Chapter 18

" don't like my sister very, just...bullying you?"

Yun Yi tilted his head and looked at his sister who poked out half of her head from under the quilt. There was a big question mark on her small head.

What does my sister mean by this?
Is it because my sister felt that she went too far last night, so now she feels a little guilty?
But I didn't care too much about this, my sister was always doing what was best for me.

"Do you like it?"


Yun Yao quickly retreated into the bed.

How to do?How to do?
Xiao Yi seems to really have an M tendency!
Shouldn't he keep teasing her?
"Sister! I'm leaving first! We celebrate today, and you are also an alumnus of No. [-] High School. If you don't have class today, why don't you come and play?"

Yun Yao was still struggling with his younger sister's physical condition, so he replied absent-mindedly:
"I see, I will come."

Yun Yi had already dressed, and before going out, he turned his head to look at his sister who was still curled up in bed, and couldn't help but shook his head.

If my sister's "knight" boyfriend sees her like this, I don't know if it will subvert his belief...

When Yun Yi came to the classroom of the second class of the third year, he saw Chen Shun standing in front of the podium and directing passionately.

"Hahaha, cheer me up!"

"It's time to test our results!"



Yun Yi couldn't help but ran to Xiao Di's side, frowned slightly and asked:
"Xiao Di, what's wrong with him? What stimulated him?"

Xiao Di pushed his glasses and answered seriously:
"Yiyi, according to my 17 years of clinical experience, Chen Shun's current situation can only be..."

"What is it? Tell me quickly, I'm dying of anxiety."

"Excess energy..."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

Yun Yi was speechless, but Xiao Di leaned into Yun Yi's ear and whispered:

"According to the reliable news from the first classmate who came to the classroom, Chen Shun is probably already in the classroom at four o'clock in the morning!"

"Four o'clock!?"

"Yes, that classmate dozed off into the classroom, and Chen Shun even surprised that classmate! After asking Chen Shun, he told him that he would be in the classroom at four o'clock."

"Four o'clock... the school gates are not even open."

"That is to say, who knows how Chen Shun came in?"

The ghost may not know, but Yun Yi guessed it, this guy must have flown in!

Really, do this kind of thing with a flying sword!

It is recommended to donate to those who need it more!
Xiaodi continued:

"Don't you think Chen Shun's current state is very familiar?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"It's like a child who was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep all night before going to the spring outing, and he came to school early the next day full of energy!"


Yun Yi looked at the energetic Chen Shun not far away, and felt that what Xiao Di said was very reasonable, and it was most likely the truth of the matter.

Seemingly aware of Yun Yi's gaze, Chen Shun walked towards him.

"You are here~"

"You stole my lines."


"You didn't sleep last night, did you?"

Chen Shun looked around and lowered his voice.

"Practitioners don't need sleep."


Yun Yi held his forehead, with black lines hanging on his face.

It was exactly the same as Xiaodi said.

This guy is like a child!
"Why are you so excited?"

"Have it?"

"Yes, if you don't believe me, say a line you prepared yesterday."

"Haha, I'm catching you!"



Both were stunned.

what happened?Does this feel like the foolish No. [-] fight in a certain mobile game?
Especially Chen Shun, who couldn't accept that the yin and yang aura that he practiced so hard turned into bright sunshine overnight.

"What should I do? Yun Yi, what should I do?"

Yun Yi only felt very tired and could only pull Chen Shun to practice again and again.

Obviously yesterday I was still comparing food by myself.

When the two were still there, "You are here" and "I'm catching you", the preparations for the others were already completed.

From the outside, Class Two of the third year was completely pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

A few desks were set up at the door as a welcome counter, and Xiao Di and Li Mei also changed into their cosplay clothes and stood at the door as guides.

One cos is Sadako, and the other is Kayako.

Unable to withstand the begging of the boys in the class, Xiao Di asked them to work in pairs to intimidate the exit and entrance.

The middle part is the same as what was agreed before, Chen Shun and Yun Yi are in charge.

It was agreed that Chen Shun was in charge of this project, but why did he worry about it in the end?

Hey, it's really hard to be a nanny for 44 people...

"I don't know what they are going to do inside..."

Xiao Di muttered, took out his phone and sent a message to the group.

Di: [Get ready, put on all your clothes, we're about to start!Each group takes a shift every two hours! ]
Shun: [Received! ]
Yi: [Got it! ]
Chi: [I'll go observe the enemy's situation first, and I'll pick up your squad in two hours! ]
Rui: [This is the first time I see someone expressing Moyu so confidently. ]
Chi: [I was originally in the second round, I remember you seem to be too, how should I say, together? ]
Rui: [Go! ]
System prompt: Chi has been banned by the administrator for 2 hours.

Rui has been banned by the administrator for 2 hours.


After the speech by the principal of No. [-] High School, a large group of students who had nothing to do and a small number of alumni who came back to visit their alma mater walked towards the teaching building.

For those alumni, they have participated in the school celebration three times, so they understand the way of doing it.

Whether it’s fun or not, at least it’s great to go to those classes that run maid cafes to see the young and lovely maids.

Chen Zhen is an alumnus of a high school who graduated five years ago.

This time, I received an invitation from my alma mater, and I happened to be working in Los Angeles, so I set aside a day to come out.

Chen Zhen's goal is to come and see if the girls from No. [-] High School are as good-looking as his class.

He loosened the tie around his neck, put on a kind smile, and planned to find a few maid cafes to drink some coffee to quench his thirst.

But after a while, he was attracted by the two sneaky figures in front of him.

"Have you heard? It is said that the second class of the third year has built a wonderful maid cafe!"

"Really? The average appearance of the girls in the second class of the third year is notoriously high!"

"Really, can a good brother lie to you?"

"Then let's go and see?"

"Let's go! It is said that all of them have cat ears, black silk and long legs..."


Chen Zhen frowned slightly, then smiled heartily.

Is it the second class of the third year?

The senior just happened to be a little thirsty.

(End of this chapter)

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