Chapter 271 Hmm...

"Mr. Na Ji, I wish us a happy cooperation again."

Within two days, Ji Zhuo went to the headquarters of Feimo Novel again.

This time it’s not about anything to do with Feimo’s novels,
Instead, it signed an overseas publishing authorization contract with Delwin Publishing House on the two books "Hour Hand Leaps to Death" and "Seven Days of Hell".

Non-Mo Novels provided a signing venue.

At this moment, the contract has been signed, and a group of people have already arrived downstairs.

After obtaining the overseas publishing authorization, the editor-in-chief Lou of Delwin Publishing House was anxious to go back and prepare for the overseas publishing of the two books.
After exchanging a few pleasantries downstairs, they left with the authorization contract.

"Mr. Ji, I am in a hurry to go back to the publishing house. I want Mr. Ji's two works to meet overseas readers earlier. I will leave now."

Looking at the departure of Editor-in-Chief Lou of Delwin Publishing House,

Ji Zhuo spoke to the editor-in-chief of Feimo Fiction, the editor-in-chief,

also left.

Declined the kindness of the editor-in-chief of Feimo Novel to drive him off,
Ji Zhuo published Non-Mo novels, stopped a taxi by the side of the road and went back.

in a taxi,

Ji Zhuo looked at the contract in his hand again,
Compared with the previous authorization contract signed by Delwin, Ji Zhuo's royalty share has increased a bit, to 13.00%.

It is a relatively high share.

Looking away, Ji Zhuo sat in the taxi and looked out the window,

But I heard the taxi driver's mobile phone, with a novel playing outside.

"...The woman lowered her body, fumbled under the bed, and took out something from under the bed. It was a glass jar filled with origami stars."

Well, why is this content so familiar.

Ji Zhuo looked back, but saw the taxi driver heard this,

He sighed again, his face depressed.


Hearing the sigh, Ji Zhuo fell silent.

He didn't say anything, just hoped that the car would drive faster so that he could get out of the car earlier.


"... Xihara! Did you hear that?"

"That author, 'Dog Author', has published other books in English!"

Great Britain, Xi Yuan's roommate came back from outside,
While holding the phone and looking at it, he excitedly spoke to Xi Yuan.

'Dog author' is one of the few Chinese that this roommate has learned, and he speaks it perfectly.

Xi Yuan was reading a book in the room, and he had nothing to read, so he turned out "Seven Sins" and looked at it, but it was still depressing and uncomfortable.


After taking a long breath, Xi Yuan raised his head again and replied to his roommate.

"What book?"

"Seven Days of Hell and The Hour Leaps to Death. Cool! Two of my favorite 'Dog Author' books."

The roommate said that he became excited again.

"After purchasing "Bird in a Cage", I am already looking forward to the release of the English version of these two books, and I must be the first to grab them!"

"...Haven't you seen it all..."

Xi Yuan couldn't help asking, and it was his roommate who begged him to help translate.

"...Well... I have seen it, or to be precise, I have heard it. I heard that you have translated it once, Xi Yuan."

"Well... But, I think Xi Yuan, your translation level may... be a little bit worse than professional ones..."

The roommate spoke a little... carefully.

Xi Yuan rolled his eyes.

"That's not what you said when you heard it before."


The roommate just laughed, and then changed the subject abruptly.

"...Xi Yuan, do you know, I'm already looking forward to these two books coming into my hands!"

"It's still the previous publishing house that published this time, um, Delwin Publishing House... They just announced that they will publish these two works in the near future!"

"Cool! Finally, they have some vision, how can the works of 'dog author' not be published more! "Seven Days of Hell", "Hour Hand Leaps to Death"..."

"'Our ranks to the sun...'"

The roommate talked excitedly at first, and then sang the song that appeared in "Seven Days of Hell",

Although the singing was a bit vague, Xi Yuan could still hear it,

He was taken aback for a while.

"...Where did you learn this song?"

"On the Internet. There are readers on the Internet who also like "Seven Days of Hell" teaching this song... There is also an English translation, but I don't think the Chinese version is as cool! This song is so cool! Isn't it? Sun! Ah... that's right, Xi Yuan."

"...Well, it's pretty cool."

Xi Yuan nodded.

This is probably cultural output?

"...Oh...why did the publishing house announce this news so early...I have already started to feel the torment of waiting, no, I have to go to their official website to urge them."

As we talked, the roommate was in pain again.

Xi Yuan silently turned his head again,

"...Maybe if you want to get these two books earlier, you should tell the bookstore outside the school in advance so that the bookstore can stock them up earlier, so that you can get them earlier."

"Oh! Yes! Then I'll go, Xi Yuan. Xi Yuan, help me to urge me on their official website."

As soon as the roommate heard it, he responded, and immediately left the dormitory again, and ran outside the school gate.

