter 104 You Are a Sword Immortal, You Will Always Find a Way

Chapter 104 You Are a Sword Immortal, You Will Always Find a Way
"His grandma's! Don't worry, I'm going into the water!" Zhang Chi smelled the fragrant earthy smell from the two of them, stood up abruptly, and then began to take off his clothes.

Zhang Ze had no choice but to help him take off together.

Then the two found that the clothes couldn't be taken off at all...

Even if it is successfully removed, it will be caught by the handcuffs and transferred to another person.

Zhang Chi was topless, and Zhang Ze and Zhang Ze looked at each other, and the clothes were hanging on the handcuffs between them, swinging in the wind.


Zhang Chi cursed angrily, put his jacket back on, and tried to unbutton his trousers at his waist.

"Why can the trousers be taken off, but the top cannot be taken off! How can anyone swim in a top without pants?"

Zhang Ze pointed at Zhang Chi speechlessly.

"Yes, isn't it you?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I wear pants and a top together!"

Zhang Chi swung Zhang Ze's finger away cursingly.

Now two people have turned into a two-person three-legged action mode, which is inconvenient no matter what they do.

Fortunately, both of them are boys. Apart from Bi Niao, nothing embarrassing will happen when they go to the toilet.

"I can't take it anymore, let's go into the water!"

"Put your phone away first."

Zhang Chi put all the things on the two of them far away from the shore, and then pulled Zhang Ze into the water.

"How do you swim handcuffed together?" Zhang Ze asked, tugging at the handcuffs.

"Dog planing, we should be able to plan water with our two hands together."


Xiongba was surprised to find that there were two other people who were better at swimming than himself.


After being despised by Chen Shun for a while, Yun Yi was very unconvinced, and said that he had learned cooking skills and wanted to give Chen Shun a hand.

Chen Shun smiled, did he learn how to cook after cutting a few bamboo shoots?

Isn't that the same as knowing how to install a remote control battery and thinking that you can build a rocket?

It's also ugly and uneven in size.

Yun Yi was very angry, and said on the spot that he would cook a dish for Chen Shun.

She asked Xiongba to catch a crab for herself, and said that she would cook a crab for Chen Shun to eat!
Let Chen Shun look at her with admiration!
Then he stole a lot of spices from Chen Shun, and just hid aside alone, not knowing what he was doing.

"'s a nasty thing, and it tastes too strong, but Chen Shun likes to eat it...just throw it in."

"Garlic, I know how to peel them one by one."

"Scallions...should be cut in half."

"Pour some more vinegar..."

When Yun Yi put a basin upside down on the cutting board and brought it to Chen Shun, Chen Shun was stunned.

"Is this the crab you boiled?" Cooked it with a cutting board and a plastic pot?

"Yes!" Yun Yi handed Chen Shun a pair of chopsticks.

Be confident.jpg
"Still moving! Alive!"

Chen Shun stood up quickly, and there was still a rustling sound in the upside-down plastic basin.

"That's just its soul rebelling!"

Yun Yi was very stubborn, saying that this was a crab feast cooked for Chen Shun.

Chen Shun bravely opened the plastic basin, and immediately a large blue pliers came out of it, clamping Chen Shun's chopsticks.



"It...its soul..." Yun Yi looked at his toes, holding back for a long time but couldn't think of a better excuse.

"Did you know that cooked crabs are red?"

"I'm colorblind!" Yun Yi proudly puffed out her chest, not blushing at all when lying.

Chen Shun turned the chopping board over, and the crab fell into the plastic bucket, and the sound of thumping came to the ears of the two of them.

He glanced at Yun Yi speechlessly, and removed the chopping board.

There is a big crab in a plastic bucket, with a whole piece of ginger and a few garlic scattered around it.

The crab's other large tongs held a section of green onion, which was then clamped in half.

"Look, it's very conscious and knows how to cut the seasoning for itself..."

Yun Yi solemnly pointed at the crab.

However, this seemed to enrage the crab, and it grabbed Yun Yi's finger with a wave of its pincers.


Yun Yi hurriedly took a few steps back, and firmly covered his fingers.

"Chen pinched me!" Yun Yi yelled aggrievedly.

Chen Shun just wanted to laugh.

"You are so afraid of crabs, how did you catch it into the basin?"

"Xiong Ba's mouth..."


"Don't laugh!"

"I don't's really hard for you."

He could already imagine Yun Yi beside him, fearfully throwing onion, ginger and garlic into the basin.

Smell it carefully and there is a little vinegar taste.

It can be regarded as hard work.

"Are you letting me eat crabs raw?"

"You are a sword fairy, you will always find a way..."

"Do you think you can put them all in a pot and let them cook themselves?"

"Why don't we eat it? I don't think it really wants to be eaten by us."

Yun Yi looked at the crab that had already crawled to the edge of the basin, and quickly hid behind Chen Shun, sticking out half of his head.

"Aren't you caught? Show me your hand."

"No, almost..."

Yun Yi held Bai Nen's hand and moved in front of Chen Shun.

Chen Shun looked at the palm of his hand, and then turned it over to look at the back of his hand. It was indeed not pinched.

"Could you please stop troublesome crabs next time?"

"It was you who got caught last time! Have you forgotten?"

"It's like oh, I'm sorry."


Zhang Ze and Zhang Chi finally learned how to swim while being handcuffed.

As long as it mirrors the opponent's movements, it will do.

It's just that because both of them are wearing clothes and pants, swimming is very strenuous.

Every time someone came over, the two of them had to pretend to be playing with Xiong Ba, so as not to let others notice their unusual appearance.

By the way, wash off the dirt on your body.

"Wash and clean, the sun is quite strong today, and it will dry after drying."

"Damn, I really don't want to have this kind of experience a second time!"

"Really? Why do I suddenly find it quite interesting?"

Zhang Chi's words made Zhang Ze feel scared.

He could only pray for the twelve hours to pass quickly, and then go to ask Master Li Meixing for his guilt.

However, the two instigators were mixing in the crowd watching the two men surnamed Zhang playing in the water.

"Xiao Di, why do I feel that they are having a good time?"

"Ah, I also enjoyed watching it."


"Chen Shun, the crab has run away again."

Yun Yi's gaze was fixed on the fleeing crab all the time, she thought that the crab might seek revenge on her.

"Run and run, why don't you go and catch it?"

"I dont go."

Yun Yi immediately gestured a cross to express his refusal.

"Do you dare to cook next time?"

"Dare to do it next time! Let me tell you, I'm just not good at cooking crabs. I'll make a different dish for you next time!"

She is still full of confidence.

After Chen Shun processed all the ingredients, they put them into the pot together, lit the fire, and covered the pot.

"Is Xiongba clean?"

"It's clean, but can you make it stop shaking me, I really don't have any clothes to change!"

As soon as this was mentioned, Yun Yi had a deep resentment towards Chen Shun.

It was clearly agreed that everyone would bathe Xiongba together, but he actually slipped away by himself!

I wanted to drag him into the water too.

 The addition of the helmsmen 3/8
  Good night everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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