Chapter 254 Kaji Evil Beast and Weiss Cave Sheep


The evening wind blows outside the window, disturbing the branches and leaves of the green plants in the community,
Ji Zhuo sat in the gazebo of the community for a while, then went back to the house.

Right now, leaning against the bay window in the living room, looking at the night outside the window.

You can't see the stars outside the window, but you can see the lights of people's houses under the night,
I still remember when Ji Zhuo first moved in, downstairs, the branches and leaves of the trees growing in the community were still under the window,

At this moment, the nearby branches and leaves are almost flush with the window, and occasionally Ji Zhuo didn't close the window screen, and a few dead leaves drifted in with the wind.

In the evening wind, looking at the lights under the night,

Unusually calm, Ji Zhuo leaned against the wall of the bay window, paralyzed.

However, he couldn't stay calm for a long time. He turned his head and looked into the living room.

Ji Zhuo felt his blood pressure soaring.

Like Carol said,
The two thousand copies of "Empire Epic" were shipped to him today,
A few logistics guys went in and out of the living room door a few times,
Only twenty large boxes and two thousand books were piled up in the whole living room,

The sofa was filled with three boxes, leaving only a way for Ji Zhuo to open the door.

That's why Ji Zhuo is sitting on the bay window right now.


"It's okay, just two thousand copies."

What the hell, according to Lun Jin, the two thousand imperial epics are more than a ton.

Ji Zhuo took a long breath and comforted himself,

But still feel a little headache and hand pain.

Forget it, sign it.

Early signing and early birth.

Ji Zhuo got up from the bay window, sat down on the living room floor,
Open the box of books, pull out a few, put them on the tea table and sign them,
By the way, take out the phone and play music, and then read some comments that I didn't finish reading just now.

I even saw sand sculpture news on

"Two men in Great Britain fight over 'Epic of Empires' in the street."

What sand sculpture news is this?
Ji Zhuo also saw the pictures of the two parties on the news cover with swollen noses and panda eyes,
Is this really ruthless?
Click in to have a look.

News said,
These two great British bands are all readers of The Epic of the Empire,
Because of drinking, they had a dispute over their favorite characters in the book.

Then he said that he would continue the struggle in the book and decide the outcome.

It might have been just for fun at first, but later, with the new and old hatreds on weekdays, coupled with the strength of alcohol, a fight broke out.

This is a soft article bought by Bert Publishing House, right?

Ji Zhuo's hand that signed the book couldn't help but stop,
Under the news, there are some comments from foreign sand sculpture readers.

"...I bet they are fighting for the leader Yu and Dongyangsen, and I bet that the ones who get beaten harder must be Dongyangsen's supporters. They are like Dongyang, they only dare to escape , dare not fight us head-on.”

"Friends upstairs, I knew what kind of thing you were when you mentioned Dongyang. I don't deliberately support anyone, they are all characters I like, but I still want to say, you leaders Yu supporters, desecrating the greatness of the leader Yu-Sen's devout disciples."

"It's really funny. Your name seems to reveal something. If you don't accept it, maybe we can also have a duel. We Kaki people have never been afraid of struggle and fighting, unlike you Weiss Cave sheep, who only use some tricks Trick - the second leader of the Rain Tribe."

"Guys, my bf is rooting for kakis, oh man, I can't believe it, so I dumped his breakfast early, did I do it right guys."

"Of course—King of the Forest."

"You supporters of the Wess are still as despicable as the Wess - the mercy of the Sun God."

Ji Zhuo can be sure that most of these sand sculpture comments are booing fun people.

After quitting the sand sculpture news, Ji Zhuo saw some more serious comments.

"...I like the bravery and wisdom of the leader Yu, and Sen's tenacity and greatness. My heart aches for Matt's sacrifice, and I feel uncomfortable for Collifo's death.

Shocked by this epic, thanks to the great 'ABC' for bringing us this great work.He is the best work I have seen this year. "

“I’ve been hearing my friends recommend this work, but I’ve never read it until I happened to pass by a bookstore yesterday and suddenly remembered it. After I opened the book and read it, I never put it down again.

Even after reading it now, that epic is still circling in my mind and I don’t want to let it go. "

"...Last night, I dreamed of the leader Yu, the original Rain Tribe. I dreamed that I was sitting on the edge of the cave, watching the torrential rain outside. When I saw the warriors of the tribe returning with their prey,

After reading the entire "Empire Epic", I felt an inexplicable fear.

Whether, in a certain place, it seems that in the world described in the book, there really existed Weiss people and Kaji people. Their struggle lasted for thousands of years, and they were finally destroyed in the struggle.

When the weeds completely submerge the ruins in the final chapter, when the ruins are completely weathered into dust, when the forest finally spreads with the wind and the years... It seems that the history of the Weiss and the Kaji people will be completely submerged in this way, just like the past Yet to happen.

Will there be a day when a new intelligent race will be born on this once ruins where no traces can be seen, continuing the story of the Kaji people and the Weiss people. "

"... After reading the entire book, I felt melancholy for a long time. I witnessed a period of history, the beginning of this history, and the end of this history. I was shocked by this epic, and at the same time felt extremely melancholy...

friends!We have witnessed a piece of history!A history belonging to the Wess and the Khaki..."

Looking at these comments,

Ji Zhuo's mood of losing tens of millions seems to be a little rough, maybe, maybe, a little bit, it's better.

But there are serious comments, and there are not so serious comments,
The main thing is the debate around the Kaji people and the Weiss people.

Among the readers, there are those who prefer the Kaji people, and those who substitute the Kaji people’s perspective,
Some people prefer Weiss people, so naturally they don't like Kaji people too much.

Spilling both the Khaki and Wes fights into reality.


Ji Zhuo remembered the sand sculpture news that he saw just now,
Some feel numb.

"...Are the Khaki and Weiss really extinct? Although the final chapter of the finale shows this. But I still think that even if the Khakis are dead, the wise Weiss will continue to survive."

"Seeing the beginning, I thought there was some good point of view, but I didn't expect to be a believer in shameful hole sheep. Yes, maybe some of you Weiss survived and fled as in the past. Our brave Kaji warriors will never Will escape from struggle, only you Weiss cave sheep will not continue to cowardly escape."

"Idiot, as long as some of us Weiss survive, we are the victors, and history will continue to be written by us!"

"Funny, even if you flee shamelessly, you will not escape the end of death. If there are any remaining people who survive, it will only be my brave Kaji warriors! Only by going forward bravely can you live to death!"

"That's just the sad imagination of you kaki beasts."

"This topic seems to be brought up by you Weiss Cave sheep first."

Ji Zhuo looked at these comments again,
I didn't look any further.

Because looking down, the comments are similar.

In addition to praising and feeling the whole work of "Empire Epic",

Most of the others are the struggles between the Kaji people and the Wess people that spread from the book... The main form of expression is to argue who is greater between the Kaji people and the Wess people, and then it involves various aspects.

Put your hands aside,
Ji Zhuo pulled another copy of "The Epic of the Empire" from the side


Sighing, he signed his pen name.

(End of this chapter)

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