
Chapter 157 6: Collecting Demons

Chapter 157 Six: Collecting Demons
Nine-tailed Crow Chitose fled to the north, and the white cat trailed far behind, sometimes piercing through the stone crevices, sometimes hiding under the shade of trees.

Li Chan turned her head and saw that the sacred tablet in the ancestral hall was engulfed by bright flames.As soon as he set foot, he jumped up high, spanned a distance of six zhang, and landed on the roof of the school.

At the main entrance of the ancestral hall, Captain Shenzhasi, who had just escaped, looked up at the flames of the fire, only to see a very faint mirage drifting by, and it was blown away by the westerly wind.With lingering fear in his heart, he clenched the horizontal knife tightly and led his men to leave in a hurry.

Li Chan rises and falls like a rabbit, faster than a galloping horse. Although his movements are light, every time he raises his body, he leaves inch-deep footprints on the ground.

He paused for a while on the ridge to the north of the ancestral hall, glanced over a grove of green bamboos, and saw a large area of ​​fields and farmhouses, as well as a tall house and deep courtyard.To the north of Jiang's ancestral hall is the foot of Niu Shou Mountain. Since the first dynasty opened the ban on Chuanze, this land has become the private property of the family of wealthy merchants.

Li Chan jumped down the nearly six-foot-high mountain ridge, fell halfway, stepped on the air, as if stepping on an invisible fishing line, jumped forward, and landed on the top of a three-foot-high mountain green bamboo.The hemp and rattan shoes slipped down, scraped off several bamboo branches, and bent the bamboo body.The next moment, the green mountain bamboo pole that was gaining momentum bounced up, and the green clothes passed through the yellowish bamboo leaves, and fell to the other side like a bird.

Li Chan walked through the bamboo forest like this, and ran to the paddy fields of the fields.When passing the tall house and deep courtyard, I suddenly heard a singing of "Sunset, Forest, Noisy, Evening Crow".With a little tiptoe, he landed on the courtyard wall next to a plane tree, and looked inside.

There is a pond dug in the house, which is full of lotus flowers and concubine flowers with green leaves.It is late autumn, and the lotus flowers have withered elsewhere, but the scene here is like midsummer.If you look carefully, you can find that in the middle of the pond covered by lotus leaves, there is a Fengshui town, which is a stone-carved fire macaque.The cold autumn water is sucked in from the bottom of the town, and after being sprayed out, it becomes a midsummer blessing.

That pool of lilies grew out of this warm water.Three or two people from Jin set up a case by the pool, and the maids on the side cooked wine with the lotus collected in the morning.In front of the case, the dancing sleeves were dancing, and the singer was singing such words as "the suitcases are exhausted" and "the price of rice and grain has increased", which caused the people in the courtyard to sigh.

The people's livelihood in Qingling County is poor, and the piano and songs here are melodious. Hong Yao sat on the wall and hesitated: "Is the famine not affecting this place?"

"Who knows?" Li Chan shook her head and looked north.Among the mulberry trees and phoenix trees, the white cat flashed past, and he left the wall without further delay.

Jinren, who was drinking lotus wine in the courtyard, looked towards the east wall if he felt something. He could only see the invisible mirage and the falling sycamore leaves.

Li Chan passed the tall house and deep courtyard, and climbed up the Niu Shou Mountain next to the house.On the mountainside, there is an abandoned pavilion that was abandoned because geologists said that it blocked the dragon's veins. The inscription on the pillars of the pavilion was mottled, but now there is a cat's claw mark next to the words.

Seeing the cat's claw marks, Li Chan finally stopped, approached the pavilion shaded by the shrub Gao Ke, brushed off the fallen leaves on the stone table, and took off the scroll at his waist.

"It's here."


The nine-tailed crow flew over ten miles, passed through the autumn forest, and landed on a sycamore tree to rest for a while.It turned its head and looked around warily.At this moment, the white cat that was crouching behind the tree jumped up and rushed towards the black crow.

The black crow was frightened and fluttered its wings and flew up. Hongdou fixed his eyes on the white cat, quite annoyed.Although it has devoured the death energy of nine thousand years, the nine thousand years are almost all the death energy of human beings. This sorcery that judges life and death can only be applied to human beings.Seeing the white cat pounced ahead, it turned around and flew to the south.

Chasing all the way again, the dexterity of the fat and strong white cat far surpassed Crow's expectation, and before he knew it, he flew back to the Niu Shou mountainside that he had passed.In a hurry, Black Crow did not notice the mirage covering the entire mountainside.It saw the empty abandoned pavilion in front of it, but it had an inexplicable warning sign, and wanted to fly over the west side of the abandoned pavilion.As soon as the tip of the wing passed over the dilapidated eaves of the Liujiao Pavilion, a beam of snow-bright sword light burst out from the mirage!

As the light of the knife brushed against the tip of its beak, the black crow couldn't help being startled. It hurriedly folded its wings to dodge, turned its direction, and burrowed into the pavilion.

In the empty and abandoned pavilion, there are no old pillars and broken beams for inscribing poems, nor is there a chess table covered with dead leaves.There was chaos inside, it looked like a big dye vat mixed with Dan and Qing.

The black crow fell into the chaos of two colors of blue and blue, and the next moment, the yellow beak pierced the chaos again, and the sky was dim and the earth was dark.


The setting sun is about to fall in the sky, and the twilight is like blood, splashing in the forest.In the nest, the crow just broke out of its shell, opened its mouth wide to the twilight, but couldn't make a sound.

The crow father flew from among the branches, took a piece of carrion pecked from the side of the hungry side of the road, and fed it to the young son.

This young crow, who was naturally silent, quickly plumped its wings under the feeding of carrion.Although it can't sing, it is born bigger than its kind, its wings are more powerful, and its senses are more sensitive than its kind.

Every time a creature is about to die, and the dead state has not yet been exposed, it will come to its side and observe from a distance.

Some creatures were alive and kicking one moment, and died the next moment.Some were dying for many days before struggling to breathe out their last breath.When these creatures die, it is always the first to eat their carrion, and when it is full, the rest of the same race will be late.

In this way, the crow gave birth to intelligence, and it vaguely felt that it had experienced these things before, but from the muttering of the dying man, it learned that all spiritual beings in the world would have this deja vu illusion.

It lived in Qingling County for 20 years in this peaceful world.The same race is old enough to lose its hair after living this year, and if nothing happens, it will die if it lives for decades.

Troubled times came unexpectedly, countless people died of illness, starved to death, and killed each other... It pecked at carrion, and also ate human death. In just a few months, it grew nine tail feathers.

It only looks down on the dead from the top of the wall between the branches, and is not contaminated by life and death, but has gradually understood the essence of death. Suddenly, one day, it felt that it could cry too. When it tried, what was brewing in its throat was not "Wow." ", but the word "kill", so he stopped opening his beak.

There are many dead people in Yizhuang in the east of the county, and it leads the same clan to live in the ancestral hall. A sudden fire makes it almost cry out for the first time, but it is frightened away by a pair of blue eyes. Between the chaos of color...


On the chess table in the abandoned pavilion, the picture scroll was unfolded, and there was a shadow of a crow in the ghost picture.

Li Chan brushed off a fallen leaf from the corner of the painting, and put away the scroll, "Although this monster eats the spirit of death, it is not easy to kill, so it can barely be considered a kind person."

(End of this chapter)

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