Xi Yuan was still sitting in his original position, and took a look,
Then he turned his head back, turned on his phone, and opened the official website of Delwin Publishing House.

On the official website, there is news that the overseas language versions of the two books "Seven Days of Hell" and "Hour Hand" will be released soon.
After reading the news from various channels, the news left by the readers on the official website,

Basically, they are urging "Seven Days of Hell" and "Hour Hand" to be released soon.

"Oh! As a sci-fi reader of "The Caged Bird," this is the best news I've heard this year. I can only hope that I can buy these two books before Christmas."

"Christmas? How long is that, I hope to see both books in two weeks!"

"Hurry up and release it. I have no other good works to read except "Epic of Empires" recently."

"Please don't mention the works of other authors here, this is the territory of 'dog authors'!"


"...Contact the printing factory, start printing, and notify the headquarters at the same time, prepare publicity and channels."

After receiving Ji Zhuo's authorization contract, Lou, the editor-in-chief of Delwin Publishing House, rushed back to the capital that night without stopping.
On the way, I made a lot of next arrangements.

And her work did not start after she got the authorization to publish Ji Zhuo's novels.

She likes to put work ahead.

For example, the translation of the two books "Seven Days of Hell" and "Hour Hand" had already started before she obtained Ji Zhuo's overseas publishing authorization.

At this moment, with the authorization, you can start printing and warm up the publicity at the same time.

"Okay. Editor Lou."

Another person standing in Editor-in-Chief Lou's office replied excitedly,

The previous overseas edition of "Bird in a Cage" has achieved excellent results, and those who are in charge of publishing this book from the top to the bottom of the publishing house have benefited a lot.

At this moment, there are other works of the author of the dog published overseas, so I am naturally excited.

"Hmm... wait a minute."

"The English version will not be printed for the time being. Other language versions will be printed. Don't stop the preheating of publicity."

Editor-in-Chief Lou thought for a while, and then said a few more words.

When "Bird in a Cage" was published overseas, although the English version was not translated by Ji Zhuo,

But I also gave a lot of comments, and in the feedback from readers, among the overseas versions, the feedback on the English version is the best.

So this time, she is still going to make a more steady and disciplined opinion.



When I received a message from Editor-in-Chief Lou,
Ji Zhuo is cooking in the restaurant downstairs, and Yun Qingmu is also there.

But Yun Qingmu had already had dinner, so she just stayed with Ji Zhuo,
Most of the time, he didn't move his chopsticks, just talking with Ji Zhuo.

"what happened?"

Watching Ji Zhuo pick up the phone, he paused,

Yun Qingmu couldn't help raising her head and asked.

"It's all right. It's about the overseas publication of "Seven Days of Hell" and "Hour Hand."

" it about to be published?"


In response to Yun Qingmu, Ji Zhuo looked at the message from Editor-in-Chief Lou again.

"Editor-in-Chief Lou: Mr. Ji, I'm sorry to bother you.

Editor-in-Chief Lou: Before Mr. Ji authorized my publishing house, I ventured to find some translation experts to translate Mr. Ji's two works.

Editor-in-Chief Lou: ...Although all language versions have been translated, I still want to ask Mr. Xia Ji for your opinion on the English version.

Editor-in-Chief Lou: Mr. Ji, you gave the opinion before, and the English version of "The Bird in the Cage" gave the best feedback among overseas language versions. "

Seeing this news, Ji Zhuo was silent for a while,
Isn't this just to ask him to help translate the English version...

"Clumsy and uncommon: send me a look. If I have any ideas, let me know... But the translators your publishing house finds are still very good, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

Editor-in-Chief Lou: Mr. Ji is modest.

Editor-in-Chief Lou: "Seven Days of Hell" and "The Bird in a Cage" English Version.rar”

Smiling back, he sent a compressed file to Ji Zhuo,
Is this already prepared?
There's nothing else to say, let's see it tonight.

As for now... Ji Zhuo wants to continue cooking.

"Clumsy and uncommon: Hmm... I'll take a look later.

Editor-in-Chief Lou: Sorry, Mr. Ji. "

ended the exchange,
Ji Zhuo put down the phone again.

"Ji Zhuo, when will the overseas versions of "Seven Days of Hell" and "Hour Hand" be released?"

"It should take some time."

Even though Delwin Publishing House has already translated the language versions in advance,

However, it will take some time for printing and stocking up, and warming up for publicity.


Yun Qingmu nodded.

"Why are you asking this?"

Ji Zhuo bowed his head to pick up the food.

"I want to buy a few copies and come back to collect them, can't I?"

Yun Qingmu bought every version of Ji Zhuo's published novels.

Hmm... This time there will be a few more books on the bookshelf in the study room at home!

Yun Qingmu thought, and nodded with satisfaction.


In the night, into the night.

Ji Zhuo came back from eating outside.

