Chapter 227 Fruit Ice

After they couldn't see Yunsu, Lei Yunduo and Li Hai knew it was time to go back.

Because their stomachs were too full, they walked very slowly. When they couldn't see Yunsu, their speed increased significantly.

When those people were eating, it was as if they had never eaten in eight hundred lifetimes. If they returned later, they might not be able to eat fruit ice.

As soon as Lei Yunduo and Li Hai reached the door, they heard Yunsu calling for someone.

Lei Yunduo's eyes lit up and ran straight away.

When she arrived at the dining table, she let out a breath, "Phew, it's really not too early or too late, it's just right to come back!"

Yunsu gave a thumbs up, "You can count time better than me now."

Lei Yunduo smiled embarrassedly, "No."

Since going upstairs, Lei Yunsheng's mind was completely off work, and his efficiency became very slow.

"There are only Yunsu and Ouyang Jiarui downstairs, I really want to help!"


After hearing Yunsu's shout, he turned on the computer and ran downstairs immediately.

When he was in front of the invisible door, in order to make himself look less eager, he deliberately slowed down.

He changed his expressionless face, slowly opened the door, and walked slowly to the restaurant.

Everyone sits at the table.

Yunsu pointed to the ingredients in front of him, "You can add whatever you want. If you don't know how to make it, you can say the fruit you want, and I will add it for you."

Lei Yunduo: "Yunsu, please help us, I believe in your cooking skills."

It's not that she's lazy, it's that she really doesn't believe in herself, no matter how delicious the food is, she can make it very unpalatable.

Yunsu: "Okay then, what flavor of ice do you want, there are perilla drink and milk ice, you can choose one alone, or you can choose a combination."

Lei Yunduo: "I want to fight both ways."

Yunsu: "Do you want ice cream and condensed milk?"

Lei Yunduo nodded heavily, "Of course!"

Yunsu: "Then what fruit do you want?"

Lei Yunduo looked at the fruit plate, "I want mangoes, bananas, strawberries, watermelons, and a lot of strawberries."

Yunsu: "Okay."

Yunsu put half of the perilla ice in the glass bowl, and put milk ice on the other side.

In order to make the fruit ice look better, she poured condensed milk directly on the ice.

Then, she put the ice cream on the condensed milk ice, and she scooped the ice cream out of the jar with a spoon. Every time she scooped the ice cream, it was flaky.

Lei Yunduo was puzzled, what is Yunsu doing?
Wouldn't it be nice to just use a scoop and put the ice cream on the ice?

It's really troublesome for Yunsu to do this.

Soon, she understood what Yunsu was doing.

Looking at the ice cream flowers on the ice, Lei Yunduo exclaimed: "Yunsu, you are too good, you can make flowers?"

Yunsu raised his eyebrows: "Of course, isn't this a must-have skill for a chef?"

Ouyang Jiarui was a little nervous, it's over, it's over, he doesn't know the necessary skills for a chef!
It seems that in the future, we will not only practice knife skills, but also practice carving.

After placing the ice cream flowers, Yunsu put the fruits that Lei Yunduo needed in the bowl, and she used those fruits to make small animals.

After finishing all these, she held the bowl in her hand and raised it in front of Lei Yunduo, "Welcome to taste."

Lei Yunduo's eyes sparkled, "Yunsu, I really love you to death, what should I do, I can't bear to eat!"

Lei Yunsheng: "Then don't eat it." Listen carefully, you can hear his sour tone.

Lei Yunduo made a face at Lei Yunsheng, "I want to eat!"

Yunsu: "In the future, if you want to eat, I'll make it for you, even like this."

Lei Yunduo: "Okay!"

Yunsu looked at the other people, "What do you want?"

Lei Yunsheng couldn't wait to say: "I want something like Lei Yunduo."

Yunsu nodded, "Okay."

Yunsu moved very quickly, and the ingredients inside were the same as those in Lei Yunduo's ice, but the appearance was different.

Lei Yunsheng looked at his own fruit ice and pointed at Lei Yunduo's fruit ice, "Why are ours different?"

Yunsu: "You're not a little girl, so you probably don't like fancy things, so I didn't do it."

Lei Yunsheng's eyes widened, he likes it, why doesn't he like it anymore? !
However, he couldn't say this, so he nodded, "Okay."

Yunsu looked at Li Hai and Ouyang Jiarui, "Where's yours?"

Li Hai: "I'll do it myself."

Ouyang Jiarui: "I'll do it myself too."

Yunsu has made it twice, this ice is really very simple, you can see it at a glance.

Once everyone's ice is ready, it's tasting time.

Although the weather has only been sunny for a while, it is still a bit hot now. After the ice enters the stomach, the whole body becomes very comfortable from the inside out.

Yunsu first dug out a spoonful of perilla ice cream, with a little ice cream on it, the ice cream melted in his mouth, and the perilla ice cream was crunchy and slightly sweet.

Milk ice retains its own characteristics, very fresh and sweet.

Each kind of ice is delicious to eat alone, but when eaten with fruit, it is a bit overwhelming.

Yunsu: "Next time you eat ice, don't put any fruit in it. The fruit is too sweet and will cover the taste of the ice."

"Alternatively, just use ordinary ice for ice, and it will taste better without adding other flavors."

Everyone echoed: "Indeed."

Originally, they thought the ice was delicious, but after hearing what Yunsu said, they realized that the ice could be even more delicious.

While eating ice, Lei Yunduo said with emotion: "It would be great if we had a small living room at home, so that we can watch TV while eating ice, and now I always feel that something is missing."

She looked at Lei Yunsheng: "Brother, why don't you buy a house in Yunshi? Let's move."

After finishing speaking, she shook her head again, "Forget it, we probably won't live in Mayor Yun, you have to work, I have to go to school, buying a house is also a waste."

My brother's health is getting better and better now, and he should take over Lei's soon.

Lei Yunduo felt a little disappointed, and soon she thought of something, and looked up at Yunsu, "Yunsu, why don't you go to my house to play after school starts?"

Yunsu is at Capital University, and his home is also in the capital. Yunsu is his good friend, so it's okay to invite a good friend to his home to play, right?

Lei Yunsheng stared at Yunsu with wide eyes, holding his breath and waiting for her answer.

Yunsu is not used to going to other people's homes, but Lei Yunduo invited her, and she couldn't bear to refuse.

She nodded, "I'll bother you if I have time."

Lei Yunduo cheered, "Yes." At the same time, she winked at Lei Yunsheng.

Lei Yunsheng didn't see Lei Yunduo's movements. After hearing Yunsu's answer, he quickly lowered his head, because he was afraid that the corners of his mouth that could not help but curl up would be discovered by Yunsu.

Ouyang Jiarui, who had been silent all this time: "Master, you can also go to my house when you have time. My house is in Metropolitan University, which is very convenient."

 good night~
  Happy holidays, cuties~
(End of this chapter)

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