Sun Wukong's life simulator

Chapter 200 The Fate of No Sky is Good

Chapter 200 The Fate of No Sky is Good

Wukong didn't bother to look at the rewards later, his mind was completely on the simulator's evaluation.

"The Jade Emperor and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit saw the hope and took the initiative to let my grandson make trouble in the Heavenly Palace?" He immediately figured out many things, and some doubts in his heart were also answered.

During the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, he destroyed Emperor Ziwei and Venerable Kasyapa's plan to plot against Taiyin Xingjun.

After that incident was over, he had simulated it, and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit decided to let him enter the game and become that bright child.

But until now, no one has told him about entering the game, and there is no hidden reminder.

Even, in the simulation after the extermination of the ancient monster race in Beihai, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit said that he was already that bright child, just follow in his footsteps.

Looking at it now, it's not that no one said it, but that he didn't understand the true meaning of this entry, or he didn't realize that it was actually the Jade Emperor who led him into the game and turned him into Mingzi.

Since the Jade Emperor and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit jointly decided this time, they took the initiative to let him make trouble in the Heavenly Palace.

The last time the Jade Emperor took the initiative to let him destroy the flat peaches, I am afraid it was also decided by these two people.

That's why the Jade Emperor said that sentence at that time: Do you want to control your own destiny?
Entering the game is to give him a chance to control his destiny, and actively ask him to do something, instead of causing trouble and causing trouble without knowing it.

After thinking about this, Sun Wukong still has many doubts in his heart.

Still the same question, what exactly are they planning by making a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace?
Did the Jade Emperor really want to rebel against himself?
In addition, why did the Jade Emperor send him to inspect the West Sea?

Why is it always secretive and not clear?

"Perhaps only if the Havoc in the Heavenly Palace succeeds, the old grandson will have the opportunity to know everything behind it." Sun Wukong has a clear understanding in his heart.

Put away all the doubts for the time being, and then look at the rewards given by the simulator this time. After a little thought, he made a choice.

[You chose the fixed number of Wutian Buddha (spoiler version), mana cultivation (pre-sage quasi-sage), and understanding of the law of the stick (five levels).Rewards are being distributed...]

"Determined number, spoiler?" Sun Wukong blinked his smart eyes, curious about this reward.

Immediately, an extra future event that has not yet happened appeared in his mind.

"After 300 years of studying scriptures in the Western Paradise, Wutian Buddha...definitely...ruled the Three Realms for 33 years...boneless relic?"

After reading this episode of the future, Monkey King was stunned, puzzled, and emotional.

No wonder the relationship between him and Mara or Wutian Buddha is so deep.

The end of the study of the Western Paradise was at the age of 1075, and another 300 years later, calculating the time, Wutian Buddha should not appear until 1000 years later.

But because of that discussion, Kinnara became a demon in advance, and this time was advanced by 1000 years.

It can be said that he changed the fate of Wutian Buddha.

"There are still 33 years of fixed numbers." Sun Wukong's heart moved, and he had a new understanding of the power of fixed numbers.

The Ten Thousand Immortals Conference was held when he was 345 years old, and he is 378 years old this year.

It was exactly 33 years from when Kinnara became a demon to Wutian Buddha became his death kalpa.

This time is also consistent with the time when Wutian Buddha ruled the Three Realms in the future.

It is not difficult to guess that this must be related to the fixed number.

"Besides, he always wanted to swallow Lao Sun because of the boneless relic?" Sun Wukong frowned.

Isn't relics something that only Buddhist monks have?
In the established future, he finally became a fighting Buddha, and it is not surprising that he has relics.

But now he is not a Buddha, but Wutian Buddha still wants to swallow him.

"Or the boneless relic is just a name, and there are hidden secrets in it?" Sun Wukong shook his head lightly, putting away these doubts for the time being, and leaving them to be explored later.

Then he looked at the simulation again carefully from beginning to end, and he had a new calculation in his heart.

"Judging from the current situation, this disturbance in the Heavenly Palace must be a disturbance!"

"Since that's the case, let's make a fuss and make him turn upside down!"

"Not messy enough?"

"Collusion without heaven?"


In the dark quiet room, the fierce light in Sun Wukong's eyes is like flames, and the unruly nature that has been hidden in his heart is also rising.

Although Master Bodhi Patriarch has said long ago that his unruly nature is hard to get rid of, he should think twice before acting when encountering problems in the future, and don't show off his courage for a while.

But for so many years, he never thought of subduing the unruly in his heart.

Because it was this kind of rebelliousness that made him embark on the road of fighting against fate and changing his fate against the sky.

It is conceivable that if he subdues Jie Ao, then his life will probably follow the established future.

"Not to mention what the Jade Emperor and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit are planning and what their respective positions are,
What Lao Sun has to do now is to do what he has to do first, and wait until this catastrophe is over before thinking about other things, otherwise everything will be in vain. "

Sun Wukong remained calm.

As for rebelling against the arrangements of the Jade Emperor and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, this is obviously not a sensible move.

The existence of the pinnacle of the quasi-sage is simply not something he can contend with now.

Only after this calamity can he have more time and opportunities to continue to improve his strength.

Until one day in the future, he has enough strength to overthrow all this!

As time passed, the turmoil brought about by Wutian Buddha gradually subsided.

The news that a grand event of flat peaches will be held soon spread from the Heavenly Court to all parties in the Three Realms, making those immortals excited and looking forward to it.