Throwing myself on the couch, lying paralyzed,

Picking up the phone again, I saw the English versions of "Seven Days of Hell" and "Hour Hand" sent by Editor-in-Chief Lou.

As he said earlier, as expected,
Delwin Press spent money on the translation of these two books, but the translation is actually pretty good.

But from Ji Zhuo's own point of view, many places are almost meaningless.

Ji Zhuo directly marked the entire paragraph,

Then throw a few comments or keywords next to it,

As for asking him to translate it into English himself... Honestly,
Ji Zhuo was a little afraid of increasing the risk of exposure on his already precarious 'ABC' vest.

So forget it.

And...Delwin Publishing House didn't pay for the translation.

Just like this, I marked some places and made some comments throughout the whole paragraph.

But the two books are not short, and it is impossible for Ji Zhuo to finish reading them right now.

busy for a while,
Ji Zhuo threw the phone aside, and simply collapsed on the sofa.

Comfortable... with a little sleepiness, lying on the sofa to be lazy,

It feels really comfortable.

But Ji Zhuo couldn't be happy for long,
Then I heard the message prompt of Penguin Chat again.

There are still several in succession.

this frequency,
That must have been Carol.

"Carol: Mr. A, with the announcement of the winners of the Europa Prize for Literature, the sales of "Epic of Empire" have increased in the past two days.

Carol: After the awards are presented tomorrow, the daily sales should increase even more.

Carol: I think, when most readers know such a book, they will not reject him!In particular, Mr. A, your "Epic of the Empire" has already accumulated enough word of mouth.

Carol: In America, and in many places in Europe, there has been a wave of reading... Many readers have already read other language versions of "Epic of Empires"!After waiting for other language versions to be released, the sales of "Empire Epic" will usher in a bigger explosion.

Carol: But I think this is just the beginning, just the beginning of "Epic of Empires" returning to its throne! "

Ji Zhuo didn't reply a word, Carol himself became excited, and sent several messages in succession with some fanaticism.

Ji Zhuo looked at these few messages from Carol, fell silent for a while, and asked a very important matter.

"Clumsy and uncommon: Mr. Carroll, what is the current total sales volume of "Epic of Empires"?"

"carol: The cumulative sales of various channels, the current total sales are about 42 copies. I believe this is just the beginning."

it's over...

It is only [-] short of the mission target for the current period.
And this... the first month is not over yet,
The sales volume of "Empire Epic" also has a lot of room to spare.

Looking at the current sales results, these two words came to Ji Zhuo's mind,

It's just very flat and not too exciting... After all, it was expected.

Now I hope that "Epic of the Empire" can meet the restrictions on the promotion of the main occupation of the lower system, and hope that it can be a classic work that meets the requirements of the system.

Thinking of it this way, it's not special, special... a loss.

"Clumsy and uncommon: Hmm...

Carol: Mr. A, it should be night on your side right now.I'm really sorry to bother you.

Carol: In addition, tomorrow's awards ceremony will also be held at [-]:[-] pm in Europe, which is late at night on your side.

Clumsy and uncommon: OK, I see. "

Talked to Carol for a while,
Ji Zhuo exited again, and looked at the message sent by another contact on Penguin Chat.

The news was ding-dong ding-dong just now, and it wasn't just Carol who sent the news.

"Editor Shi of Pioneer Film and Television: Mr. Ji, your work "Hour Hand Leaps to Death" will be published overseas?"

This matter can be regarded as a relatively large movement,
And it is also related to the next animation adaptation of Pioneer Film and Television Animation Department,

Pioneer Film and Television only got the news at this time, which was already relatively late.

"Clumsy and Uncommon: Yes. Still published by Delwin Press.

Clumsy and Uncommon: Expected within a month.Will it have any impact on the anime adaptation of Pioneer Film and Television? "

Ji Zhuo asked the question knowingly.

This matter is a good thing for the animation adaptation of Pioneer Film and Television.

"Editor Shi: No, no, no, no influence. Or all good influences.

Editor Shi: Mr. Ji, your work has been published overseas and has expanded its influence, which is naturally a good thing for animation adaptation.

Editor Shi: Speaking of which, our company took advantage of Mr. Ji.

Editor Shi: It’s just a surprise to hear the news.Thank you, Mr. Ji.

Clumsy and extraordinary: You're welcome. "

Ji Zhuo smiled and replied the message.

For Pioneer Film and Television, the upcoming anime adaptation will have greater influence and a larger readership.
Let’s not talk about whether these new reader audiences can be transformed into animation audiences,
But no matter how you calculate it, Pioneer Film and Television is not losing money.

Naturally, it's too late to be happy.

"Editor Shi: Thank you, thank you, Mr. Ji.

Editor Shi: Yes, Mr. Ji.In the animation department, there are already drafts of many character designs in "Hour Hand", do you want to take a look?
Clumsy and Uncommon: Hmm..."

(End of this chapter)

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