Chapter 639 Mushroom
[Can you leave out the pork? I don’t eat pork. 】

[I don’t eat pork to lose weight. 】

[Can you put more pork, I like pork the most. 】

[Can you put some more beef and chicken, or big bones? 】

[I'm so hungry, help me! 】

[I feel that there are a lot more people ordering takeaway today than before. The usually very fast takeaway has been overdue for 10 minutes today. I don’t know if the takeaway can be delivered before I starve to death. 】

[The one who can’t make money is talking about you. You are all ordering takeout, and I am delivering food. Today is really a big deal. 】

[Damn, brother, volume, you don’t watch the live broadcast to deliver food on such a happy day, tell me where you deliver the order, I will never compete with you. 】

[No way, it's all for life. Anyway, there will be a replay after the live broadcast ends, and it will be the same when I go back to watch the replay. 】

[Hey, life is not easy now, I'm almost drinking the northwest wind, watching the live broadcast now is nothing more than having fun while suffering. 】

[Who says it's not? The pressure is really too great now, and the money is flowing to people who don't need money. Let's just muddle through.When you can make yourself happy, you should relax properly, don't keep busy and hold back, as time goes by, you will have problems with your body and mind. 】

[Brothers and sisters who deliver food, pay attention to safety, we can eat later, safety is the most important thing. 】

Yunsu: "Put butter in the pot, put the minced meat into the pot and stir-fry. After the minced meat is fried and changes color, add all the mushrooms and stir-fry. If you need dipping sauce separately, stir-fry the minced meat after the mushrooms are cooked. Just put hot water in the pot. If you don’t need dipping sauce, add some condiments to taste.”

"If you are not afraid of trouble, you can boil some big bone soup or fish soup by yourself. If you are worried about trouble, you can just add some water. It is too late for me to boil fresh soup, so I just add water."

"You don't have to put pork. If you don't put pork, it's the same to put more butter. You can put whatever you want, as long as you like it."

"The combination of dishes is not fixed, as long as it is the dish you like, it will be the best combination."

"Everyone can cook with me and divert their attention so that they won't be so hungry."

[I've been doing it since the live broadcast started, but the more I do this, the more I concentrate, the more I concentrate, the hungrier I get, hey. 】

【If you follow along, you won't be so hungry now, isn't that much food enough for you? 】

[Hahaha, there is only one truth, all the dishes have failed, right? 】

[Laughing and getting rich, it’s okay, it’s okay, I can’t laugh anymore, my stomach hurts from laughing. 】

[Hmph, beware that extreme joy begets sorrow!It was a little bit successful, but it was too little and not enough to eat. 】

[Is it because too little is done, or too little is successful, hahaha. 】

Yunsu: "This is the importance of learning how to cook well. Brothers and sisters who have not acted should act quickly."

"Our mushroom soup is easy to learn, and there are many ways to make it."

"Add a little cream to it and it becomes a cream of mushroom soup, and it can be used as a pasta without adding water."

"So learning this one is equivalent to learning several dishes."

[Yunsu, can you speak less, my saliva is about to flow out. 】

【I'm going to pier the ground, otherwise I'm afraid I'll slip on my saliva. 】

 Thank you all for your votes


(End of this chapter)

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