Chapter 145 I'm just wondering, what is the author of Feitigou doing?
"Dog author! Ahhh, dog author is mad at me!"

Yun Qingmu has just finished reading the two chapters updated today by the author of the dog,

When I read it, I thought it was interesting, and after reading it, I wanted to hang the author of the dog and beat him.

It's broken again?

Look at it and it's gone!Who can bear this!

I'm furious!

I'm furious!

Yun Qingmu was so angry that she didn't vote for Ji Zhuo's new book today,

Yun Qingmu punched the doll bear hanging on the wardrobe shelf again.

Yun Qingmu, impotent and furious!
Can't you, author of the dog, finish writing the last part of the plot...

Well, the plot may not be finished in one point, so can't you update one more chapter?

Ah, I'm so mad!
No, you can't suffer alone.

"30 per second: Come out!
Clumsy and uncommon: I’ve eaten, I don’t want to eat supper, I have a bad stomach today, I’ll make an appointment another day! "

Almost instantly, Ji Zhuo replied the message,
Then Yun Qingmu became even more angry.

Don't you know that broken chapters are annoying, and broken chapters!

On the other side, Ji Zhuo just finished updating,

Looking at the new comments in the comment area.

Quickly replied to the message from Yun Qingmu,

Heh, with Yun Qingmu's reaction today, don't order an extra spicy pot,
He's not afraid of spicy food, but he's afraid that Yun Qingmu will inhale hotly for a while, and then get angry again for a while.

Hey, he is so understanding and considerate.

Turning his head again, Ji Zhuo looked at the comments in the comment area,
"Dog author, only two chapters? Are you feeding the fish here? Who will read it? Let's continue!"

"The author, please, please, it's my birthday today, can you update one more chapter."

Reminder, no surprise.

Even if I changed the number, I still got the affectionate title of "Dog Author" from the readers.

Ji Zhuo is slightly allergic to these three words.

I browsed through the news in the comment area again and again,
Well, there are only seven comments in total, and I can't see the flowers after turning over and over again.
This afternoon, the collection has increased by dozens,
Ji Zhuo couldn't figure out whether it was the fake collection of Feimo novels or the real increase.
But Ji Zhuo, who is used to the big wind and waves, doesn't care about this collection.

On the contrary, the reward has been increased again,
But it was the reward from the reader yesterday, not much more than one yuan.

Well, at least no new tipping readers were added.

Shut down the computer,
Ji Zhuo picked up the phone beside him,
While walking outside the study, he glanced at the news on Penguin Chat.

Yun Qingmu's obsession with him was never forgotten, and she persevered... I won't say anything about being impotent and furious.

Squid, editor pen and ink, and editor Qian from Huating Publishing House also sent messages during Ji Zhuo's coding period.

Ji Zhuo replied one by one.


"Squid: Boss, my new book is about to be released, and I'm going to write science fiction with reference to your opinion! I hope you can read it when the time comes."

"Squid: By the way, boss, has your new book been released yet?"

"Clumsy and extraordinary: Congratulations.

Clumsy but uncommon: Don't ask, asking is writing .jpg.

Squid: The boss is really humorous.I don't know when I will be able to read Daxie's new book.

Squid: Let me know when the boss released a new book, and I will also help the boss to promote it. Although my strength is weak, I still want to contribute to the boss's new book.

Clumsy and uncommon: ...

Clumsy and uncommon: Thank you, no need. "

I kindly gave you advice, but you wanted to 'repay kindness with revenge', and really thought of 'evilness'.

Ji Zhuo replied a message and then slipped away,

I really don't want to mention the new book.


"Ben Mo: Boss, new book recommendation has been arranged.

Pen and ink: Try the water push next week, the app on the second-level page.

Clumsy but uncommon: For a trumpet, is such a recommendation a little better? I'm not questioning, just asking.

pen and ink:……

Pen and ink: Just follow the recommendation given by your new book's own grades. Your grades for this book are not bad (no recommendation).

Clumsy and Uncommon: The non-mo novel website only had more than 100 favorites on the first day, which is not bad?

Pen and ink: ...Boss, you haven't published a book on Feimo Novels for a while.

Pen and ink: Isn’t it true that Feimo’s novels have been reformed after they were acquired by Shiyue.

Clumsy and uncommon: ...

Pen and ink: boss?
Clumsy and uncommon: Nothing, just a surprise. "

After chatting with pen and ink,
Ji Zhuo fell into deep thought,
Then my data is a bit dangerous.

Let me think about it, the current task is to order [-] on average,

At least 15 collections can be achieved before it is put on the shelves.

According to the current update, it will be on the shelves in one month, and the book will be completed in two months.

The current data does not seem to be too dangerous.

But can't I break the chapters randomly, so that more readers can collect them.


Ji Zhuo sighed, ended his thinking, and also ended his chat with pen and ink.


A message from editor-in-chief Qian of Huating Publishing House,
Or about the overseas publication of "The Bird in the Cage",

"Editor Qian: Mr. Bugong, the reply from Delwin Publishing House is to come to the publishing house this Friday, the day after tomorrow, and discuss with you, Mr. Bugong, the issue of overseas publishing authorization.

Clumsy and extraordinary: OK. "

After a simple reply, Ji Zhuo opened the food delivery software and started ordering food delivery.

He told Yun Qingmu that he had dinner, but he hadn't actually eaten yet.

I don't want to go out anymore, it would be embarrassing if I ran into Yun Qingmu.

Ji Zhuo has always been safe in his work!



Another morning in the study.

Ji Zhuo has had nothing to do these two days.

Live a very regular life, get up at noon, code words in the afternoon, eat at night, play games late at night,
Take the time to see if there is any special movement in the readership, read the comments of the new book,
By the way, I started the adaptation of "The Shepherd Boy Looking for Immortals".

At this moment, it is noon, Ji Zhuo has finished coding today's update,
Because of the appointment in the afternoon to discuss overseas publishing authorization with Delwin Publishing House, it was rare for Ji Zhuo to get up early.


Ji Zhuo opened the backstage of the writer, and yawned again.

After the update release is complete, go back to the author's background, and then glance at the data of the new book,

“Night Tour Fengdu City”

1031 favorites, 356 recommendations, 23 comments, 13 rewards, 21 monthly tickets.

Compared with his previous books, this data is naturally very bleak.

But he posted this book with a small account, and his identity has not been revealed so far.
It’s only been three days since the book was published, and this data has been obtained after three days of streaking.

Sometimes Ji Zhuo couldn't stop being silent while watching.

Hey... I still can't go back after all.
Think about how long it took for a thousand collections to rise when mortals were cultivating immortals.


Ji Zhuo clicked on the comment section again,

Since last night, he has noticed that the wind direction in this comment area seems to be a bit wrong.
It's not that he's about to be exposed.

That's it... Some readers started to argue.

"...This author writes myths in non-ink novels? It's really like a Nima dog author."

"...Since the dog author Shepherd Boy Xunxian's few books, the overall trend of non-mo novels has changed a bit, but it's pretty good. I like this kind of well-written novels."

It's actually normal here, and then a grumpy old man came,

A word became the fuse.

"Yes, yes, you dog authors are number one in the world. Why, if you don't mention the dog authors, it's not good if you don't have a relationship with the dog authors, right? Human authors write books well, and you have to talk about them in the human comment area Dog author? I'm really puzzled."

Then the comment section exploded.

"I also want to say... Even if this book has nothing to do with the author of the dog, it is still a good book. Besides, how does this author resemble the author of the dog? Why are you always talking about the author of the dog? Isn't it good to discuss the plot?"

Just look at these comments,
Ji Zhuo's quite complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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