Ever since the Pantao Festival was destroyed 30 years ago, they have been worried that there may not be a Pantao Festival for a long time to come.

As for the Jade Emperor's reward for meritorious deeds, no one knows what kind of reward method it is, and how much meritorious service it takes to do it.

Unexpectedly, the Pantao Festival will be held as usual!

Really good thing!

This time even the disciples of Chanjiao are looking forward to it. They are the number one sect in the Three Realms, and there are not a few immortals who need to endure the benefits of the three disasters.

Now that they can't pick peaches in advance, they naturally have to participate in the peach event.


Monkey King also heard the news in Monkey King's Mansion, and he knew that it was deliberately released by the Jade Emperor.

"Great thing?" He shook his head for a while, I'm afraid he will disappoint you.

Not long after that, the guardian of Miluo Palace came to deliver an order, asking him to go to the Tongming Palace to meet His Majesty the Jade Emperor.

Monkey King had been prepared for a long time. This was the first time he went to see the Jade Emperor after returning from Kunlun Mountain.

When I came to Tongming Hall, I saw the Jade Emperor sitting in front of the imperial table.

Taibai Jinxing still stood aside respectfully, just like last time, he gave him a look.

Naturally, Sun Wukong would not show his thoughts and precautions just now, and asked the Jade Emperor directly with a smile: "Your Majesty summoned the old grandson to come, I wonder if there is any reward?"

"You don't have to be wary of me now." The Jade Emperor sighed softly.

"Watch out? Old Sun doesn't understand what His Majesty is talking about." Sun Wukong was startled, but he laughed and probed: "Old Sun considers himself to be an honest person and has no intentions. He always treats people with sincerity and never hides anything."

It was said that Taibai Jinxing was scratching his beard at the side, and it was really rare for someone who dared to speak like this in front of His Majesty the Jade Emperor.

"Okay, don't try it anymore." The Jade Emperor continued with a dignified face, "Now there is a big thing to teach you to do. If you do it, you will be rewarded."

"Oh? What's the big deal?" Sun Wukong's smile remained unchanged.

"The Pantao Festival is about to open, and I want you to make a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace during the festival, the more chaos the better!" Jade Emperor said in a deep voice.

"Hey! Come again!" Sun Wukong pretended to be shocked, "Last time His Majesty asked Lao Sun to destroy the flat peaches, Lao Sun almost died, if there is a big disturbance in the heavenly palace this time, wouldn't it be ten deaths and no life? "

"I will protect your life without any worries," Jade Emperor said.

Sun Wukong didn't believe this last time, so naturally he won't believe it now.

"My grandson doesn't want to do things in a muddle-headed way. Can your majesty tell me why my grandson is making such a fuss?" He asked with doubts in his heart.

"The secret must not be leaked, and you will naturally understand all this in the future.".

"What if the old grandson doesn't do it?"

"I know that you want to control your own destiny, and I gave you this opportunity last time. You did a good job, and this time is your chance to change your destiny.

What's more, all causes and effects are tied to you, you have to do it if you do it, and you have to do it if you don't do it. "

Speaking of this, the Jade Emperor had a look of emotion on his face.

Monkey King was very surprised, these words were similar to what he had simulated before.

At that time, he thought that the Jade Emperor should have a majestic face, which could not be rejected.

But now the Emperor of Heaven has emotion on his face, he doesn't look like a superior person.

"I understand that you have many doubts." The Jade Emperor said again, "But you can only do it, and no one will help you until you succeed this time."

After finishing speaking, his eyes kept staring at Monkey King, as if he was waiting for a clear answer.

"To be honest, Old Sun doesn't believe His Majesty." Sun Wukong said bluntly.

The complexion of Taibai Jinxing next to him changed, and he hurriedly stepped forward to speak, but was stopped by the Jade Emperor raising his hand.

"You have always promised with your mouth, but Lao Sun didn't see anything real," Sun Wukong continued, "Last time, when you destroyed so many flat peaches with all your might, you got the position of supervising general, and this is still an offence. human life."

Taibai Jinxing didn't intend to speak anymore, he heard that the Monkey King was taking advantage of this opportunity!
"The opportunity to change fate is not enough?" Jade Emperor said in a deep voice.

"That thing is imaginary, not real, not real." Sun Wukong waved his hands crossed.

"What do you want?" Jade Emperor asked again.

"Your Majesty knows that my grandson likes spiritual things. You have a lot of treasures in your treasury. You should have ten thousand pieces of ninth-grade spiritual things, right?" Sun Wukong's eyes were bright, and he stepped forward to ask in two or three steps.

"You go." The Jade Emperor raised his finger to the gate of the palace.

"Great Sage, Great Sage." Taibai Jinxing hastily pulled Sun Wukong aside, and said in a low voice, "After the prehistoric world was shattered, the aura of heaven and earth has dropped sharply, and the spiritual objects in the Three Realms have long been scarce. How many ninth-grade spiritual objects are there?" .”

"Oh, want more?"

"There are too many, there are definitely too many. You are like that flat peach. The ones that ripen once in 9000 years are the ninth-grade spiritual objects. Even in His Majesty's treasury, there are not many left."

Sun Wukong's bright eyes blinked.

Do not believe.

 It was supposed to be posted at 2000:[-], but I found out that the plot where Ao Yun planned the Pantao Festival was unnecessary, so I deleted more than [-] words, and rewritten the rest o(╯□╰)o
(End of this chapter)

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